Some checks failed
s444356-training/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit
314 lines
11 KiB
314 lines
11 KiB
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import torch
import pandas as pd
from torch import nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import torch.nn.functional as F
from datetime import datetime
EPOCHS = int(sys.argv[1])
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim):
super(Model, self).__init__()
self.layer1 = nn.Linear(input_dim, 50)
self.layer2 = nn.Linear(50, 40)
self.layer3 = nn.Linear(40, 3)
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu(self.layer1(x))
x = F.relu(self.layer2(x))
x = F.softmax(self.layer3(x)) # To check with the loss function
return x
# funkcja usuwająca wiersze zawierające platformę "Stadia"
def delete_stadia(games):
index_list = []
for i in range(0, len(games["platform"])):
if games["platform"][i] == " Stadia":
games.drop(index_list, inplace=True)
return games.reset_index()
# funkcja usuwająca wiersze zawierające "tbd" w kolumnie "user_review"
def delete_tbd(games):
index_list = []
for i in range(0, len(games["platform"])):
if games["user_review"][i] == 'tbd':
games.drop(index_list, inplace=True)
return games.reset_index()
def delete_PC(games):
index_list = []
for i in range(0, len(games["platform"])):
if games["platform"][i] == " PC":
games.drop(index_list, inplace=True)
return games.reset_index()
# funkcja zmieniająca kolumnę "user_review" ze stringa na numeric
def user_review_to_numeric(games):
games["user_review"] = pd.to_numeric(games["user_review"])
return games
# funkcja normalizująca wartości w kolumnie "meta_score" i "user_review"
def normalization(games):
games['meta_score'] = games['meta_score'] / 100.0
games['user_review'] = games['user_review'] / 10.0
return games
# PlayStation - 0
# PlayStation 2 - 1
# PlayStation 3 - 2
# PlayStation 4 - 3
# PlayStation 5 - 4
# PlayStation Vita - 5
# Xbox - 6
# Xbox 360 - 7
# Xbox Series X - 8
# Nintendo 64 - 9
# GameCube - 10
# DS - 11
# 3DS - 12
# Wii - 13
# Wii U - 14
# Switch - 15
# PC - 16
# Dreamcast - 17
# Game Boy Advance - 18
# PSP - 19
# Xbox One - 20
# def platform_to_number(games):
# for i in range(0, len(games["platform"])):
# if games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation":
# games["platform"][i] = 0
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 2":
# games["platform"][i] = 1
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 3":
# games["platform"][i] = 2
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 4":
# games["platform"][i] = 3
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 5":
# games["platform"][i] = 4
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation Vita":
# games["platform"][i] = 5
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox":
# games["platform"][i] = 6
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox 360":
# games["platform"][i] = 7
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox Series X":
# games["platform"][i] = 8
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Nintendo 64":
# games["platform"][i] = 9
# elif games["platform"][i] == " GameCube":
# games["platform"][i] = 10
# elif games["platform"][i] == " DS":
# games["platform"][i] = 11
# elif games["platform"][i] == " 3DS":
# games["platform"][i] = 12
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Wii":
# games["platform"][i] = 13
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Wii U":
# games["platform"][i] = 14
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Switch":
# games["platform"][i] = 15
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PC":
# games["platform"][i] = 16
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Dreamcast":
# games["platform"][i] = 17
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Game Boy Advance":
# games["platform"][i] = 18
# elif games["platform"][i] == " PSP":
# games["platform"][i] = 19
# elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox One":
# games["platform"][i] = 20
# return games
# old - 0
# mid - 1
# new - 2
def platform_to_number(games):
for i in range(0, len(games["platform"])):
if games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 2":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 3":
games["platform"][i] = 1
elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 4":
games["platform"][i] = 2
elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation 5":
games["platform"][i] = 2
elif games["platform"][i] == " PlayStation Vita":
games["platform"][i] = 1
elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox 360":
games["platform"][i] = 1
elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox Series X":
games["platform"][i] = 2
elif games["platform"][i] == " Nintendo 64":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " GameCube":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " DS":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " 3DS":
games["platform"][i] = 1
elif games["platform"][i] == " Wii":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " Wii U":
games["platform"][i] = 1
elif games["platform"][i] == " Switch":
games["platform"][i] = 2
elif games["platform"][i] == " PC":
dt = datetime.strptime(games["release_date"][i], '%B %d, %Y')
if (dt.year == 1995 or dt.year == 1996 or dt.year == 1997 or dt.year == 1998
or dt.year == 1999 or dt.year == 2000 or dt.year == 2001 or dt.year == 2002
or dt.year == 2003 or dt.year == 2004 or dt.year == 2005):
games["platform"][i] = 0
if (dt.year == 2006 or dt.year == 2007 or dt.year == 2008 or dt.year == 2009
or dt.year == 2010 or dt.year == 2011 or dt.year == 2012 or dt.year == 2013
or dt.year == 2014 or dt.year == 2015 or dt.year == 2016):
games["platform"][i] = 1
if (dt.year == 2017 or dt.year == 2018 or dt.year == 2019
or dt.year == 2020 or dt.year == 2021):
games["platform"][i] = 2
# games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " Dreamcast":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " Game Boy Advance":
games["platform"][i] = 0
elif games["platform"][i] == " PSP":
games["platform"][i] = 1
elif games["platform"][i] == " Xbox One":
games["platform"][i] = 2
return games
def remove_list(games):
for i in range(0, len(games)):
games['platform'][i] = games['platform'][i][0]
games['release_date'][i] = games['release_date'][i][0]
games['meta_score'][i] = games['meta_score'][i][0]
games['user_review'][i] = games['user_review'][i][0]
return games
# games = pd.read_csv('all_games.csv', sep=',')
# games = platform_to_number(games)
# games = delete_stadia(games)
# games = delete_tbd(games)
# games = user_review_to_numeric(games)
# games = normalization(games)
# games.drop(['level_0', 'index'], axis='columns', inplace=True)
# labels_g = pd.DataFrame(games["platform"], dtype=np.int64)
# labels_g = labels_g.to_numpy()
# features_g = {'meta_score': games['meta_score'],
# 'user_review': games['user_review']}
# features_g = pd.DataFrame(features_g, dtype=np.float64)
# features_g = features_g.to_numpy()
platform = pd.read_csv('all_games.train.csv', sep=',', usecols=[1], header=None).values.tolist()
release_date = pd.read_csv('all_games.train.csv', sep=',', usecols=[2], header=None).values.tolist()
meta_score = pd.read_csv('all_games.train.csv', sep=',', usecols=[4], header=None).values.tolist()
user_review = pd.read_csv('all_games.train.csv', sep=',', usecols=[5], header=None).values.tolist()
games_train = {'platform': platform,
'release_date': release_date,
'meta_score': meta_score,
'user_review': user_review}
games_train = pd.DataFrame(games_train)
games_test = {'platform': platform,
'release_date': release_date,
'meta_score': meta_score,
'user_review': user_review}
games_test = pd.DataFrame(games_test)
games_train = remove_list(games_train)
games_train = platform_to_number(games_train)
games_train = delete_stadia(games_train)
games_train = delete_tbd(games_train)
games_train = user_review_to_numeric(games_train)
games_train = normalization(games_train)
games_test = remove_list(games_test)
games_test = platform_to_number(games_test)
games_test = delete_stadia(games_test)
games_test = delete_tbd(games_test)
games_test = user_review_to_numeric(games_test)
games_test = normalization(games_test)
labels_train_g = pd.DataFrame(games_train["platform"], dtype=np.int64)
labels_train_g = labels_train_g.to_numpy()
features_train_g = {'meta_score': games_train['meta_score'],
'user_review': games_train['user_review']}
features_train_g = pd.DataFrame(features_train_g, dtype=np.float64)
features_train_g = features_train_g.to_numpy()
labels_test_g = pd.DataFrame(games_test["platform"], dtype=np.int64)
labels_test_g = labels_test_g.to_numpy()
features_test_g = {'meta_score': games_test['meta_score'],
'user_review': games_test['user_review']}
features_test_g = pd.DataFrame(features_test_g, dtype=np.float64)
features_test_g = features_test_g.to_numpy()
# Training
model = Model(features_train_g.shape[1])
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
epochs = EPOCHS
def print_(loss):
print ("The loss calculated: ", loss)
# Not using dataloader
x_train, y_train = Variable(torch.from_numpy(features_train_g)).float(), Variable(torch.from_numpy(labels_train_g)).long()
for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
print("Epoch #", epoch)
y_pred = model(x_train)
loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y_train.squeeze(-1))
# Zero gradients
loss.backward() # Gradients
optimizer.step() # Update
# Prediction
x_test = Variable(torch.from_numpy(features_test_g)).float()
pred = model(x_test)
pred = pred.detach().numpy()
print("The accuracy is", accuracy_score(labels_test_g, np.argmax(pred, axis=1)))
pred = pd.DataFrame(pred)
# save model
|, "games_model.pkl")