154 lines
5.9 KiB
154 lines
5.9 KiB
from warehouse import Coordinates, Tile, Pack
from attributes import PackStatus, TURN_LEFT_DIRECTIONS, TURN_RIGHT_DIRECTIONS
from queue import PriorityQueue
from pathfinder import Node
class Agent:
def __init__(self, start_x, start_y, assigned_warehouse, radius=5):
self.x = start_x
self.y = start_y
self.direction = 'down'
self.radius = radius
self.assigned_warehouse = assigned_warehouse
self.is_loaded = False
self.transported_package = None
def demo_agent_move(self, demo_agent_step, demo_step_max=5):
demo_agent_sign = 0
next_coords = self.get_next_move_coordinates()
can_move = self.check_if_can_move(next_coords)
if demo_agent_step >= demo_step_max:
demo_agent_sign = -1
self.direction = 'up'
elif demo_agent_step == 0:
demo_agent_sign = 1
self.direction = 'down'
if not can_move:
alternative_move = ('left' if self.check_if_can_move(self.move_left()) else None) or ('right' if self.check_if_can_move(self.move_right()) else self.direction)
self.direction = alternative_move
self.x = next_coords.x
self.y = next_coords.y
def turn_left(self):
new_direction = TURN_LEFT_DIRECTIONS.get(self.direction, self.direction)
self.direction = new_direction
def turn_right(self):
new_direction = TURN_RIGHT_DIRECTIONS.get(self.direction, self.direction)
self.direction = new_direction
def move(self):
next_coords = self.get_next_move_coordinates()
can_move = self.check_if_can_move(next_coords)
if can_move:
self.x = next_coords.x
self.y = next_coords.y
def get_next_move_coordinates(self):
direction_moves = {
'up': self.move_up(),
'down': self.move_down(),
'left': self.move_left(),
'right': self.move_right()
next_coords = direction_moves.get(self.direction, Coordinates(self.x, self.y))
return next_coords
def check_if_can_move(self, next_coords: Coordinates):
next_tile = self.assigned_warehouse.tiles[next_coords.x][next_coords.y]
tile_passable = isinstance(next_tile, Tile) and next_tile.category.passable
tile_on_map = 0 <= next_coords.x < self.assigned_warehouse.width and 0 <= next_coords.y < self.assigned_warehouse.height
return tile_passable and tile_on_map
def move_right(self):
pos_x = self.x + 1
if pos_x > self.assigned_warehouse.width - 1:
pos_x = self.assigned_warehouse.width - 1
return Coordinates(x=pos_x, y=self.y)
def move_left(self):
pos_x = self.x - 1
if pos_x < 0:
pos_x = 0
return Coordinates(x=pos_x, y=self.y)
def move_down(self):
pos_y = self.y + 1
if pos_y > self.assigned_warehouse.height - 1:
pos_y = self.assigned_warehouse.height - 1
return Coordinates(x=self.x, y=pos_y)
def move_up(self):
pos_y = self.y - 1
if pos_y < 0:
pos_y = 0
return Coordinates(x=self.x, y=pos_y)
def package_ahead(self):
next_coords = self.get_next_move_coordinates()
potential_package = self.assigned_warehouse.tiles[next_coords.x][next_coords.y]
return isinstance(potential_package, Pack) and potential_package.status != PackStatus.STORED
def pick_up_package(self, pack):
tile = pack.lays_on_field
self.assigned_warehouse.tiles[tile.x_position][tile.y_position] = tile
self.is_loaded = True
pack.lays_on_field = None
self.transported_package = pack
def find_route(self, goal):
explored = []
# tu trzeba dodać kolejkę priorytetową fringe
fringe = PriorityQueue()
current_tile = self.assigned_warehouse.tiles[self.x][self.y]
fringe.put((1, current_tile))
while True:
if len(fringe) == 0:
return False
# elem to węzeł z kolejki o najmniejszym priorytecie (najlepszy)
elem = fringe.get()
# jeśli zgadzają się współrzędne x i y wybranego węzłą oraz celu
if elem.x_position == goal.x_position and elem.y_position == goal.y_position:
# tu powinna zostać zwrócona ścieżka
return True
# przeniesienie wybranego węzłą z fringe do explored
# dla każdego następnika węzła elem
# trzeba napisać funkcję succ wyznaczającą następników elem
# succesor[0] - akcja
# succesor[1] - stan czyli współrzędne i zwrot
# succesor[2] - rodzic
succ = self.get_succ(elem)
for action, state in succ:
new_node = Node(elem, elem.x_position, elem.y_position)
# x[1] = succesor[1]
# x[2] = elem
# x[0] = akcja
# trzeba napisać funkcję f(x) liczącą priorytet danego węzła
# p = f(x)
# if x[1] not in fringe and x[1] not in explored:
# fringe.append(x[1])
# nie wiem jak wyznaczyć priorytet który x już ma w kolejce
# elif x[1] in fringe and priorytet który stan x już ma w kolejce > p:
# tu chodzi o to że zmieni się akcja i rodzić, ale stan nie
# zamień w fringe stary węzeł o stanie x[1] z węzłem x
def get_succ(self, elem):
move = self.move
turn_left = self.turn_left
turn_right = self.turn_right
successors = [
(move, self.get_next_move_coordinates()),
(turn_right, TURN_RIGHT_DIRECTIONS.get(self.direction, self.direction)),
(turn_left, TURN_LEFT_DIRECTIONS.get(self.direction, self.direction))
return successors