format 223 classcanvas 128965 class_ref 128069 // bankomatKontroler classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 145.5 228.5 2000 end classcanvas 129221 class_ref 129989 // system_czytnika_kart classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 158 560 3005 end classcanvas 129477 class_ref 128453 // sot classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 411.5 302.5 2000 end classcanvas 129605 class_ref 137413 // transakcja classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 712.5 327.5 3005 end classcanvas 129861 class_ref 129221 // system_bankowy classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 486 629 3005 end classcanvas 131013 class_ref 128325 // karta classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 377.5 552.5 2000 end textcanvas 131909 "1" xyzwh 611 304.5 2005 20 19 classcanvas 132933 class_ref 158021 // bankomatFrame classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 260.5 30.5 2000 end classcanvas 133061 class_ref 158149 // bankomatListner classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 167 126.5 2000 end relationcanvas 130629 relation_ref 145861 // Przechowuje decenter_begin 216 decenter_end 115 from ref 129477 z 3006 label "Przechowuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 636.5 326.5 3006 to ref 129605 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 706 358 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 629 358 3000 end relationcanvas 130757 relation_ref 145989 // Posiada from ref 128965 z 3006 label "Posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 188 498 3006 to ref 129221 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 215 546 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 223 453 3000 end relationcanvas 130885 relation_ref 146117 // Obsluguje decenter_begin 588 from ref 129477 z 3006 label "Obsluguje" italic max_width 255 xyz 486 556 3006 to ref 129861 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 530 614 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 530 497 3000 end relationcanvas 131141 relation_ref 146245 // Obsluguje from ref 129221 z 3006 label "Obsluguje" italic max_width 255 xyz 305 568 3006 to ref 131013 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 364 590 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 293 590 3000 end relationcanvas 131653 relation_ref 146373 // Wywoluje decenter_begin 597 decenter_end 282 from ref 128965 z 2001 label "Wywoluje" italic max_width 255 xyz 351.5 347.5 2001 to ref 129477 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 406 370 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 339 371 3000 end relationcanvas 133189 relation_ref 152901 // from ref 128965 z 2001 to ref 133061 role_a_pos 248 177 3000 no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end end