
293 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pygame, sys, random
from objects.Bomb import Bomb
from objects.Saper import Saper
from objects.Wall import Wall
from pygame.locals import *
# Defining the program environment
# list containing the map of the game
saper_map = []
# Define the Frames Per Second setting
FPS = 30
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Define window size for the environment to run in
# Define saper coordinates - Those are just arbitrary, the map will decide position
saper_x = 0
saper_y = 0
# Define the coordinates of the saper movement
saper_x_movement = 0
saper_y_movement = 0
# List containing the coordinates of the bombs on the map
dest = []
# List containing the bomb priority and their respective coordinates from the 'dest' list
priority = []
# List containing the Path to follow found by the A star algorithm
Solution_A = []
# List of used graphics
Saper_A_image = pygame.image.load("images/saper_A.png")
Bomb_Image = pygame.image.load("images/Bomb.png") # Instead of Bomb_A
Bomb_Defused = pygame.image.load("images/Bomb_Defused.png") # Instead of thumbs up
Wall_image = pygame.image.load("images/Wall.png")
# defused bomb counter
defused = 0
# Defining all the functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Procedure used to calculate the cost by returning the distance from our point to the target point
def heuristic_function_cost(start, goal):
return abs(start[0] - goal[0]) + abs(start[1] - goal[1])
def A_star_pf(Grid, start, dest, priority): #A_star(map, [x, y], dest, priority)
Closed_set = []
Open_set = [start]
Saper_came_from = []
g_Score = []
f_Score = []
Grid2 = []
goal = dest[priority.index(min(priority))]
for i in range(len(Grid)):
for j in range(len(Grid[i])):
Saper_came_from[i].append([i, j])
if Grid[i][j] is None or Grid[i][j].__class__.__name__ == "Saper" or (i == goal[0] and j == goal[1]):
g_Score[start[0]][start[1]] = 0
f_Score[start[0]][start[1]] = heuristic_function_cost(start, goal)
flag3 = True
while (len(Open_set) > 0) and flag3:
current = Open_set[0]
current_id = 0
for l in range(len(Open_set)):
if f_Score[Open_set[l][0]][Open_set[l][1]] < f_Score[current[0]][current[1]]:
current = Open_set[l]
current_id = l
if current[0] == goal[0] and current[1] == goal[1]:
flag3 = False
for k in range(4):
flag2 = False
if k == 0 and Grid2[current[0] + 1][current[1]].__class__.__name__ != "Wall":
neighbor = [current[0] + 1, current[1]]
flag2 = True
if k == 1 and Grid2[current[0] - 1][current[1]].__class__.__name__ != "Wall":
flag2 = True
neighbor = [current[0] - 1, current[1]]
if k == 2 and Grid2[current[0]][current[1] + 1].__class__.__name__ != "Wall":
flag2 = True
neighbor = [current[0], current[1] + 1]
if k == 3 and Grid2[current[0]][current[1] - 1].__class__.__name__ != "Wall":
flag2 = True
neighbor = [current[0], current[1] - 1]
if flag2:
flag1 = True
for l in range(len(Closed_set)):
if Closed_set[l][0] == neighbor[0] and Closed_set[l][1] == neighbor[1]:
flag1 = False
if flag2 and flag1:
for l in range(len(Closed_set)):
if Closed_set[l][0] == neighbor[0] and Closed_set[l][1] == neighbor[1]:
flag2 = False
if flag2:
flag1 = True
poss_g_Score = g_Score[current[0]][current[1]] + 1
for l in range(len(Open_set)):
if Open_set[l][0] == neighbor[0] and Open_set[l][1] == neighbor[1]:
flag1 = False
if flag1:
elif poss_g_Score >= g_Score[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]]:
Saper_came_from[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] = [current[0], current[1]]
g_Score[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] = poss_g_Score
f_Score[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] = g_Score[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] + heuristic_function_cost(neighbor, goal)
Path = []
temp0 = goal[0]
temp1 = goal[1]
Path.append([temp0, temp1])
while not (temp0 == start[0] and temp1 == start[1]):
Path.append([Saper_came_from[temp0][temp1][0], Saper_came_from[temp0][temp1][1]])
help1 = temp0
help2 = temp1
temp0 = Saper_came_from[help1][help2][0]
temp1 = Saper_came_from[help1][help2][1]
for i in range(len(Path) - 1, 0, -1):
if Path[i][0] + 1 == Path[i - 1][0] and Path[i][1] == Path[i - 1][1]:
elif Path[i][0] - 1 == Path[i - 1][0] and Path[i][1] == Path[i - 1][1]:
elif Path[i][0] == Path[i - 1][0] and Path[i][1] + 1 == Path[i - 1][1]:
elif Path[i][0] == Path[i - 1][0] and Path[i][1] - 1 == Path[i - 1][1]:
if len(dest) > 0:
A_star_pf(Grid, Saper_came_from[goal[0]][goal[1]], dest, priority)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Procedure translating an encoded map from a file to a usable format and adding it to the list of maps
def read_map(file):
f = open("maps/" + file, "r")
s =
index = 0
for i in range(len(s)-1):
if s[i] == "0":
if s[i] == "1":
if s[i] == "2":
if s[i] == "3":
saper_map[index].append(Bomb(random.randint(200, 600), "A"))
if s[i] == "\n":
index = index + 1
# Initialize all the required pygame modules
# Call the translating function for the specified map
# Procedure finding the saper coordinates on the translated map and assigning them to the objects XY coordinates
for i in range(len(saper_map)):
for j in range(len(saper_map[i])):
if saper_map[i][j].__class__.__name__ == "Saper":
saper_x = i
saper_y = j
# Procedure finding the bomb coordinates and the bomb priority
# and appending them respectively to the 'dest' list and 'priority' list
for i in range(len(saper_map)):
for j in range(len(saper_map[i])):
if saper_map[i][j].__class__.__name__ == "Bomb":
dest.append([i, j])
# Execution of the A star algorithm on the given map
A_star_pf(saper_map, [saper_x, saper_y], dest, priority)
# Set up the graphic environment of the program
GAMEBOARD = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), 0, 32)
# set_mode((size_width, size height), flags, depth)
# Set the window name
pygame.display.set_caption('Autonomiczny Saper')
# Set the background image
background_image = pygame.image.load("images/background.png")
# Set up the flag to check if the saper is done clearing the bombs
saper_done_flag = True
# Control variable for movement operations
game_loop = 0
# Set up the main movement loop and action loop
while True:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if game_loop >= len(Solution_A) and saper_done_flag:
saper_done_flag = False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if saper_done_flag:
if Solution_A[game_loop] == "R":
if saper_x < len(saper_map) - 1:
saper_x_movement = saper_x + 1
saper_y_movement = saper_y
elif Solution_A[game_loop] == "L":
if saper_x > 0:
saper_x_movement = saper_x - 1
saper_y_movement = saper_y
elif Solution_A[game_loop] == "D":
if saper_y < len(saper_map[0]) - 1:
saper_y_movement = saper_y + 1
saper_x_movement = saper_x
elif Solution_A[game_loop] == "U":
if saper_y > 0:
saper_y_movement = saper_y - 1
saper_x_movement = saper_x
game_loop = game_loop + 1
if saper_x_movement != saper_x or saper_y_movement != saper_y:
if saper_map[saper_x_movement][saper_y_movement] is None:
saper_map[saper_x_movement][saper_y_movement] = saper_map[saper_x][saper_y]
saper_map[saper_x][saper_y] = None
saper_x = saper_x_movement
saper_y = saper_y_movement
elif saper_map[saper_x_movement][saper_y_movement].__class__.__name__ == "Bomb":
defused = defused + saper_map[saper_x][saper_y].defuse(saper_map[saper_x_movement][saper_y_movement])
saper_x_movement = saper_x
saper_y_movement = saper_y
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
GAMEBOARD.blit(background_image, (0, 0))
for i in range(len(saper_map)):
for j in range(len(saper_map[i])):
if saper_map[i][j].__class__.__name__ == "Saper":
if saper_map[i][j].tool == "A":
GAMEBOARD.blit(Saper_A_image, [i*50, j*50])
elif saper_map[i][j].__class__.__name__ == "Wall":
GAMEBOARD.blit(Wall_image, [i*50, j*50])
elif saper_map[i][j].__class__.__name__ == "Bomb":
if saper_map[i][j].type == "done":
GAMEBOARD.blit(Bomb_Defused, [i*50, j*50])
elif saper_map[i][j].type == "A":
GAMEBOARD.blit(Bomb_Image, [i*50, j*50])
# Refresh the GAMEBOARD screen