import pygame from math import sqrt from math import floor import random from queue import PriorityQueue import pygad from concepts import * from graphviz import * import numpy as np from data import * from choice_tree import * from joblib import load from customertree import objects import tensorflow as tf from keras import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 import h5py import time pygame.init() project = 0 tickTime = 15 WIN = 0 LOSE = 0 DEFINE = 0 IMG_SIZE = 64 COLOR_CHANNELS = 3 CATEGORIES = [ "apple_pie", "club_sandwich", "greek_salad", "hamburger", "hot_dog", "ice_cream", "lasagna", "pizza", "steak", "waffles" ] food_model = load("models/food_model.joblib") drink_model = load("models/drink_model.joblib") model = tf.keras.models.load_model('final1') with h5py.File('food_10_64x3_test.hdf5', "r") as f: a_group_key = list(f.keys())[0] data = list(f[a_group_key]) data = np.array(data) X = np.array(data).reshape(-1, 64, 64, 3) with open('food_10_64x3_test.txt', 'r') as f: y = temp = [] for item in y: temp.append(int(item)) menu = [] for i in range(len(X)): menu.append([X[i], y[i]]) random.shuffle(menu) def image_recognition(): global WIN global LOSE t0= time.clock() for _ in range(750): photo = random.choice(menu) prediction = model.predict(np.expand_dims(photo[0], axis=0)) max_value = prediction[0].max() idx = np.where(prediction[0]==max_value) if CATEGORIES[idx[0][0]] == waiter.order_list[-1][0]: #print(CATEGORIES[idx[0][0]], CATEGORIES[int(photo[1])], waiter.order_list[-1][0]) print(f'Oczekiwano: {CATEGORIES[idx[0][0]]}') print(f'Otrzymano: {CATEGORIES[int(photo[1])]}') if CATEGORIES[int(photo[1])] == waiter.order_list[-1][0]: WIN += 1 else: LOSE += 1 print(f'poprawne zamówienia: {WIN}, błędne: {LOSE}') break temp = [waiter.order_list[-1][0], waiter.order_list[-1][1]] waiter.order_list.pop() t1 = time.clock() - t0 print("Time elapsed: ", round(t1, 2)) if t1 < 5: time.sleep(5-t1) return [photo[0], photo[1], temp[0], temp[1]] def show_food(x,y,img): food_img = img food_img = np.rot90(food_img, k=1, axes=(0, 1)) food_img = cv2.cvtColor(food_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) food_img = cv2.resize(food_img, (128,128), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) surf = pygame.Surface((food_img.shape[0], food_img.shape[1])) pygame.surfarray.blit_array(surf, food_img) display.blit(surf, (x,y)) def show_order(img): pygame.draw.rect(display,[0,0,0],(WIDTH*32+400-225, 0, (WIDTH * 32 + 325) - (WIDTH*32+400-225), HEIGHT * 32)) show_food(WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2-64, img[0]) GGGG = font.render("Klient zamówił:", False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(GGGG, (WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2-81 -54)) GGGG = font.render(img[2], False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(GGGG, (WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2-81 -34)) GGGG = font.render(img[3], False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(GGGG, (WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2-81 -10)) GGGG = font.render("Klient otrzymał:", False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(GGGG, (WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2 -54 + 129)) GGGG = font.render(CATEGORIES[int(img[1])], False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(GGGG, (WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2 -34 + 129)) GGGG = font.render(img[3], False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(GGGG, (WIDTH*32+400-225, HEIGHT*32/2 -10 + 129)) # ai settings S_IDLE = ("kitchen", "middle", "inplace") S_FIRST = ("order", "food") IDLE = "kitchen" FIRST = "order" HEIGHT = 10 WIDTH = 10 KITCHEN = (1, 1) MIDDLE = (floor(WIDTH / 2), floor(HEIGHT / 2)) display = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH * 32 + 325, HEIGHT * 32)) tileFoil = pygame.image.load('tile.jpg') waiterAct1 = pygame.image.load('act1.png') waiterAct2 = pygame.image.load('act2.png') waiterAct3 = pygame.image.load('act3.png') waiterAct4 = pygame.image.load('act4.png') waiterAct = [waiterAct1, waiterAct2, waiterAct3, waiterAct4] tableEmpty = pygame.image.load('table.png') tableOrder = pygame.image.load('tableOrder.png') tableDecide = pygame.image.load('tableDecide.png') tableWait = pygame.image.load('tableWait.png') tableEat = pygame.image.load('tableEat.png') cooker = pygame.image.load('cooker.png') wall = pygame.image.load('wall.png') actTake, temp_order = False, [] # eating time EAT_TIME = 15 tree = build_tree(training_data) #print_tree(tree) def client_ordering(): order = [] for i in range(0, len(tree_format)-1): tmpr = random.sample(rand_data[i], 1) order.append(tmpr[0]) order.append('order') return order ### class Client: def __init__(self): self.gender = random.choice(["Man","Woman"]) self.outfit = random.choice(["Casual","Elegant"]) = random.choice([20,20,20,30,30,50,50,70,80,90,100,100,120, 120,150,200,300,500]) self.time = random.choice(["Afternoon","Evening"]) self.vege = random.choice(["No","No","No","No","Yes"]) self.age = random.randint(12,80) def __str__(self): return (self.gender + " Age: " + str(self.age) +" "+ self.outfit+ " $"+ str( " Vege: "+ self.vege) def order_drink(clt): frame = [] if clt.gender == "Man": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.age > 17: frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.outfit == "Casual": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if > 100: frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.time == "Evening": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.vege == "No": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) drink_predict = drink_model.predict([frame]) drink_index = drink_predict[0] return objects[-1][drink_index] def order_food(clt): frame = [] if clt.gender == "Man": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.age > 17: frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.outfit == "Casual": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if > 100: frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.time == "Evening": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) if clt.vege == "No": frame.append(0) else: frame.append(1) food_predict = food_model.predict([frame]) food_index = food_predict[0] return objects[-2][food_index] ### class Node: def __init__(self, state, parent, action): self.state = state self.parent = parent self.action = action def __eq__(self, other): return True def __lt__(self, other): return True class Tile: def __init__(self, x, y, canwalk, table, kitchen, cost): self.x = x self.y = y self.canwalk = canwalk self.table = table = kitchen self.client = False self.clientState = False self.visited = False self.path = False self.parent = (0, 0) self.cost = cost class Restaurant: def __init__(self, tables, clients, spots, walls): self.h = HEIGHT self.w = WIDTH self.tiles = [] self.tables = [] self.clients = clients = [] self.left = clients for ih in range(HEIGHT): new = [] for iw in range(WIDTH): if ih == 0 or ih == HEIGHT - 1 or iw == 0 or iw == WIDTH - 1: new.append(Tile(ih, iw, False, False, False, 1)) else: new.append(Tile(ih, iw, True, False, False, 1)) self.tiles.append(new) # random walls for i in range(walls): w = random.randint(1, 2) h = random.randint(4, HEIGHT - 5) for j in range(random.randint(1, 3)): ad = self.adjacent(w, h) t = random.choice(ad) w = t.x h = t.y self.tiles[w][h].canwalk = False # random tables i = 0 while i < tables: w = random.randint(2, WIDTH - 3) h = random.randint(2, HEIGHT - 3) if not self.tiles[h][w].table and self.tiles[h][w].canwalk: self.tiles[h][w].table = True i = i + 1 self.tables.append((w, h)) # random spots i = 0 while i < spots: w = random.randint(2, WIDTH - 3) h = random.randint(2, HEIGHT - 3) self.tiles[h][w].cost = 5 i = i + 1 self.tiles[1][1].kitchen = True def putClient(self): for t in self.tables: if not self.tiles[t[1]][t[0]].clientState: self.tiles[t[1]][t[0]].client = 30 self.tiles[t[1]][t[0]].clientState = "decide" self.clients = self.clients - 1 break def flush(self): for ih in range(HEIGHT): for iw in range(WIDTH): self.tiles[ih][iw].visited = False self.tiles[ih][iw].parent = (0, 0) def adjacent(self, x, y): tiles = [] if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == WIDTH or y == HEIGHT: tiles.append(self.tiles[y][x]) return tiles tiles.append(self.tiles[y][x - 1]) tiles.append(self.tiles[y - 1][x]) tiles.append(self.tiles[y + 1][x]) tiles.append(self.tiles[y][x + 1]) return tiles def heuristic(a, b): (x1, y1) = a (x2, y2) = b return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) class Agent: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.dir = 1 #1234 NWSE self.path = [] self.idle = True self.orders = [] = False self.goal = (0,0) self.order_list = [] = [] self.order_to_kitchen = [] def walk(self): if self.path: t = self.path.pop(0) if t[0] == "rotate": if t[1] == "right": self.dir = self.dir - 1 if self.dir == 0: self.dir = 4 else: self.dir = self.dir + 1 if self.dir == 5: self.dir = 1 else: if self.dir == 1: self.y = self.y - 1 elif self.dir == 2: self.x = self.x - 1 elif self.dir == 3: self.y = self.y + 1 else: self.x = self.x + 1 def canWalk(self, state): x = state[0] y = state[1] if state[2] == 1: y = y - 1 elif state[2] == 2: x = x - 1 elif state[2] == 3: y = y + 1 elif state[2] == 4: x = x + 1 return restaurant.tiles[y][x].canwalk def goaltest(self, state): if (state[0] == self.goal[0]) and (state[1] == self.goal[1]): return True return False def succ(self, state): s = [] r = state[2] - 1 if r == 0: r = 4 s.append((("rotate", "right"), (state[0], state[1], r))) l = state[2] + 1 if l == 5: l = 1 s.append((("rotate", "left"), (state[0], state[1], l))) if self.canWalk(state): if state[2] == 1: w = state[1] - 1 s.append((("walk"), (state[0], w, state[2]))) elif state[2] == 2: w = state[0] - 1 s.append((("walk"), (w, state[1], state[2]))) elif state[2] == 3: w = state[1] + 1 s.append((("walk"), (state[0], w, state[2]))) elif state[2] == 4: w = state[0] + 1 s.append((("walk"), (w, state[1], state[2]))) return s def f(self, node): cost = restaurant.tiles[self.goal[1]][self.goal[0]].cost return heuristic((node.state[0], node.state[1]), self.goal) + cost def astar(self, goal): self.goal = goal #stan = (x, y, dir) fringe = PriorityQueue() explored = [] start = Node((self.x, self.y, self.dir), False, False) fringe.put((1, start)) while True: if fringe.empty(): return False elem = fringe.get()[1] if self.goaltest(elem.state): self.path = [] while elem.action is not False: self.path.insert(0, elem.action) elem = elem.parent return True explored.append(elem.state) for (akcja, stan) in self.succ(elem.state): x = Node(stan, elem, akcja) p = self.f(x) if not(stan in fringe.queue) and not(stan in explored): fringe.put((p, x)) elif (stan in fringe.queue): fringe.queue.remove(elem) fringe.put((p, x)) def wait(self): self.idle = True def getTask(self): #jesli ktos chce zamowic to do niego idzie if not self.orders and not for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "order": self.astar((table[0], table[1])) self.idle = False cl = Client() waiter.order_list.insert(0,[order_food(cl),order_drink(cl)]) print('klient zamawia: ' + order_food(cl) +' i '+ order_drink(cl)) if actTake: temp_order.append(client_ordering()) return True #jesli trzyma zamowienie to idzie do kuchni if self.orders: self.astar(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True #jesli w kuchni jest gotowe danie to po nie idzie for t in if t[2] == 0: self.astar(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True #jesli ktos chce jedzenie a kelner je trzyma for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "wait" and self.astar((table[0], table[1])) self.idle = False return True return False def getTaskTest(self): if FIRST == "food": #jesli w kuchni jest gotowe danie to po nie idzie for t in if t[2] == 0: self.astar(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True #jesli ktos chce jedzenie a kelner je trzyma for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "wait" and self.astar((table[0], table[1])) self.idle = False return True #jesli ktos chce zamowic to do niego idzie if not self.orders and not for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "order": self.astar((table[0], table[1])) self.idle = False return True #jesli trzyma zamowienie to idzie do kuchni if self.orders: self.astar(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True else: self.getTask() return False def endTask(self): if restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState == "order" and not and not waiter.orders: restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState = "wait" waiter.orders = (waiter.x, waiter.y) if waiter.x == 1 and waiter.y == 1 and waiter.orders:[waiter.orders[0], waiter.orders[1], 50]) waiter.orders = False if actTake: if temp_order: for each in temp_order: print("Passed: %s. Prediction: %s" % (each, print_leaf(classify(each, tree)))) temp_order.clear() if waiter.x == 1 and waiter.y == 1 and not waiter.orders: for t in if t[2] == 0: = True #jesli sie zatrzymal na stoliku z jedzeniem to je daje if restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState == "wait" and and not waiter.orders: restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState = "eat" restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].client = 20 show_order( = False self.idle = True def endTaskTest(self): if IDLE == "inplace": self.endTask() return True hasTask = False if restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState == "order" and not and not waiter.orders: restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState = "wait" waiter.orders = (waiter.x, waiter.y) hasTask = True if waiter.x == 1 and waiter.y == 1 and waiter.orders:[waiter.orders[0], waiter.orders[1], 50]) waiter.orders = False if waiter.x == 1 and waiter.y == 1 and not waiter.orders: for t in if t[2] == 0: = True hasTask = True return True if restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState == "wait" and and not waiter.orders: restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState = "eat" restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].client = 20 = False # show_order( self.idle = True if IDLE == "kitchen": self.astar(KITCHEN) else: self.astar(MIDDLE) def drawScreen(): pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, HEIGHT * 32, WIDTH * 32)) for ih in range(HEIGHT): for iw in range(WIDTH): tile = restaurant.tiles[ih][iw] if tile.canwalk: #pygame.draw.rect(display, (128, 128, 128), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tileFoil, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) if tile.cost == 5:, (128, 128, 255), (iw * 32 + 17, ih * 32 + 17), 8) if tile.table: if tile.clientState: if tile.clientState == "decide": # pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 128, 0), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableDecide, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) elif tile.clientState == "order": # pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableOrder, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) elif tile.clientState == "wait": # pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 128, 0), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableWait, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) elif tile.clientState == "eat": # pygame.draw.rect(display, (128, 64, 0), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableEat, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) else: # pygame.draw.rect(display, (64, 64, 64), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableEmpty, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) if #pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 0, 255), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(cooker, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) # if tile.visited: # pygame.draw.rect(display, (64,0,64), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32+1, 14, 14)) else: #pygame.draw.rect(display, (128, 0, 128), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(wall, (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32 + 1, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)), (255, 255, 255), (waiter.x * 32 + 16, waiter.y * 32 + 16), 16) display.blit(waiterAct[waiter.dir - 1], (waiter.x * 32 + 8, waiter.y * 32 + 8)) ''' # 1234 NWSE xx = 0 yy = 0 if waiter.dir == 1: yy = -16 elif waiter.dir == 2: xx = -16 elif waiter.dir == 3: yy = 16 elif waiter.dir == 4: xx = 16, (255, 0, 0), (waiter.x * 32 + 16+xx, waiter.y * 32 + 16+yy), 8) ''' textsurface = font.render(str(restaurant.clients), False, (255, 255, 255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 80, 300)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 0, 0), (WIDTH * 32 + 80, 332, HEIGHT * 32, WIDTH * 32)) textsurface = font.render(str(ticks), False, (255, 255, 255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 80, 332)) restaurant = Restaurant(0, 0, 0, 0) waiter = Agent(1,1) clientTime = 10 totaltime = 0 clock = pygame.time.Clock() ticks = 0 # draw info help = True if help: font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 18) textsurface = font.render("kelner", False, (255, 255, 255)), (255, 255, 255), (WIDTH * 32 + 26, 16), 16) display.blit(waiterAct3, (WIDTH * 32 + 18, 4)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 0)) textsurface = font.render("sciana", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (128, 0, 128), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 32, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(wall, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 32, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 32)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - pusty", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (64, 64, 64), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 64, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableEmpty, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 64, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 64)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - decyduje", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 128, 0), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 96, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableDecide, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 96, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 96)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - zamawia", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (0, 255, 0), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 128, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableOrder, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 128, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 128)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - czeka", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 128, 0), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 160, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableWait, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 160, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 160)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - je", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (128, 64, 0), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 192, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(tableEat, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 192, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 192)) textsurface = font.render("kuchnia", False, (255, 255, 255)) #pygame.draw.rect(display, (255, 0, 255), (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 224, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(cooker, (WIDTH * 32 + 10, 224, 32 - 1, 32 - 1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 224)) textsurface = font.render("kaluza", False, (255, 255, 255)), (128, 128, 255), (WIDTH * 32 + 26, 272), 8) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 50, 256)) textsurface = font.render("klienci:", False, (255, 255, 255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 20, 300)) textsurface = font.render("czas:", False, (255, 255, 255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH * 32 + 20, 332)) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_0: project = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_1: tickTime = 1000 project = 1 #Execute project if event.key == pygame.K_2: if not actTake: actTake = True else: actTake = False if event.key == pygame.K_3: project = 0 tickTime = 0 import pandas as pd from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn import metrics col_names = ['idle','first','good'] data = pd.read_csv("results.csv", header=None, names=col_names) data = data.iloc[1:] data.head() feature_cols = ['idle','first'] X = data[feature_cols] y = data.good X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=1) clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion="gini", max_depth=4) clf =,y_train) from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO from IPython.display import Image from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz import pydotplus dot_data = StringIO() export_graphviz(clf, out_file=dot_data, filled=True, rounded=True, special_characters=True, feature_names = feature_cols,class_names=['0','1']) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_png('results.png') Image(graph.create_png()) print("graph done") if event.key == pygame.K_F4: pygame.quit() if event.key == pygame.K_F5: restaurant = Restaurant(3, 3, 10, 3) waiter = Agent(2, 2) clientTime = 10 ticks = 0 totaltime = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_g: t = random.choice(restaurant.tables) waiter.BFS(t) if event.key == pygame.K_w: waiter.walk() # update restaurant if restaurant.clients > 0: clientTime = clientTime - 1 if clientTime == 0: clientTime = 10 restaurant.putClient() for t in if t[2] > 0: t[2] = t[2] - 1 # update tables for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "decide": restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client = restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client - 1 if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client == 0: restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState = "order" elif restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "eat": restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client = restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client - 1 waiter.order_to_kitchen.clear() if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client == 0: restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState = False totaltime = totaltime + ticks restaurant.left = restaurant.left - 1 if restaurant.left == 0 and project == 1: print("done in", totaltime) file = open('results.csv', 'a') file.write("\n") file.write(str(S_IDLE.index(IDLE))) file.write(",") file.write(str(S_FIRST.index(FIRST))) file.write(",") if totaltime > 533: file.write(str(0)) else: file.write(str(1)) file.close() restaurant = Restaurant(3, 3, 10, 3) waiter = Agent(2,2) clientTime = 10 ticks = 0 totaltime = 0 IDLE = random.choice(S_IDLE) FIRST = random.choice(S_FIRST) #update waiter if project == 0: if waiter.idle: waiter.getTask() else: waiter.walk() if not waiter.path: waiter.endTask() if project == 1: if waiter.idle: waiter.getTaskTest() else: waiter.walk() if not waiter.path: waiter.endTaskTest() if ticks > 700: restaurant = Restaurant(3, 3, 10, 3) waiter = Agent(2,2) clientTime = 10 ticks = 0 totaltime = 0 IDLE = random.choice(S_IDLE) FIRST = random.choice(S_FIRST) drawScreen() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(tickTime) ticks = ticks + 1