import pygame from math import sqrt from math import floor import random from queue import PriorityQueue import pygad from concepts import * from graphviz import * import numpy as np pygame.init() #ai settings S_IDLE = ("kitchen", "middle", "inplace") S_FIRST = ("order", "food") IDLE = random.choice(S_IDLE) FIRST = random.choice(S_FIRST) HEIGHT = 10 WIDTH = 10 KITCHEN = (1, 1) MIDDLE = (floor(WIDTH/2), floor(HEIGHT/2)) display = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH*32+200, HEIGHT*32)) #eating time EAT_TIME = 15 #### Menu menu = Context.fromstring(''' |meat|salad|meal|drink|cold|hot | Pork | X | | X | | | X | Espresso | | | | X | | X | Green Tea | | | | X | X | | Greek Salad| | X | X | | X | | Pizza | | | X | | | X |''') #genetic algos gen_num = 20 #generations gen_sol = 6 #solutions gen_par_mating = 2 #how many solutions we select mut_per_gen = 10 mut_num_gen = None crossover = "two_points" muta_type = "scramble" par_keep = 1 #keep only one parent init_range_l = -2 #low init_range_h = -5 #high func_input = ['meal'] func_output = [] for e in menu.extension(['meal',]): func_output.append(e) #### class Tile: def __init__(self, x, y, canwalk, table, kitchen): self.x = x self.y = y self.canwalk = canwalk self.table = table = kitchen self.client = False self.clientState = False self.visited = False self.path = False self.parent = (0, 0) class Restaurant: def __init__(self, tables, clients): self.h = HEIGHT self.w = WIDTH self.tiles = [] self.tables = [] self.clients = clients = [] self.left = clients for ih in range(HEIGHT): new = [] for iw in range(WIDTH): if ih == 0 or ih == HEIGHT-1 or iw == 0 or iw == WIDTH-1: new.append(Tile(ih, iw, False, False, False)) else: new.append(Tile(ih, iw, True, False, False)) self.tiles.append(new) #random walls for i in range(3): w = random.randint(1,2) h = random.randint(4,HEIGHT-5) for j in range(random.randint(1,3)): ad = self.adjacent(w, h) t = random.choice(ad) w = t.x h = t.y self.tiles[w][h].canwalk = False #random tables i = 0 while i < tables: w = random.randint(2,WIDTH-3) h = random.randint(2,HEIGHT-3) if not self.tiles[h][w].table and self.tiles[h][w].canwalk: self.tiles[h][w].table = True i = i + 1 self.tables.append((w, h)) self.tiles[1][1].kitchen = True def putClient(self): for t in self.tables: if not self.tiles[t[1]][t[0]].clientState: self.tiles[t[1]][t[0]].client = 30 self.tiles[t[1]][t[0]].clientState = "decide" self.clients = self.clients - 1 break def flush(self): for ih in range(HEIGHT): for iw in range(WIDTH): self.tiles[ih][iw].visited = False self.tiles[ih][iw].parent = (0,0) def adjacent(self, x, y): tiles = [] if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == WIDTH or y == HEIGHT: tiles.append(self.tiles[y][x]) return tiles tiles.append(self.tiles[y][x-1]) tiles.append(self.tiles[y-1][x]) tiles.append(self.tiles[y+1][x]) tiles.append(self.tiles[y][x+1]) return tiles def heuristic(a, b): (x1, y1) = a (x2, y2) = b return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) class Agent: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.path = [] self.idle = True self.orders = [] = False def walk(self): t = self.path.pop(0) self.x = t[0] self.y = t[1] if not self.path: self.idle = True def BFS(self, goal): restaurant.flush() queue = [(self.x, self.y)] while len(queue) > 0: n = queue.pop(0) restaurant.tiles[n[1]][n[0]].visited = True if n == goal: while not n == (self.x, self.y): self.path.insert(0, n) n = restaurant.tiles[n[1]][n[0]].parent return adj = restaurant.adjacent(n[1], n[0]) for item in adj: x = item.x y = item.y if restaurant.tiles[y][x].canwalk and not restaurant.tiles[y][x].visited: queue.append((x,y)) restaurant.tiles[y][x].parent = n def wait(self): self.idle = True def getTask(self): if waiter.orders: self.BFS(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True if FIRST == "order": for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "order": self.BFS((table[0], table[1])) self.idle = False return True if not for t in if not t[2]: waiter.BFS(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True elif FIRST == "food": if not for t in if not t[2]: waiter.BFS(KITCHEN) self.idle = False return True for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "order": self.BFS((table[0], table[1])) self.idle = False return True return False def drawScreen(): pygame.draw.rect(display,(0,0,0), (0, 0, HEIGHT*32, WIDTH*32)) for ih in range(HEIGHT): for iw in range(WIDTH): tile = restaurant.tiles[ih][iw] if tile.canwalk: pygame.draw.rect(display, (128,128,128), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) if tile.table: if tile.clientState: if tile.clientState == "decide": pygame.draw.rect(display, (0,128,0), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) elif tile.clientState == "order": pygame.draw.rect(display, (0,255,0), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) elif tile.clientState == "wait": pygame.draw.rect(display, (255,128,0), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) elif tile.clientState == "eat": pygame.draw.rect(display, (128,64,0), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) else: pygame.draw.rect(display, (64,64,64), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) if pygame.draw.rect(display, (255,0,255), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)) #if tile.visited: # pygame.draw.rect(display, (64,0,64), (iw * 32 + 1, ih * 32+1, 14, 14)) else: pygame.draw.rect(display, (128,0,128), (iw * 32+1, ih * 32+1, 32-1, 32-1)), (255,255,255), (waiter.x*32+16, waiter.y*32+16), 16) textsurface = font.render(str(restaurant.clients), False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 80, 300)) pygame.draw.rect(display,(0,0,0), (WIDTH*32+80, 332, HEIGHT*32, WIDTH*32)) textsurface = font.render(str(ticks), False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 80, 332)) restaurant = Restaurant(3, 5) waiter = Agent(2,2) clientTime = 10 totaltime = 0 clock = pygame.time.Clock() ticks = 0 #draw info help = True if help: font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 18) textsurface = font.render("kelner", False, (255,255,255)), (255,255,255), (WIDTH*32 + 26, 16), 16) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 0)) textsurface = font.render("sciana", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (128,0,128), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 32, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 32)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - pusty", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (64,64,64), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 64, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 64)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - decyduje", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (0,128,0), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 96, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 96)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - zamawia", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (0,255,0), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 128, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 128)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - czeka", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (255,128,0), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 160, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 160)) textsurface = font.render("stolik - je", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (128,64,0), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 192, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 192)) textsurface = font.render("kuchnia", False, (255,255,255)) pygame.draw.rect(display, (255,0,255), (WIDTH*32 + 10, 224, 32-1, 32-1)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 50, 224)) textsurface = font.render("klienci:", False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 20, 300)) textsurface = font.render("czas:", False, (255,255,255)) display.blit(textsurface, (WIDTH*32 + 20, 332)) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_F4: pygame.quit() if event.key == pygame.K_F5: restaurant = Restaurant(3, 5) waiter = Agent(2,2) clientTime = 10 ticks = 0 totaltime = 0 if event.key == pygame.K_g: t = random.choice(restaurant.tables) waiter.BFS(t) if event.key == pygame.K_w: waiter.walk() #update restaurant if restaurant.clients > 0: clientTime = clientTime - 1 if clientTime == 0: clientTime = 10 restaurant.putClient() for t in if t[2]> 0: t[2] = t[2] - 1 #update tables for table in restaurant.tables: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState: if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "decide": restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client = restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client - 1 if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client == 0: restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState = "order" elif restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState == "eat": restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client = restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client - 1 if restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].client == 0: restaurant.tiles[table[1]][table[0]].clientState = False totaltime = totaltime + ticks restaurant.left = restaurant.left - 1 if restaurant.left == 0: print("done in", totaltime) file = open('results.csv', 'a') file.write("\n") file.write(str(S_IDLE.index(IDLE))) file.write(",") file.write(str(S_FIRST.index(FIRST))) file.write(",") if totaltime > 1076: file.write(str(0)) else: file.write(str(1)) file.close() restaurant = Restaurant(3, 5) waiter = Agent(2,2) clientTime = 10 ticks = 0 totaltime = 0 IDLE = random.choice(S_IDLE) FIRST = random.choice(S_FIRST) #update waiter if waiter.idle: if not waiter.getTask(): if not waiter.path: if IDLE == "kitchen": waiter.BFS(KITCHEN) elif IDLE == "middle": waiter.BFS(MIDDLE) else: waiter.wait() else: waiter.walk() elif waiter.path: waiter.walk() if not waiter.orders and restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState == "order" and not waiter.path: restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState = "wait" waiter.orders = (waiter.x, waiter.y) if (waiter.x, waiter.y) == KITCHEN: if waiter.orders:[waiter.orders[0], waiter.orders[1], 50]) waiter.orders = False elif not for t in if not t[2]: waiter.BFS((t[0], t[1])) = True waiter.idle = False break elif and not waiter.path: restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].clientState = "eat" restaurant.tiles[waiter.y][waiter.x].client = 30 = False if ticks > 1500: restaurant = Restaurant(3, 5) waiter = Agent(2,2) clientTime = 10 ticks = 0 totaltime = 0 IDLE = random.choice(S_IDLE) FIRST = random.choice(S_FIRST) drawScreen() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(1500) ticks = ticks + 1