# Podprojekt Szi ### Opis Tematem podprojektu jest rozpoznawanie zamówień na podstawie historii zamówień. Użyłem drzew decyzyjnych. ### Dane Potrawy, ich nazwa, rodzaj oraz charakterystyka. tree_format = ["dish", "served", "price", "origin", "cooked", "ingredients", "name"] Dane uczące: dish - (salad/soup/meal/coffee/tea/non-alcho drink) served - (cold/hot/warm) origin - (Worldwide/America/Europe/Asia) cooked - (baked/boiled/mixed) ingridients - (2/4) Dane testowe jest tworzone losowo w funkcji: def client_ordering(): order = [] dish = uniq_val_from_data(training_data, 0) temperature = uniq_val_from_data(training_data, 1) tmpr = random.sample(dish, 1) order.append(tmpr[0]) tmpr = random.sample(temperature, 1) order.append(tmpr[0]) order.append('order') return order ### Implementacja ####Drzewo: Klasy: Klasa Question #####Question class Queestion: def __init__(self, col, value): self.col = col #column self.value = value #value of column def compare(self, example): #compare val in example with val in the question def __repr__(self): #just to print Klasa Node #####Node class Decision_Node(): #contain the question and child nodes def __init__(self, quest, t_branch, f_branch): self.quest = quest self.t_branch = t_branch self.f_branch = f_branch #####Leaf class Leaf: #contain a number of how many times the label has appeared in dataset def __init__(self, rows): self.predicts = uniq_count(rows) ### Biblioteki * random * numpy