from data import tree_format def uniq_count(rows): # count uniq labels(names) count = {} for row in rows: lbl = row[-1] if lbl not in count: count[lbl] = 0 count[lbl] += 1 return count # didn't used def isnumer(val): return isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float) class Question(): def __init__(self, col, value): self.col = col # column self.value = value # value of column def compare(self, example): # compare val in example with val in the question val = example[self.col] if isnumer(val): # in case menu have prices return val >= self.value else: return val == self.value def __repr__(self): # just to print condition = "==" if isnumer(self.value): condition = ">=" return "Is %s %s %s?" % (tree_format[self.col], condition, str(self.value)) def split(rows, quest): # split data into True and False t_rows, f_rows = [], [] for row in rows: if t_rows.append(row) else: f_rows.append(row) return t_rows, f_rows def gini(rows): counts = uniq_count(rows) impurity = 1 for lbl in counts: prob_of_lbl = counts[lbl] / float(len(rows)) impurity -= prob_of_lbl ** 2 return impurity def info_gain(l, r, current_gini): p = float(len(l)) / (len(l) + len(r)) # something like an enthropy return current_gini - p * gini(l) - (1 - p) * gini(r) def find_best_q(rows): # best question to split the data best_gain = 0 best_quest = None current_gini = gini(rows) n_feat = len(rows[0]) - 1 for col in range(n_feat): vals = set([row[col] for row in rows]) for val in vals: quest = Question(col, val) t_rows, f_rows = split(rows, quest) if len(t_rows) == 0 or len(f_rows) == 0: continue gain = info_gain(t_rows, f_rows, current_gini) if gain >= best_gain: best_gain, best_quest = gain, quest return best_gain, best_quest class Leaf: # contain a number of how many times the label has appeared in dataset def __init__(self, rows): self.predicts = uniq_count(rows) class Decision_Node(): # contain the question and child nodes def __init__(self, quest, t_branch, f_branch): = quest self.t_branch = t_branch self.f_branch = f_branch def build_tree(rows): # use info gain and question gain, quest = find_best_q(rows) # no gain = no more question, so return a Leaf if gain == 0: return Leaf(rows) # split into true and false branch t_rows, f_rows = split(rows, quest) # print out branches t_branch = build_tree(t_rows) f_branch = build_tree(f_rows) # return the child/leaf return Decision_Node(quest, t_branch, f_branch) def print_tree(node, spc=""): # if node is a leaf if isinstance(node, Leaf): print(" " + "Predict", node.predicts) return # end of function # Or question print("" + str( # True branch print("" + '--> True:') print_tree(node.t_branch, spc + " ") # False branch print("" + '--> False:') print_tree(node.f_branch, spc + " ") def classify(row, node): # return our prediction in case the node is a leaf if isinstance(node, Leaf): return node.predicts # otherwise go to the child if return classify(row, node.t_branch) else: return classify(row, node.f_branch) def print_leaf(counts): # count prediction total = sum(counts.values()) * 1.0 probs = {} # probability for lbl in counts.keys(): probs[lbl] = str(int(counts[lbl] / total * 100)) + "%" return probs