import json import pygame from src.entities.Interactable import Interactable from import TerrainTile from import Locations from src.entities.Entity import Entity from src.entities.Pickupable import Pickupable from src.entities.Statistics import Statistics # TODO: Map should determine entities' position class Map: def __init__(self, filename, screen): # TODO: Should map be self-aware of its own loacation? self.screen = screen # tekstowa macierz terenów self.terrain = [] # tereny bez kolizji self.terrainTilesList = [] # grupa objektów kolizyjnych (tereny kolizyjne i entities) self.collidables = pygame.sprite.Group() # lista wszystkich entity self.entities = [] with open(filename, 'rt') as f: for line in f: self.terrain.append(line) self.tileSize = int(self.screen.mapSize/20) self.tileWidth = len(self.terrain[0]) self.tileHeight = len(self.terrain) self.width = self.tileWidth * self.tileSize self.height = self.tileHeight * self.tileSize self.terrainDraw() for entity in self.loadEntities(filename): self.addEntity(entity) # Returns a list of entities loaded from mapfile def loadEntities(self, mapFileName): mapFile = mapFileName.split('.txt')[0] entitiesFilePath = mapFile + "Entities.json" actualEntities = [] with open(entitiesFilePath, 'rt') as file: entityListJson = json.loads( for entity in entityListJson: try: # Creates a pickupable object if entity["isPickupable"]: actualEntities.append(Pickupable(entity["name"] + ".png", self.tileSize, (entity["position"]["x"] * self.tileSize, entity["position"]["y"] * self.tileSize), Statistics(entity["effect"]["hp"], entity["effect"]["hunger"], entity["effect"]["thirst"], entity["effect"]["stamina"]))) # Creates an interactable object elif "effect" in entity: actualEntities.append(Interactable(entity["name"] + ".png", self.tileSize, (entity["position"]["x"] * self.tileSize, entity["position"]["y"] * self.tileSize), Statistics(entity["effect"]["hp"], entity["effect"]["hunger"], entity["effect"]["thirst"], entity["effect"]["stamina"]))) # Creates plain entity else: actualEntities.append(Entity(entity["name"] + ".png", self.tileSize, (entity["position"]["x"] * self.tileSize, entity["position"]["y"] * self.tileSize))) except KeyError: print("Failed to load entity " + entity) return actualEntities def terrainDraw(self): for row, tiles in enumerate(self.terrain): for col, tile in enumerate(tiles): if tile == 's': object = TerrainTile(col, row, 'sand.png', self.tileSize, 15) self.screen.draw(object, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) self.terrainTilesList.append(object) elif tile == ',': object = TerrainTile(col, row, 'floor.png', self.tileSize, 0) self.screen.draw(object, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) self.terrainTilesList.append(object) elif tile == '.': object = TerrainTile(col, row, 'grass.png', self.tileSize, 10) self.screen.draw(object, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) self.terrainTilesList.append(object) elif tile == 'c': object = TerrainTile(col, row, 'clay.png', self.tileSize, 20) self.screen.draw(object, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) self.terrainTilesList.append(object) elif tile == 'x': object = TerrainTile(col, row, 'water.png', self.tileSize, 0) self.screen.draw(object, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) self.collidables.add(object) elif tile == 'w': object = TerrainTile(col, row, 'wall.png', self.tileSize, 0) self.screen.draw(object, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) self.collidables.add(object) def getEntityOnCoord(self, coord): result = None for entity in self.entities: if entity.rect.x == coord[0] and entity.rect.y == coord[1]: result = entity return result # W przypadku podania kordynatów playera, powinno zwrócić teren na którym jest player def getTileOnCoord_old(self, coord): result = None for tile in self.terrainTilesList: if tile.rect.x == coord[0] and tile.rect.y == coord[1]: result = tile return result def getTileOnCoord(self, coord): result = None for tile in self.terrainTilesList: if tile.rect.collidepoint(coord[0], coord[1]): result = tile break return result # TODO: REMOVE DONT ADD def addEntity(self, entity, DONTADD=False): # TODO: This method should set entities coords self.screen.draw(entity, Locations.MAP, 0, 0) # dodajemy bo wszystkie entity są kolizyjne self.collidables.add(entity) if not DONTADD: self.entities.append(entity) # Usuwa entity lub teren z mapy def removeSpriteFromMap(self, sprite): if self.collidables.has(sprite): self.collidables.remove(sprite) if sprite in self.entities: self.entities.remove(sprite) if sprite in self.terrainTilesList: self.terrainTilesList.remove(sprite) # TODO: Suspicious? self.screen.removeSprite(sprite) # add object to map.collidables list to be collidable def collision(self, x, y): for b in self.collidables: if b.rect.x == x and b.rect.y == y: return True return False