projektowy diagram klas 'zaawansowane wzorce projektowe'

This commit is contained in:
Marta Roszak 2021-02-03 11:29:07 +01:00
parent 4aeef98754
commit 70cab9acc1
3 changed files with 119 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -2,86 +2,79 @@ format 224
classcanvas 128044 class_ref 151340 // AutomatKontroler
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 248.47 14.4 2000
xyz 248.17 14.4 2000
classcanvas 128172 class_ref 128812 // Zakup
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyzwh 549.21 3.5 2000 404 104
xyzwh 549.21 4 2000 404 104
classcanvas 128428 class_ref 129964 // Produkt
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 1331.22 -0.91 2006
xyz 1331.82 -0.31 2006
classcanvas 128812 class_ref 128684 // Platnosc
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 1304.4 202.64 3005
classcanvas 128812 class_ref 128684 // IPlatnosc
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes class_drawing_mode class drawing_language uml end
xyz 1310 201.34 3005
classcanvas 129324 class_ref 144428 // Kasa
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 1421.05 421.17 2000
xyz 1435.65 435.27 2000
classcanvas 129580 class_ref 130604 // PlatnoscGotowka
classcanvas 129580 class_ref 130604 // IPlatnoscGotowkaStrategy
classdiagramsettings hide_attributes no hide_operations no hide_getset_operations no show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes show_members_multiplicity yes show_members_initialization yes show_attribute_modifiers yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir yes show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 1389.73 312.99 2005
xyz 1404.23 313.09 2005
classcanvas 129708 class_ref 130732 // PlatnoscKarta
classcanvas 129708 class_ref 130732 // IPlatnoscKartaStrategy
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyzwh 1134.18 305.42 2000 177 71
xyzwh 1010.88 310.92 2000 354 81
classcanvas 129836 class_ref 129068 // SystemAutoryzacjiPlatnosci
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 1132.08 443.79 2000
xyz 1070.28 454.49 2000
classcanvas 130732 class_ref 128940 // Magazyn
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 650.22 164 2012
xyz 650.42 164 2012
classcanvas 131116 class_ref 129196 // ZewnetrznySystemObslugi
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 29.93 299.73 2000
xyz 32.73 297.93 2000
classcanvas 131500 class_ref 129324 // PodsumowanieKontroli
classdiagramsettings show_members_full_definition yes show_members_visibility yes show_members_stereotype yes member_max_width 0 show_parameter_name yes end
xyz 228.23 453.79 2000
xyz 244.93 468.19 2000
note 132652 "Strategy
xyzwh 1642.4 205.6 2000 83 34
note 133292 "observer i singleton
moglby tez byc"
xyzwh 773 276 2000 129 51
relationcanvas 128556 relation_ref 128556 // zawiera>
from ref 128428 z 2007 label "zawiera>" italic max_width 255 xyz 1093 43 2007 to ref 128172
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 962 67 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1313 79 3000
relationcanvas 128940 relation_ref 128684 // realizuje >
from ref 128172 z 3006 to point 840.8 86.2
line 129196 z 3006 to point 843 89.4
line 132012 z 3006 label "realizuje >" italic max_width 255 xyz 997 109 3006 to point 1190.8 179.4
from ref 128172 z 3006 to point 840.4 86.6
line 129196 z 3006 to point 843.5 89.7
line 132012 z 3006 label "realizuje >" italic max_width 255 xyz 997 109 3006 to point 1190.4 179.7
line 132140 z 3006 to ref 128812
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 1299 210 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 875 117 3000
multiplicity_a_pos 1294 212 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 875 117 3000
relationcanvas 129964 relation_ref 151212 // tworzy>
from ref 128044 z 2001 label "tworzy>" italic max_width 255 xyz 501 45 2001 to ref 128172
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 130092 relation_ref 151340 // <realizuje
from ref 128812 z 3006 label "<realizuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 1192 231 3006 to point 1297.6 223
line 131756 z 3006 to point 1208 259.4
line 131884 z 3006 to ref 129708
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 130220 relation_ref 151468 // realizuje>
from ref 128812 z 3006 to point 1417.6 263
line 132268 z 3006 label "realizuje>" italic max_width 255 xyz 1463.5 274.5 3006 to ref 129580
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 130348 relation_ref 151596 // korzysta>
from ref 129708 z 2001 label "korzysta>" italic max_width 255 xyz 1155 388 2001 to ref 129836
from ref 129708 z 2001 label "korzysta>" italic max_width 255 xyz 1104 400 2001 to ref 129836
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 130476 relation_ref 151724 // korzysta>
from ref 129580 z 2006 label "korzysta>" italic max_width 255 xyz 1594 396.5 2006 to ref 129324
from ref 129580 z 2006 label "korzysta>" italic max_width 255 xyz 1609 403.5 2006 to ref 129324
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
@ -97,12 +90,22 @@ relationcanvas 130988 relation_ref 151980 // zawiera>
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 131372 relation_ref 152236 // <jest obslugiwany
from ref 128044 z 2001 label "<jest obslugiwany" italic max_width 255 xyz 258 199 2001 to ref 131116
from ref 128044 z 2001 label "<jest obslugiwany" italic max_width 255 xyz 259 200 2001 to ref 131116
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 131628 relation_ref 152364 // otrzymuje>
from ref 131500 z 2001 label "otrzymuje>" italic max_width 255 xyz 281 402 2001 to ref 131116
from ref 131500 z 2001 label "otrzymuje>" italic max_width 255 xyz 291.5 428.5 2001 to ref 131116
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 132780 relation_ref 158892 // <realization>
from ref 129708 z 3006 to ref 128812
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 132908 relation_ref 159020 // <realization>
from ref 129580 z 3006 to ref 128812
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b

View File

@ -1,26 +1,14 @@
window_sizes 1366 705 307 1054 555 104
window_sizes 1366 705 320 1041 659 0
sequencediagram_ref 141100 // 5-1-rozpoczecieKontroli
843 444 100 A3 0 0
collaborationdiagram_ref 147628 // 5-2-odebranieInformacjiONieotrzymaniuPodsumowaniaPrzezSysZewn
114 86 100 A4 0 0
active classdiagram_ref 154156 // design-model
1054 555 100 A0 0 181
1041 659 80 A0 0 539
selected classdiagram_ref 154156 // design-model
selected attribute_ref 144428 // instance
class_ref 128684 // Platnosc
class_ref 128812 // Zakup
class_ref 128940 // Magazyn
class_ref 129068 // SystemAutoryzacjiPlatnosci
class_ref 129196 // ZewnetrznySystemObslugi
class_ref 129324 // PodsumowanieKontroli
class_ref 129964 // Produkt
class_ref 130604 // PlatnoscGotowka
class_ref 130732 // PlatnoscKarta
class_ref 144428 // Kasa
class_ref 151340 // AutomatKontroler
class_ref 130732 // IPlatnoscKartaStrategy
classview_ref 134572 // design

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
format 224
revision 16
modified_by 2 "adamc"
revision 17
modified_by 44 "Marta Roszak"
@ -223,13 +223,19 @@ format 224
class 128684 "Platnosc"
visibility package
class 128684 "IPlatnosc"
visibility package stereotype "interface"
cpp_decl ""
java_decl ""
php_decl ""
java_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}interface ${name}${extends} {
php_decl "${comment}interface ${name}${extends} {
python_2_2 python_decl ""
idl_decl ""
idl_decl "${comment}${abstract}${local}interface ${name}${inherit} {
explicit_switch_type ""
mysql_decl ""
@ -271,14 +277,14 @@ format 224
relation 151340 ---> name "<realizuje"
a role_name "" private
classrelation_ref 155308 // (<realizuje)
b parent class_ref 130732 // PlatnoscKarta
b parent class_ref 130732 // IPlatnoscKartaStrategy
classrelation 155436 // (realizuje>)
relation 151468 ---> name "realizuje>"
a role_name "" private
classrelation_ref 155436 // (realizuje>)
b parent class_ref 130604 // PlatnoscGotowka
b parent class_ref 130604 // IPlatnoscGotowkaStrategy
@ -304,7 +310,7 @@ format 224
relation 128684 ---> name "realizuje >"
a role_name "" multiplicity "1" private
classrelation_ref 129324 // (realizuje >)
b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 128684 // Platnosc
b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 128684 // IPlatnosc
classrelation 129708 // (dokonuje)
@ -496,12 +502,17 @@ format 224
class 129196 "ZewnetrznySystemObslugi"
visibility package
cpp_decl ""
visibility package stereotype "singleton"
cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
java_decl ""
php_decl ""
python_2_2 python_decl ""
idl_decl ""
idl_decl "${comment}${abstract}${custom}valuetype ${name}${inherit} {
explicit_switch_type ""
mysql_decl ""
@ -553,6 +564,27 @@ format 224
operation 137772 "getInstance"
class_operation public explicit_return_type ""
nparams 0
attribute 144428 "instance"
class_attribute private type class_ref 129196 // ZewnetrznySystemObslugi
cpp_decl ""
java_decl ""
php_decl ""
python_decl ""
idl_decl ""
mysql_decl ""
@ -848,7 +880,7 @@ format 224
class 130604 "PlatnoscGotowka"
class 130604 "IPlatnoscGotowkaStrategy"
visibility package
cpp_decl ""
java_decl ""
@ -907,10 +939,17 @@ format 224
classrelation 162988 // <realization>
relation 159020 -_-|>
a public
classrelation_ref 162988 // <realization>
b parent class_ref 128684 // IPlatnosc
class 130732 "PlatnoscKarta"
class 130732 "IPlatnoscKartaStrategy"
visibility package
cpp_decl ""
java_decl ""
@ -946,6 +985,25 @@ format 224
a role_name "" private
classrelation_ref 155564 // (korzysta>)
b parent class_ref 129068 // SystemAutoryzacjiPlatnosci
classrelation 162860 // <realization>
relation 158892 -_-|>
a public
classrelation_ref 162860 // <realization>
b parent class_ref 128684 // IPlatnosc
operation 137644 "rozpocznijPlatnosc"
public explicit_return_type ""
nparams 2
param in name "kwota" type class_ref 129452 // Kwota
param out name "czyPowodzenie" explicit_type "bool"
@ -1464,7 +1522,7 @@ format 224
classinstance 128785 ""
type class_ref 128684 // Platnosc
type class_ref 128684 // IPlatnosc
@ -1472,7 +1530,7 @@ format 224
classinstance 128913 ""
type class_ref 130604 // PlatnoscGotowka
type class_ref 130604 // IPlatnoscGotowkaStrategy