2021-02-11 13:20:44 +01:00

242 lines
9.1 KiB

format 224
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relationcanvas 132140 relation_ref 128556 // zawiera>
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relationcanvas 132780 relation_ref 129196 // posiada>
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relationcanvas 133804 relation_ref 130220 // posiada
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relationcanvas 134956 relation_ref 130860 // generuje
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relationcanvas 135084 relation_ref 130988 // generuje
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relationcanvas 135340 relation_ref 137644 // posiada
decenter_end 495
from ref 129068 z 2006 to point 317 278
line 135596 z 2006 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 199 307 2006 to ref 130732
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relationcanvas 137260 relation_ref 138028 // posiada
decenter_begin 268
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relationcanvas 137900 relation_ref 138156 // zawiera
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relationcanvas 138028 relation_ref 144684 // posiada
decenter_begin 409
from ref 135852 z 3006 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 565 405 3006 to point 522 422
line 138156 z 3006 to ref 128172
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multiplicity_a_pos 530 412 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 577 415 3000