
This commit is contained in:
MikoPat 2021-02-02 18:12:21 +01:00
parent 9e67f36e8b
commit 5d82f85c67
11 changed files with 159 additions and 567 deletions

View File

@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
window_sizes 1920 1027 411 1504 870 104
window_sizes 1920 1027 357 1558 870 104
classdiagram_ref 141186 // design-model
1203 696 100 A1 552 0
active sequencediagram_ref 128013 // 7-1-opcjaDodajProdukty
1203 696 100 A3 0 0
sequencediagram_ref 141450 // 9-3.2-modyfikujProdukt
1161 703 100 A3 0 0
sequencediagram_ref 141322 // 9-2.2-wybranieProduktu
1246 696 100 A4 0 0
sequencediagram_ref 134794 // 9-3.1-modyfikujRamyCzasowe
1246 696 100 A3 0 0
sequencediagram_ref 128138 // 9-2.1-wybranieRamCzasowych
1246 696 100 A3 0 0
active sequencediagram_ref 128010 // 9-1-wybranieOpcjiGenerujRaport
1246 696 100 A1 0 0
selected sequencediagram_ref 128013 // 7-1-opcjaDodajProdukty
selected sequencediagram_ref 128010 // 9-1-wybranieOpcjiGenerujRaport
class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
class_ref 148780 // RaportZakonczeniaNaprawy

View File

@ -1,55 +1,62 @@
format 224
classinstance 128013 class_ref 128141 // DzialZaopatrzeniowy
name "" xyz 1037 37 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 1971 43 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128266 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 11.6185 23.5161 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 12.6185 25.5161 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 129802 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 222.032 37.1331 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 578.032 53.1331 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 131082 class_ref 128522 // RaportSprzedazy
name "" xyz 727.78 39.53 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 1805.78 53.53 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 131466 class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
name "" xyz 452 37 2000 life_line_z 2000
note 132746 "Czy powinien by tutaj dzia zaopatrzeniowy, jesli tak to czy powinien to by aktor?"
xyzwh 959 167 2000 35 35
name "" xyz 1166 51 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 129930 classinstance_ref 128266 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 66 130 2010 11 64
xyzwh 67 130 2010 11 64
durationcanvas 130058 classinstance_ref 129802 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 281 131 2010 11 119
xyzwh 637 142 2010 11 126
durationcanvas 131594 classinstance_ref 131466 // :ManegerRaportow
xyzwh 514 216 2010 11 110
xyzwh 1228 194 2010 11 294
durationcanvas 132106 classinstance_ref 131082 // :RaportSprzedazy
xyzwh 786 267 2010 11 92
xyzwh 1864 241 2010 11 126
durationcanvas 132362 classinstance_ref 128013 // :DzialZaopatrzeniowy
xyzwh 1107 286 2010 11 79
durationcanvas 132874 classinstance_ref 128013 // :DzialZaopatrzeniowy
xyzwh 2037 414 2010 11 62
msg 130186 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129930
to durationcanvas_ref 130058
yz 152 2015 explicitmsg "1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
yz 163 2015 explicitmsg "1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 83 137
args "data:DataPoczatek,data:DataKoniec,idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 84 148
msg 131722 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130058
to durationcanvas_ref 131594
yz 216 2020 explicitmsg "1.1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
yz 231 2020 explicitmsg "1.1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 305 197
args "data:DataPoczatek,data:DataKoniec,idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 657 212
msg 132234 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 131594
to durationcanvas_ref 132106
yz 271 2015 explicitmsg "1.1.1 <<create>> RaportSprzedazy"
yz 283 2015 explicitmsg "1.1.1 <<create>> RaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 534 253
msg 132490 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 132106
to durationcanvas_ref 132362
yz 322 2015 explicitmsg " wyslijRaport()"
args "data:DataPoczatek,data:DataKoniec,idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 1248 265
msg 133002 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 131594
to durationcanvas_ref 132874
yz 451 2015 explicitmsg "1.1.2 wyslijRaport()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "raport: RaportSprzedazy"
label_xy 802 305
label_xy 1382 434
msg 133130 return
from durationcanvas_ref 132106
to durationcanvas_ref 131594
yz 356 2015 explicitmsg "stworzonoRaport()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 1308 339

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
format 224
classinstance 132109 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 385 35 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 133005 class_ref 165122 // ManagerProduktow
name "" xyz 705 34 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 133901 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 96 17 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 134029 classinstance_ref 133901 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 151 116 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 134157 classinstance_ref 132109 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 444 116 2010 11 25
durationcanvas 135565 classinstance_ref 133901 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 151 223 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 135693 classinstance_ref 132109 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 444 223 2010 11 88
durationcanvas 136205 classinstance_ref 133005 // :ManagerProduktow
xyzwh 769 237 2010 11 134
overlappingdurationcanvas 136717
xyzwh 775 338 2020 11 25
msg 134285 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 134029
to durationcanvas_ref 134157
yz 116 2015 explicitmsg "rozpocznijDodawanieProduktow()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 197 97
msg 135821 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 135565
to durationcanvas_ref 135693
yz 223 2015 explicitmsg "logowanie()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "haslo: String"
label_xy 224 206
msg 136333 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 135693
to durationcanvas_ref 136205
yz 237 2015 explicitmsg "sprawdzHaslo()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "haslo: String"
label_xy 520 220
reflexivemsg 136845 synchronous
to durationcanvas_ref 136717
yz 338 2025 explicitmsg "gotowoscOtrzymaniaTowarow()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 803 316
msg 136973 return
from durationcanvas_ref 136205
to durationcanvas_ref 135693
yz 291 2025 explicitmsg "logowanie(status: Boolean)"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 528 274

View File

@ -1,77 +1,38 @@
format 224
classinstance 128010 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 221 17 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 482 14 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128138 class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
name "" xyz 706 15 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 957 12 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128266 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 6 7 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 128394 classinstance_ref 128266 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 61 108 2010 11 64
durationcanvas 128522 classinstance_ref 128010 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 280 103 2010 11 273
xyzwh 541 116 2010 11 94
overlappingdurationcanvas 129802
xyzwh 286 287 2020 11 28
overlappingdurationcanvas 130058
xyzwh 286 327 2020 11 34
xyzwh 547 122 2020 11 53
durationcanvas 128778 classinstance_ref 128138 // :ManegerRaportow
xyzwh 767 150 2010 11 228
xyzwh 1019 137 2010 11 101
overlappingdurationcanvas 130314
xyzwh 773 304 2020 11 25
overlappingdurationcanvas 130570
xyzwh 773 342 2020 11 27
xyzwh 1025 153 2020 11 64
durationcanvas 129674 classinstance_ref 128266 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 61 288 2010 11 123
xyzwh 61 87 2010 11 105
msg 128650 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128394
to durationcanvas_ref 128522
yz 115 2015 explicitmsg "1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 81 98
msg 128906 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128522
to durationcanvas_ref 128778
yz 166 2015 explicitmsg "1.1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 353 149
msg 129546 return
from durationcanvas_ref 128778
to durationcanvas_ref 128522
yz 244 2015 explicitmsg "wybierzDane()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 406 227
msg 129930 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129674
to durationcanvas_ref 129802
yz 288 2025 explicitmsg "2. wybierzRamyCzasowe()"
yz 128 2025 explicitmsg "1. 1. wybierzRamyCzasow()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 91 272
msg 130186 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129674
to durationcanvas_ref 130058
yz 330 2025 explicitmsg "3. wybierzProkdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 124 313
args "data:Data_poczatek,data:Data_koniec"
label_xy 83 112
msg 130442 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129802
to durationcanvas_ref 130314
yz 304 2025 explicitmsg "2.1 wybranoRamyCzasowe()"
yz 164 2025 explicitmsg "1.1 wybierzRamyCzasowe()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "data:Data_poczatek,data:Data_koniec"
label_xy 316 290
msg 130698 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130058
to durationcanvas_ref 130570
yz 342 2025 explicitmsg "3.1 wybranoProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 398 325
label_xy 575 151

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
format 224
classinstance 130061 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 20 32 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 130189 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 255 43 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 131085 class_ref 165122 // ManagerProduktow
name "" xyz 500 46 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 131981 class_ref 128013 // RaportProduktow
name "" xyz 761 49 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 132877 class_ref 128141 // DzialZaopatrzeniowy
name "" xyz 1029 47 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 130317 classinstance_ref 130061 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 75 144 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 130445 classinstance_ref 130189 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 314 144 2010 11 53
durationcanvas 130701 classinstance_ref 130061 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 75 243 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 130829 classinstance_ref 130189 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 314 244 2010 11 133
durationcanvas 131213 classinstance_ref 131085 // :ManagerProduktow
xyzwh 564 255 2010 11 65
overlappingdurationcanvas 131725
xyzwh 570 288 2020 11 25
durationcanvas 132109 classinstance_ref 131085 // :ManagerProduktow
xyzwh 564 361 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 132237 classinstance_ref 131981 // :RaportProduktow
xyzwh 820 362 2010 11 60
durationcanvas 133005 classinstance_ref 132877 // :DzialZaopatrzeniowy
xyzwh 1099 390 2010 11 25
durationcanvas 133261 classinstance_ref 131085 // :ManagerProduktow
xyzwh 564 172 2010 11 25
msg 130573 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130317
to durationcanvas_ref 130445
yz 144 2015 explicitmsg "dodajProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "produkt: Produkt"
label_xy 97 125
msg 130957 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130701
to durationcanvas_ref 130829
yz 244 2015 explicitmsg "uzupelnionoTowar()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 122 225
msg 131341 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130829
to durationcanvas_ref 131213
yz 255 2015 explicitmsg "sprawdzProdukty()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 350 238
reflexivemsg 131853 synchronous
to durationcanvas_ref 131725
yz 288 2025 explicitmsg "gotowoscDoZamkniecia()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 587 266
msg 132365 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 132109
to durationcanvas_ref 132237
yz 362 2015 explicitmsg "<<create>> RaportProduktow"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 613 344
msg 133133 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 132237
to durationcanvas_ref 133005
yz 390 2015 explicitmsg "wyslijRaport()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "raport: RaportProduktow"
label_xy 847 370
msg 133389 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130445
to durationcanvas_ref 133261
yz 172 2015 explicitmsg "dodajProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "produkt: Produkt"
label_xy 344 155

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
format 224
classinstance 129677 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 44 28 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 129805 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 282 41 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 130317 class_ref 128266 // Automat
name "" xyz 566 39 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 129933 classinstance_ref 129677 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 99 150 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 130061 classinstance_ref 129805 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 341 149 2010 11 60
durationcanvas 130445 classinstance_ref 130317 // :Automat
xyzwh 595 174 2010 11 184
overlappingdurationcanvas 130701
xyzwh 601 322 2020 11 25
overlappingdurationcanvas 130957
xyzwh 601 209 2020 11 25
msg 130189 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129933
to durationcanvas_ref 130061
yz 150 2015 explicitmsg "zamknijAutomat()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 140 133
msg 130573 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130061
to durationcanvas_ref 130445
yz 178 2020 explicitmsg "zamknijAutomat()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 390 160
reflexivemsg 130829 synchronous
to durationcanvas_ref 130701
yz 322 2025 explicitmsg "gotowoscNaZamowienie()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 636 303
reflexivemsg 131085 synchronous
to durationcanvas_ref 130957
yz 209 2025 explicitmsg "sprawdzZamkniecie()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 630 189

View File

@ -1,77 +1,38 @@
format 224
classinstance 128010 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 20.5 20 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 10.5 20 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128138 class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
name "" xyz 708.5 33 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 950.5 32 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128266 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 242.5 35 2000 life_line_z 2000
name "" xyz 464.5 35 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 128394 classinstance_ref 128010 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 75 317 2010 11 73
xyzwh 65 117 2010 11 64
durationcanvas 128522 classinstance_ref 128266 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 301 133 2010 11 259
xyzwh 523 135 2010 11 97
overlappingdurationcanvas 128650
xyzwh 307 316 2020 11 30
overlappingdurationcanvas 128778
xyzwh 307 358 2020 11 28
xyzwh 529 153 2020 11 57
durationcanvas 128906 classinstance_ref 128138 // :ManegerRaportow
xyzwh 769 179 2010 11 228
xyzwh 1012 168 2010 11 80
overlappingdurationcanvas 129034
xyzwh 775 333 2020 11 25
xyzwh 1018 172 2020 11 37
overlappingdurationcanvas 129162
xyzwh 775 373 2020 11 25
durationcanvas 129290 classinstance_ref 128010 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 75 137 2010 11 64
msg 129418 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128394
to durationcanvas_ref 128650
yz 319 2025 explicitmsg "2. modyfikujRamyCzasowe()"
yz 153 2025 explicitmsg "1. modyfikujRamyCzasowe()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 109 301
msg 129546 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128522
to durationcanvas_ref 128906
yz 198 2015 explicitmsg "1.1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 378 179
msg 129674 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128394
to durationcanvas_ref 128778
yz 360 2025 explicitmsg "3. modyfikujProkdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 124 343
msg 129802 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129290
to durationcanvas_ref 128522
yz 147 2015 explicitmsg "1. generujRaportSprzedazy()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 99 128
args "data:DataPoczatek,data:DataKoniec"
label_xy 86 137
msg 129930 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128650
to durationcanvas_ref 129034
yz 335 2025 explicitmsg "2.1 modyfikujRamyCzasowe()"
yz 192 2025 explicitmsg "1.1 modyfikujRamyCzasowe()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "data:DataPoczatek,data:DataKoniec"
label_xy 341 319
msg 130058 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128778
to durationcanvas_ref 129162
yz 375 2025 explicitmsg "3.1 modyfikujProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 423 356
msg 130186 return
from durationcanvas_ref 128906
to durationcanvas_ref 128522
yz 276 2015 explicitmsg "zatwierdzDane()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 431 257
label_xy 555 176

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
format 224
classcanvas 128044 class_ref 141996 // NaprawaAutomatu
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyzwh 904 722 2000 181 63
classcanvas 128138 class_ref 128522 // RaportSprzedazy
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 790 938 2000
classcanvas 128172 class_ref 128300 // SystemOperacyjny
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 1067 417 2000
classcanvas 128266 class_ref 135050 // genrowanieRaportuSprzedazy
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 30 958 2000
classcanvas 128300 class_ref 135084 // ModulLogowania
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 1258 627 2000
classcanvas 128386 class_ref 164994 // ZakupProduktu
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 10.2 53.2 2000
classcanvas 128394 class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 419 886 2000
classcanvas 128514 class_ref 165122 // ManagerProduktow
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 264.2 47 2000
note 128812 "Czy dodawa \"NaprawaAutomatu\" lub \"ZakupProduktu\""
xyzwh 550 453 2000 249 63
classcanvas 129068 class_ref 142124 // ManagerDiagnozy
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 1297 225 2000
classcanvas 129324 class_ref 135212 // Raport
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 1608 259 2000
classcanvas 129708 class_ref 142252 // ManagerNaprawy
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 802 563 2000
classcanvas 130434 class_ref 178562 // ManagerPlatnosci
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 574.4 47 2000
classcanvas 130562 class_ref 178434 // ManagerPlatnosciKarta
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 996.2 43.2 2000
classcanvas 130690 class_ref 164226 // ManagerPlatnosciGotowkowej
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 1009.6 105.4 2000
classcanvas 130818 class_ref 185218 // ManagerSprzedazy
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 427.8 286.2 2000
classcanvas 130946 class_ref 171906 // Sprzedaz
classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end
xyz 431.2 547 2005
relationcanvas 128428 relation_ref 128044 // Wykorzystuje
decenter_begin 601
from ref 128044 z 2001 label "Wykorzystuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 1126 716 2001 to ref 128300
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 1239 714 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1094 765 3000
relationcanvas 128556 relation_ref 128172 // ZmienStan
from ref 128300 z 2001 label "ZmienStan" italic max_width 255 xyz 1205 542 2001 to ref 128172
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 1162 502 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1270 597 3000
relationcanvas 128778 relation_ref 128138 // wykorzystuje
from ref 128266 z 2001 label "wykorzystuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 295 962 2001 to ref 128394
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 400 988 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 266 987 3000
relationcanvas 128898 relation_ref 163458 // wykorzytuje
decenter_end 509
from ref 128386 z 2001 label "wykorzytuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 157 56 2001 to ref 128514
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 245 84 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 138 82 3000
relationcanvas 128906 relation_ref 128266 // tworzy
from ref 128394 z 2001 label "tworzy" italic max_width 255 xyz 675 966 2001 to ref 128138
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 771 992 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 613 990 3000
relationcanvas 128940 relation_ref 128300 // Komunikuje
from ref 128044 z 2001 label "Komunikuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 1025 589 2001 to ref 128172
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 129196 relation_ref 128428 // Komunikuje
from ref 128172 z 2001 label "Komunikuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 1207 357 2001 to ref 129068
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 1272 332 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1207 415 3000
relationcanvas 129452 relation_ref 128556 // Stworz
from ref 129068 z 2001 label "Stworz" italic max_width 255 xyz 1514 261 2001 to ref 129324
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 1575 287 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1478 287 3000
relationcanvas 129836 relation_ref 128684 // Wykorzystuje
from ref 128044 z 2001 label "Wykorzystuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 904 674 2001 to point 925 660
line 129964 z 2001 to ref 129708
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 880 627 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 946 699 3000
relationcanvas 130092 relation_ref 128812 // Naprawia
from ref 129708 z 2001 label "Naprawia" italic max_width 255 xyz 936 510 2001 to ref 128172
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 1040 495 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 937 567 3000
relationcanvas 131330 relation_ref 170498 // aktywuje
from ref 128514 z 2001 label "aktywuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 465 58 2001 to ref 130434
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 555 83 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 424 83 3000
relationcanvas 131586 relation_ref 170754 // wykorzystuje
decenter_begin 228
decenter_end 287
from ref 130434 z 2001 label "wykorzystuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 783 33 2001 to ref 130562
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 977 63 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 722 67 3000
relationcanvas 131714 relation_ref 170882 // wykorzystuje
decenter_begin 935
decenter_end 577
from ref 130434 z 2001 label "wykorzystuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 817 107 2001 to ref 130690
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 990 158 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 722 109 3000
relationcanvas 132610 relation_ref 171522 // przesylaDane
from ref 130434 z 2001 label "przesylaDane" italic max_width 255 xyz 535 177 2001 to ref 130818
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 520 263 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 605 111 3000
relationcanvas 132738 relation_ref 171650 // przesylaDane
from ref 128514 z 2001 label "przesylaDane" italic max_width 255 xyz 362 177 2001 to ref 130818
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 438 263 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 341 111 3000
relationcanvas 132866 relation_ref 171778 // tworzy
from ref 130818 z 2006 label "tworzy" italic max_width 255 xyz 475 467 2006 to ref 130946
no_role_a no_role_b
multiplicity_a_pos 479 524 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 480 430 3000
relationcanvas 132994 relation_ref 171906 // <realization>
decenter_begin 767
from ref 130562 z 2001 to ref 130434
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b
relationcanvas 133122 relation_ref 172034 // <realization>
decenter_end 776
from ref 130690 z 2001 to ref 130434
no_role_a no_role_b
no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b

View File

@ -1,46 +1,38 @@
format 223
format 224
classinstance 129930 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowec
name "" xyz 40 32 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 130186 class_ref 128014 // Automat
name "KontrolerAutormat" xyz 446 42 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 130954 class_ref 128014 // Automat
name "" xyz 900 44 2005 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 130442 classinstance_ref 130186 // KontrolerAutormat:Automat
xyzwh 534 150 2010 11 212
classinstance 128010 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 275 16 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128138 class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
name "" xyz 558 20 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128266 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 6 7 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 128522 classinstance_ref 128010 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 334 116 2010 11 94
overlappingdurationcanvas 129802
xyzwh 340 129 2020 11 49
durationcanvas 131082 classinstance_ref 130954 // :Automat
xyzwh 929 246 2010 11 116
durationcanvas 131978 classinstance_ref 129930 // :Zaopatrzeniowec
xyzwh 94 143 2010 11 158
durationcanvas 128778 classinstance_ref 128138 // :ManegerRaportow
xyzwh 620 113 2010 11 144
overlappingdurationcanvas 130314
xyzwh 626 153 2020 11 64
msg 131210 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130442
to durationcanvas_ref 131082
yz 286 2015 explicitmsg "ramyCzasowe()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "data:Data_Poczatek,data:Data_Koniec"
label_xy 562 271
msg 131722 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 130442
to durationcanvas_ref 131082
yz 315 2015 explicitmsg "wybranyProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:string"
label_xy 616 302
msg 132106 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 131978
to durationcanvas_ref 130442
yz 186 2015 explicitmsg "wybierzRamyCzasowe()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "data:Data_Poczatek,data:Data_Koniec"
label_xy 112 168
msg 132490 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 131978
to durationcanvas_ref 130442
yz 227 2015 explicitmsg "wybierzProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:string"
label_xy 264 210
durationcanvas 129674 classinstance_ref 128266 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 61 87 2010 11 105
msg 129930 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129674
to durationcanvas_ref 129802
yz 136 2025 explicitmsg "1. wybierzProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 83 120
msg 130442 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 129802
to durationcanvas_ref 130314
yz 164 2025 explicitmsg "1.1 wybierzProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 368 151

models/141450.diagram Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
format 224
classinstance 128010 class_ref 128010 // Zaopatrzeniowiec
name "" xyz 10.5 20 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128138 class_ref 135178 // ManegerRaportow
name "" xyz 603.5 36 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 128266 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler
name "" xyz 303.5 37 2000 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 128394 classinstance_ref 128010 // :Zaopatrzeniowiec
xyzwh 65 117 2010 11 64
durationcanvas 128522 classinstance_ref 128266 // :AutomatKontroler
xyzwh 362 135 2010 11 97
overlappingdurationcanvas 128650
xyzwh 368 153 2020 11 57
durationcanvas 128906 classinstance_ref 128138 // :ManegerRaportow
xyzwh 665 168 2010 11 80
overlappingdurationcanvas 129034
xyzwh 671 172 2020 11 37
msg 129418 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128394
to durationcanvas_ref 128650
yz 153 2025 explicitmsg "1. modyfikujProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 86 137
msg 129930 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 128650
to durationcanvas_ref 129034
yz 192 2025 explicitmsg "1.1 modyfikujProdukt()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "idProdukt:Produkt"
label_xy 394 176

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
format 224
revision 34
modified_by 2 "48516"
revision 35
modified_by 10 "Miko³aj"
@ -2350,7 +2350,6 @@ format 224
classrelation_ref 173186 // (wykorzytuje)
b multiplicity "*" parent class_ref 165122 // ManagerProduktow
class 165122 "ManagerProduktow"
@ -2767,18 +2766,28 @@ format 224
sequencediagram 128010 "9-1-wybranieOpcjiGenerujRaport"
sequencediagramsettings end
overlapping_bars size A1
sequencediagram 128138 "9-2.1-wybranieRamCzasowych"
sequencediagramsettings end
overlapping_bars size A3
sequencediagram 128138 "9-2-wybranieRamCzasowychIProduktow"
sequencediagram 141322 "9-2.2-wybranieProduktu"
sequencediagramsettings end
overlapping_bars size A4
sequencediagram 134794 "9-3-modyfikujDane"
sequencediagram 134794 "9-3.1-modyfikujRamyCzasowe"
sequencediagramsettings end
overlapping_bars size A4
overlapping_bars size A3
sequencediagram 141450 "9-3.2-modyfikujProdukt"
sequencediagramsettings end
overlapping_bars size A3
class 128010 "Zaopatrzeniowiec"
@ -2905,23 +2914,12 @@ format 224
class 128141 "DzialZaopatrzeniowy"
visibility package
cpp_decl "${comment}${template}class ${name}${inherit} {
java_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}${static}${final}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} {
php_decl "${comment}${final}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} {
python_2_2 python_decl "class ${name}${inherit}:
idl_decl "${comment}${abstract}${custom}valuetype ${name}${inherit} {
visibility package stereotype "actor"
cpp_decl ""
java_decl ""
php_decl ""
python_2_2 python_decl ""
idl_decl ""
explicit_switch_type ""
mysql_decl ""
@ -3053,18 +3051,6 @@ ${members}};
class 135306 "DzialZaopatrzeniowy_1"
visibility package stereotype "actor"
cpp_decl ""
java_decl ""
php_decl ""
python_2_2 python_decl ""
idl_decl ""
explicit_switch_type ""
mysql_decl ""
class 148780 "RaportZakonczeniaNaprawy"
visibility package
cpp_decl ""