format 224 classinstance 128770 class_ref 164226 // ManagerPlatnosciGotowkowej name "" xyz 628 546 2000 classinstance 128898 class_ref 178434 // ManagerPlatnosciKarta name "" xyz 22 542 2000 classinstance 129282 class_ref 178562 // ManagerPlatnosci name "" xyz 370 221 2006 classinstance 130946 class_ref 191746 // Klient name "" xyz 46 34 2000 classinstance 131714 class_ref 128394 // AutomatKontroler name "" xyz 370 41 2000 classinstance 132738 class_ref 141197 // IPlatnoscStrategy drawing_mode class name "" xyz 373 324 2000 classinstance 135170 class_ref 185218 // ManagerSprzedazy name "" xyz 364 130 2000 linkcanvas 131842 from ref 130946 z 2001 to ref 131714 dirscanvas 131970 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 131842 forward_label "1 wybranoFormePlatnosci(formaPlatnosciId:Int)" xyz 76 21 3000 linkcanvas 133762 from ref 132738 z 2001 to point 103 335 line 134402 z 2001 to ref 128898 dirscanvas 134146 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 134402 forward_label "5 [if KARTA == formaPlatnosciId] zrealizujPlatnosc(kwota:Money)" xyz 124 431 3000 linkcanvas 133890 decenter_end 527 from ref 132738 z 2001 to point 738 337 line 134914 z 2001 to ref 128770 dirscanvas 134274 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 134914 forward_label "6 [else if GOTOWKA == formaPlatnosciId] zrealizujPlatnosc(kwota:Money)" xyz 758 435 3000 linkcanvas 134018 decenter_begin 476 from ref 132738 z 2007 to ref 129282 dirscanvas 135042 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 134018 backward_label "4 zrealizujPlatnosc()" xyz 452 278 3000 linkcanvas 135298 from ref 129282 z 2007 to ref 135170 dirscanvas 135426 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 135298 backward_label "3 wykorzystajFormePlatnosci(formaPlatnosciId:Int)" xyz 454 181 3000 linkcanvas 135554 from ref 131714 z 2001 to ref 135170 dirscanvas 135682 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 135554 forward_label "2 ustawIdFormyPlatnosci(formaPlatnosciId:Int)" xyz 453 91 3000 msgs explicitmsg "wybranoFormePlatnosci(formaPlatnosciId:Int)" forward ranks 1 "1" dirscanvas_ref 131970 msgs explicitmsg "ustawIdFormyPlatnosci(formaPlatnosciId:Int)" forward ranks 2 "1.1" dirscanvas_ref 135682 msgs explicitmsg "wykorzystajFormePlatnosci(formaPlatnosciId:Int)" backward ranks 3 "1.1.1" dirscanvas_ref 135426 no_msg msgsend msgsend msg operation_ref 128013 // "zrealizujPlatnosc(in Kwota : Money)" backward ranks 4 "2" dirscanvas_ref 135042 no_msg explicitmsg "[if KARTA == formaPlatnosciId] zrealizujPlatnosc(kwota:Money)" forward ranks 5 "3" dirscanvas_ref 134146 no_msg explicitmsg "[else if GOTOWKA == formaPlatnosciId] zrealizujPlatnosc(kwota:Money)" forward ranks 6 "4" dirscanvas_ref 134274 no_msg msgsend end