format 223 classinstance 128044 class_ref 128044 // Serwisant name "" xyz 33 4 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128172 class_ref 134828 // Laptop name "" xyz 323 8 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128300 class_ref 128300 // SystemOperacyjny name "" xyz 473 4 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128428 class_ref 128172 // AutomatController name "" xyz 705 5 2000 life_line_z 2000 note 129708 "Czy ten restart jest zbedny? " xyzwh 379 121 2000 151 53 note 129836 "Klasyczne pytanie o to co przechodzi w stan gotowosci " xyzwh 584 205 2000 157 89 durationcanvas 128556 classinstance_ref 128044 // :Serwisant xyzwh 64 69 2010 11 41 end durationcanvas 128684 classinstance_ref 128172 // :Laptop xyzwh 347 70 2010 11 82 end durationcanvas 128940 classinstance_ref 128300 // :SystemOperacyjny xyzwh 537 89 2010 11 127 overlappingdurationcanvas 129196 xyzwh 543 137 2020 11 25 end end durationcanvas 129452 classinstance_ref 128428 // :AutomatController xyzwh 766 173 2010 11 35 end msg 128812 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128556 to durationcanvas_ref 128684 yz 70 2015 explicitmsg "1. wybierzPoleceniePonownegoUruchomienia()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 59 53 msg 129068 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128684 to durationcanvas_ref 128940 yz 89 2015 explicitmsg "1.1. ponownieUruchom()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 367 72 reflexivemsg 129324 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 129196 yz 137 2025 explicitmsg "1.2 restartFunkcji()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 552 118 msg 129580 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128940 to durationcanvas_ref 129452 yz 190 2025 explicitmsg "1.3. przejdzWStanGotowosci()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 557 173 end