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2020-05-15 17:25:01 +02:00
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit("This module is for import only")
test_pkg_name = '.'.join(__name__.split('.')[0:-2])
is_pygame_pkg = test_pkg_name == 'pygame.tests'
test_runner_mod = test_pkg_name + '.test_utils.test_runner'
if is_pygame_pkg:
from pygame.tests.test_utils import import_submodule
from pygame.tests.test_utils.test_runner \
import prepare_test_env, run_test, combine_results, \
get_test_results, TEST_RESULTS_START
from test.test_utils import import_submodule
from test.test_utils.test_runner \
import prepare_test_env, run_test, combine_results, \
get_test_results, TEST_RESULTS_START
import pygame
import pygame.threads
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import random
from pprint import pformat
was_run = False
def run(*args, **kwds):
"""Run the Pygame unit test suite and return (total tests run, fails dict)
Positional arguments (optional):
The names of tests to include. If omitted then all tests are run. Test
names need not include the trailing '_test'.
Keyword arguments:
incomplete - fail incomplete tests (default False)
usesubprocess - run all test suites in the current process
(default False, use separate subprocesses)
dump - dump failures/errors as dict ready to eval (default False)
file - if provided, the name of a file into which to dump failures/errors
timings - if provided, the number of times to run each individual test to
get an average run time (default is run each test once)
exclude - A list of TAG names to exclude from the run. The items may be
comma or space separated.
show_output - show silenced stderr/stdout on errors (default False)
all - dump all results, not just errors (default False)
randomize - randomize order of tests (default False)
seed - if provided, a seed randomizer integer
multi_thread - if provided, the number of THREADS in which to run
subprocessed tests
time_out - if subprocess is True then the time limit in seconds before
killing a test (default 30)
fake - if provided, the name of the fake tests package in the
run_tests__tests subpackage to run instead of the normal
Pygame tests
python - the path to a python executable to run subprocessed tests
(default sys.executable)
interative - allow tests tagged 'interative'.
Return value:
A tuple of total number of tests run, dictionary of error information. The
dictionary is empty if no errors were recorded.
By default individual test modules are run in separate subprocesses. This
recreates normal Pygame usage where pygame.init() and pygame.quit() are
called only once per program execution, and avoids unfortunate
interactions between test modules. Also, a time limit is placed on test
execution, so frozen tests are killed when there time allotment expired.
Use the single process option if threading is not working properly or if
tests are taking too long. It is not guaranteed that all tests will pass
in single process mode.
Tests are run in a randomized order if the randomize argument is True or a
seed argument is provided. If no seed integer is provided then the system
time is used.
Individual test modules may have a corresponding * module,
defining a __tags__ attribute, a list of tag strings used to selectively
omit modules from a run. By default only the 'interactive', 'ignore', and
'subprocess_ignore' tags are ignored. 'interactive' is for modules that
take user input, like 'ignore' and 'subprocess_ignore' for
for disabling modules for foreground and subprocess modes respectively.
These are for disabling tests on optional modules or for experimental
modules with known problems. These modules can be run from the console as
a Python program.
This function can only be called once per Python session. It is not
global was_run
if was_run:
raise RuntimeError("run() was already called this session")
was_run = True
options = kwds.copy()
option_usesubprocess = options.get('usesubprocess', False)
option_dump = options.pop('dump', False)
option_file = options.pop('file', None)
option_randomize = options.get('randomize', False)
option_seed = options.get('seed', None)
option_multi_thread = options.pop('multi_thread', 1)
option_time_out = options.pop('time_out', 120)
option_fake = options.pop('fake', None)
option_python = options.pop('python', sys.executable)
option_exclude = options.pop('exclude', ())
option_interactive = options.pop('interactive', False)
if not option_interactive and 'interactive' not in option_exclude:
option_exclude += ('interactive',)
if option_usesubprocess and 'subprocess_ignore' not in option_exclude:
option_exclude += ('subprocess_ignore',)
elif 'ignore' not in option_exclude:
option_exclude += ('ignore',)
if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0):
option_exclude += ('python2_ignore',)
option_exclude += ('python3_ignore',)
if pygame.get_sdl_version() < (2, 0, 0):
option_exclude += ('SDL1_ignore',)
option_exclude += ('SDL2_ignore',)
main_dir, test_subdir, fake_test_subdir = prepare_test_env()
# Compile a list of test modules. If fake, then compile list of fake
# from run_tests__tests
TEST_MODULE_RE = re.compile('^(.+_test)\.py$')
test_mods_pkg_name = test_pkg_name
working_dir_temp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if option_fake is not None:
test_mods_pkg_name = '.'.join([test_mods_pkg_name,
test_subdir = os.path.join(fake_test_subdir, option_fake)
working_dir = test_subdir
working_dir = working_dir_temp
# Added in because some machines will need os.environ else there will be
# false failures in subprocess mode. Same issue as python2.6. Needs some
# env vars.
test_env = os.environ
fmt1 = '%s.%%s' % test_mods_pkg_name
fmt2 = '%s.%%s_test' % test_mods_pkg_name
if args:
test_modules = [
m.endswith('_test') and (fmt1 % m) or (fmt2 % m) for m in args
test_modules = []
for f in sorted(os.listdir(test_subdir)):
for match in TEST_MODULE_RE.findall(f):
test_modules.append(fmt1 % (match,))
# Remove modules to be excluded.
tmp = test_modules
test_modules = []
for name in tmp:
tag_module_name = "%s_tags" % (name[0:-5],)
tag_module = import_submodule(tag_module_name)
except ImportError:
tags = tag_module.__tags__
except AttributeError:
print ("%s has no tags: ignoring" % (tag_module_name,))
for tag in tags:
if tag in option_exclude:
print ("skipping %s (tag '%s')" % (name, tag))
del tmp, tag_module_name, name
# Meta results
results = {}
meta_results = {'__meta__' : {}}
meta = meta_results['__meta__']
# Randomization
if option_randomize or option_seed is not None:
if option_seed is None:
option_seed = time.time()
meta['random_seed'] = option_seed
print ("\nRANDOM SEED USED: %s\n" % option_seed)
# Single process mode
if not option_usesubprocess:
options['exclude'] = option_exclude
t = time.time()
for module in test_modules:
results.update(run_test(module, **options))
t = time.time() - t
# Subprocess mode
if is_pygame_pkg:
from pygame.tests.test_utils.async_sub import proc_in_time_or_kill
from test.test_utils.async_sub import proc_in_time_or_kill
pass_on_args = ['--exclude', ','.join(option_exclude)]
for field in ['randomize', 'incomplete', 'unbuffered']:
if kwds.get(field, False):
def sub_test(module):
print ('loading %s' % module)
cmd = [option_python, '-m', test_runner_mod,
module] + pass_on_args
return (module,
(cmd, test_env, working_dir),
proc_in_time_or_kill(cmd, option_time_out, env=test_env,
if option_multi_thread > 1:
def tmap(f, args):
return pygame.threads.tmap (
f, args, stop_on_error = False,
num_workers = option_multi_thread
tmap = map
t = time.time()
for module, cmd, (return_code, raw_return) in tmap(sub_test,
test_file = '' % os.path.join(test_subdir, module)
cmd, test_env, working_dir = cmd
test_results = get_test_results(raw_return)
if test_results:
results[module] = {}
t = time.time() - t
# Output Results
untrusty_total, combined = combine_results(results, t)
total, n_errors, n_failures = count_results(results)
meta['total_tests'] = total
meta['combined'] = combined
meta['total_errors'] = n_errors
meta['total_failures'] = n_failures
if not option_usesubprocess and total != untrusty_total:
raise AssertionError('Something went wrong in the Test Machinery:\n'
'total: %d != untrusty_total: %d' % (total, untrusty_total))
if not option_dump:
print (combined)
print (pformat(results))
if option_file is not None:
results_file = open(option_file, 'w')
return total, n_errors + n_failures
def count_results(results):
total = errors = failures = 0
for result in results.values():
if result.get('return_code', 0):
total += 1
errors += 1
total += result['num_tests']
errors += result['num_errors']
failures += result['num_failures']
return total, errors, failures
def run_and_exit(*args, **kwargs):
"""Run the tests, and if there are failures, exit with a return code of 1.
This is needed for various buildbots to recognise that the tests have
total, fails = run(*args, **kwargs)
if fails: