import pygame from settings import Settings from field import Field settings = Settings() def create_board(screen): board = [] shelfs = [(250, 150), (250, 250), (450, 150), (450, 250), (650, 150), (650, 250), (850, 150), (850, 250), (250, 450), (350, 450), (750, 450), (850, 450), (250, 650), (250, 750), (450, 650), (450, 750), (650, 650), (650, 750), (850, 650), (850, 750)] for y in range(settings.y_fields): row = [] for x in range(settings.x_fields): field = Field(screen, x, y, 50 + x * 100, 50 + y * 100, False, False, 1) for shelf in shelfs: if field.center_x == shelf[0] and field.center_y == shelf[1]: field.is_shelf = True field.image = pygame.image.load('img/shelf.png') row.append(field) board.append(row) for row in board: for field in row: field.add_neighbors(board) for row in board: for field in row: if field.x > 0 and board[field.y][field.x - 1].is_shelf: field.cost_of_travel += 1 if field.x < 9 and board[field.y][field.x + 1].is_shelf: field.cost_of_travel += 1 if field.y > 0 and board[field.y - 1][field.x].is_shelf: field.cost_of_travel += 1 if field.y < 9 and board[field.y + 1][field.x].is_shelf: field.cost_of_travel += 1 return board def draw_board(board): for row in board: for field in row: field.blitme()