import pygame import functions import sys import time import decision_tree import data from agent import Agent from settings import Settings from board import create_board, draw_board, get_shelfs from random import randint, choice from mcda import selectedSupply from product import FinalProduct from coder import create_image # Inicjalizacja programu i utworzenie obiektu ekrany def run(): pygame.init() settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Inteligentny wózek widłowy") # agent = Agent(screen, 550, 450, "Down") agent = Agent(screen, 950, 950, "Left") board = create_board(screen) shelfs = get_shelfs(board) my_tree = decision_tree.build_tree(data.learning_data) products_from_supply = [] supply_depot = board[9][0] dest_field = None path = [] next_step = None # Rozpoczęcie głównej pętli programu while True: # functions.check_events(agent, board) # functions.update_screen(board, screen, agent) # for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: agent.turn_right() elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: agent.turn_left() elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: agent.move_forward(board) elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: agent.item = None agent.is_busy = False elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: products_from_supply = selectedSupply() # print("Wybrano: " + board[9][0].item[-1]) # field = board[9][0] # if not field.is_shelf: # path = functions.a_star(board[agent.y][agent.x], field, board) # path.pop(len(path) - 1) # next_step = path.pop(len(path) - 1) if len(products_from_supply) != 0 and supply_depot.is_empty is True and agent.is_busy is False: supply_depot.item = products_from_supply.pop(0) print(supply_depot.item) path = functions.a_star(board[agent.y][agent.x], supply_depot, board) path.pop(len(path) - 1) next_step = path.pop(len(path) - 1) agent.is_busy = True if board[agent.y][agent.x].item and agent.item is None: prediction = decision_tree.print_leaf(decision_tree.classify(board[agent.y][agent.x].item, my_tree)) print("Agent uważa, że przedmiot to: " + prediction[0]) new_product = FinalProduct(supply_depot.item[0], supply_depot.item[1], supply_depot.item[2], supply_depot.item[3], prediction[0]) print(new_product) ''' Wyznacza patha do polki na ktora ma polozyc produkt. ''' # list [x, y] dest_shelf = new_product.shelf(shelfs) path = functions.a_star(board[agent.y][agent.x], dest_shelf.get_field(), board) '''''' agent.item = new_product path.pop(len(path) - 1) next_step = path.pop(len(path) - 1) agent.is_busy = True if board[agent.y][agent.x] == dest_field: agent.is_busy = False agent.item = None if next_step is not None: time.sleep(0.5) if functions.check_turn(agent, next_step): agent.move_forward(board) if len(path) != 0: next_step = path.pop() else: next_step = None # print(next_step, path) for row in board: for field in row: if not field.is_shelf: field.image = pygame.image.load('img/Field.png') else: functions.change_turn(agent, next_step) draw_board(board) agent.blitme() pygame.display.flip() run()