import sys import os if __name__ == '__main__': pkg_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0])[0] parent_dir, pkg_name = os.path.split(pkg_dir) is_pygame_pkg = (pkg_name == 'tests' and os.path.split(parent_dir)[1] == 'pygame') if not is_pygame_pkg: sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir) else: is_pygame_pkg = __name__.startswith('pygame.tests.') import unittest from .test_machinery import PygameTestLoader import re try: import StringIO except ImportError: import io as StringIO import optparse from pprint import pformat def prepare_test_env(): test_subdir = os.path.split(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0])[0] main_dir = os.path.split(test_subdir)[0] sys.path.insert(0, test_subdir) fake_test_subdir = os.path.join(test_subdir, 'run_tests__tests') return main_dir, test_subdir, fake_test_subdir main_dir, test_subdir, fake_test_subdir = prepare_test_env() ################################################################################ # Set the command line options # # options are shared with so make sure not to conflict # in time more will be added here TAG_PAT = r'-?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+' TAG_RE = re.compile(TAG_PAT) EXCLUDE_RE = re.compile("(%s,?\s*)+$" % (TAG_PAT,)) def exclude_callback(option, opt, value, parser): if EXCLUDE_RE.match(value) is None: raise optparse.OptionValueError("%s argument has invalid value" % (opt,)) parser.values.exclude = TAG_RE.findall(value) opt_parser = optparse.OptionParser() opt_parser.add_option ( "-i", "--incomplete", action = 'store_true', help = "fail incomplete tests" ) opt_parser.add_option ( "-s", "--usesubprocess", action = "store_true", help = "run everything in a single process " " (default: use no subprocesses)" ) opt_parser.add_option ( "-e", "--exclude", action = 'callback', type = 'string', help = "exclude tests containing any of TAGS", callback = exclude_callback) opt_parser.add_option ( "-v", "--unbuffered", action = 'store_true', help = "Show stdout/stderr as tests run, rather than storing it and showing on failures" ) opt_parser.add_option ( "-r", "--randomize", action = 'store_true', help = "randomize order of tests" ) ################################################################################ # If an takes longer than TIME_OUT seconds it will be killed # This is only the default, can be over-ridden on command line TIME_OUT = 30 # DEFAULTS ################################################################################ # Human readable output # COMPLETE_FAILURE_TEMPLATE = """ ====================================================================== ERROR: all_tests_for (%(module)s.AllTestCases) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "test/%(module)", line 1, in all_tests_for subprocess completely failed with return code of %(return_code)s cmd: %(cmd)s test_env: %(test_env)s working_dir: %(working_dir)s return (first 10 and last 10 lines): %(raw_return)s """ # Leave that last empty line else build page regex won't match # Text also needs to be vertically compressed RAN_TESTS_DIV = (70 * "-") + "\nRan" DOTS = re.compile("^([FE.sux]*)$", re.MULTILINE) def combine_results(all_results, t): """ Return pieced together results in a form fit for human consumption. Don't rely on results if piecing together subprocessed results (single process mode is fine). Was originally meant for that purpose but was found to be unreliable. See the dump option for reliable results. """ all_dots = '' failures = [] for module, results in sorted(all_results.items()): output, return_code, raw_return = map ( results.get, ('output','return_code', 'raw_return') ) if not output or (return_code and RAN_TESTS_DIV not in output): # would this effect the original dict? TODO output_lines = raw_return.splitlines() if len(output_lines) > 20: results['raw_return'] = '\n'.join(output_lines[:10] + ['...'] + output_lines[-10:] ) failures.append( COMPLETE_FAILURE_TEMPLATE % results ) all_dots += 'E' continue dots = all_dots += dots if 'E' in dots or 'F' in dots: failures.append( output[len(dots)+1:].split(RAN_TESTS_DIV)[0] ) total_fails, total_errors = map(all_dots.count, 'FE') total_tests = len(all_dots) combined = [all_dots] if failures: combined += [''.join(failures).lstrip('\n')[:-1]] combined += ["%s %s tests in %.3fs\n" % (RAN_TESTS_DIV, total_tests, t)] if failures: infos = ((["failures=%s" % total_fails] if total_fails else []) + (["errors=%s" % total_errors] if total_errors else [])) combined += ['FAILED (%s)\n' % ', '.join(infos)] else: combined += ['OK\n'] return total_tests, '\n'.join(combined) ################################################################################ TEST_RESULTS_START = "<--!! TEST RESULTS START HERE !!-->" TEST_RESULTS_END = "<--!! TEST RESULTS END HERE !!-->" _test_re_str = '%s\n(.*)%s' % (TEST_RESULTS_START, TEST_RESULTS_END) TEST_RESULTS_RE = re.compile(_test_re_str, re.DOTALL | re.M) def get_test_results(raw_return): test_results = if test_results: try: return eval( except: print ("BUGGY TEST RESULTS EVAL:\n %s" % raise ################################################################################ def run_test(module, incomplete=False, usesubprocess=True, randomize=False, exclude=('interactive',), buffer=True): """Run a unit test module """ suite = unittest.TestSuite() print ('loading %s' % module) loader = PygameTestLoader(randomize_tests=randomize, include_incomplete=incomplete, exclude=exclude) suite.addTest(loader.loadTestsFromName(module)) output = StringIO.StringIO() runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=output, buffer=buffer) results = results = {module: { 'output': output.getvalue(), 'num_tests': results.testsRun, 'num_errors': len(results.errors), 'num_failures': len(results.failures), }} if usesubprocess: print (TEST_RESULTS_START) print (pformat(results)) print (TEST_RESULTS_END) else: return results ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': options, args = opt_parser.parse_args() if not args: if is_pygame_pkg: run_from = 'pygame.tests.go' else: run_from = os.path.join(main_dir, '') sys.exit('No test module provided; consider using %s instead' % run_from) run_test(args[0], incomplete=options.incomplete, usesubprocess=options.usesubprocess, randomize=options.randomize, exclude=options.exclude, buffer=(not options.unbuffered), ) ################################################################################