import heapq from src.dimensions import * def getTotalCost(x): return x.totalCost def showPath(node, goal): path = node.findPath(goal) for x in path: print(x.position, end=" ") print(x.rotation, end=" ") print(x.action) print("***") def succesor(node): succesors = [] if node.position[0] + node.rotation[0] in range(0, GSIZE) and node.position[1] + node.rotation[1] in range(0, GSIZE): child = Node(node.field, [node.position[0] + node.rotation[0], node.position[1] + node.rotation[1]], node.rotation) child.action = "move" succesors.append(child) if node.rotation == [1, 0]: child = Node(node.field, node.position, [0, -1]) child.action = "left" succesors.append(child) child = Node(node.field, node.position, [0, 1]) child.action = "right" succesors.append(child) if node.rotation == [0, 1]: child = Node(node.field, node.position, [-1, 0]) succesors.append(child) child.action = "right" child = Node(node.field, node.position, [1, 0]) child.action = "left" succesors.append(child) if node.rotation == [-1, 0]: child = Node(node.field, node.position, [0, -1]) succesors.append(child) child.action = "right" child = Node(node.field, node.position, [0, 1]) child.action = "left" succesors.append(child) if node.rotation == [0, -1]: child = Node(node.field, node.position, [-1, 0]) child.action = "left" succesors.append(child) child = Node(node.field, node.position, [1, 0]) child.action = "right" succesors.append(child) return succesors class Node: def __init__(self, field, position, rotation): self.parent = 0 self.startCost = 0 self.heuristic = 0 self.totalCost = 0 self.position = position self.rotation = rotation self.action = 0 self.field = field def __lt__(self, other): return self.totalCost < other.totalCost def findPath(self, goal): startNode = Node(self.field, self.position, self.rotation) goalNode = goal openList = [] closedList = [] startNode.parent = None openList.append(startNode) while len(openList) > 0: openList.sort(key=getTotalCost) currentNode = openList.pop(0) closedList.append(currentNode) if currentNode.position == goalNode: path = [] current = currentNode while current is not None: path.append(current) current = current.parent return path[::-1] children = succesor(currentNode) perm = 0 for child in children: for closedChild in closedList: if child.position == closedChild.position and child.rotation == closedChild.rotation and child.action == closedChild.action: perm = 1 break if perm == 1: perm = 0 continue child.parent = currentNode child.startCost = currentNode.startCost + child.field[child.position[0]][child.position[1]].moveCost child.heuristic = abs(goal[0] - child.position[0]) + abs(goal[1] - child.position[1]) child.totalCost = child.startCost + child.heuristic for openNode in openList: if child.position == openNode.position and child.rotation == openNode.rotation and child.action == openNode.action and child.startCost > openNode.startCost: perm = 1 break if perm == 1: perm = 0 continue openList.append(child) def findPathToPlant(self): startNode = Node(self.field, self.position, self.rotation) openList = [] closedList = [] startNode.parent = None heapq.heappush(openList, startNode) while len(openList) > 0: currentNode = heapq.heappop(openList) closedList.append(currentNode) if currentNode.field[currentNode.position[0]][currentNode.position[1]].planted and \ currentNode.field[currentNode.position[0]][currentNode.position[1]].field_type == "soil" and \ currentNode.field[currentNode.position[0]][currentNode.position[1]].hydration < 2: path = [] for _ in range(currentNode.field[currentNode.position[0]][currentNode.position[1]].hydration, 4): path.append("hydrate") path.append("fertilize") current = currentNode while current is not None: path.append(current.action) current = current.parent return path[::-1] children = succesor(currentNode) perm = 0 for child in children: for closedChild in closedList: if child.position == closedChild.position and child.rotation == closedChild.rotation and child.action == closedChild.action: perm = 1 break if perm == 1: perm = 0 continue child.parent = currentNode child.startCost = currentNode.startCost + child.field[child.position[0]][child.position[1]].moveCost child.heuristic = abs(startNode.position[0] - child.position[0]) + abs( startNode.position[1] - child.position[1]) child.totalCost = child.startCost + child.heuristic for openNode in openList: if child.position == openNode.position and child.rotation == openNode.rotation and child.action == openNode.action and child.startCost >= openNode.startCost: perm = 1 break if perm == 1: perm = 0 continue heapq.heappush(openList, child) def findPathToPlantSpot(self, goals): startNode = Node(self.field, self.position, self.rotation) openList = [] closedList = [] startNode.parent = None heapq.heappush(openList, startNode) while len(openList) > 0: currentNode = heapq.heappop(openList) closedList.append(currentNode) if not currentNode.field[currentNode.position[0]][currentNode.position[1]].planted and \ goals[currentNode.position[0]][currentNode.position[1]] != "": path = [] path.append("plant") current = currentNode while current is not None: path.append(current.action) current = current.parent return path[::-1] children = succesor(currentNode) perm = 0 for child in children: for closedChild in closedList: if child.position == closedChild.position and child.rotation == closedChild.rotation and child.action == closedChild.action: perm = 1 break if perm == 1: perm = 0 continue child.parent = currentNode child.startCost = currentNode.startCost + child.field[child.position[0]][child.position[1]].moveCost child.heuristic = abs(startNode.position[0] - child.position[0]) + abs( startNode.position[1] - child.position[1]) child.totalCost = child.startCost + child.heuristic for openNode in openList: if child.position == openNode.position and child.rotation == openNode.rotation and child.action == openNode.action and child.startCost >= openNode.startCost: perm = 1 break if perm == 1: perm = 0 continue heapq.heappush(openList, child)