_is_init = 0

def init():
    global list_cameras, Camera, colorspace, _is_init

    import os,sys

    use_opencv = False
    use_vidcapture = False
    use__camera = True

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        use_vidcapture = True
        use__camera = False

    elif "linux" in sys.platform:
        use__camera = True
    elif "darwin" in sys.platform:
        use__camera = True
        use_opencv = True

    # see if we have any user specified defaults in environments.
    camera_env = os.environ.get("PYGAME_CAMERA", "")
    if camera_env == "opencv":
        use_opencv = True
    if camera_env == "vidcapture":
        use_vidcapture = True

    # select the camera module to import here.

    # the _camera module has some code which can be reused by other modules.
    #  it will also be the default one.
    if use__camera:
        from pygame import _camera
        colorspace = _camera.colorspace

        list_cameras = _camera.list_cameras
        Camera = _camera.Camera

    if use_opencv:
            from pygame import _camera_opencv_highgui
            _camera_opencv_highgui = None

        if _camera_opencv_highgui:

            list_cameras = _camera_opencv_highgui.list_cameras
            Camera = _camera_opencv_highgui.Camera

    if use_vidcapture:
            from pygame import _camera_vidcapture
            _camera_vidcapture = None

        if _camera_vidcapture:
            list_cameras = _camera_vidcapture.list_cameras
            Camera = _camera_vidcapture.Camera

    _is_init = 1

def quit():
    global _is_init
    _is_init = 0

def _check_init():
    global _is_init
    if not _is_init:
        raise ValueError("Need to call camera.init() before using.")

def list_cameras():
    raise NotImplementedError()

class Camera:

    def __init__(self, device =0, size = (320, 200), mode = "RGB"):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def set_resolution(self, width, height):
        """Sets the capture resolution. (without dialog)

    def start(self):

    def stop(self):

    def get_buffer(self):

    def set_controls(self, **kwargs):

    def get_image(self, dest_surf = None):

    def get_surface(self, dest_surf = None):

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # try and use this camera stuff with the pygame camera example.
    import pygame.examples.camera

    #pygame.camera.Camera = Camera
    #pygame.camera.list_cameras = list_cameras