    Bitmask 1.7 - A pixel-perfect collision detection library.

    Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Ulf Ekstrom except for the bitcount
    function which is copyright (C) Donald W. Gillies, 1992.

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#ifndef BITMASK_H
#define BITMASK_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <limits.h>
/* Define INLINE for different compilers.  If your compiler does not
   support inlining then there might be a performance hit in
#ifndef INLINE
# ifdef __GNUC__
#  define INLINE inline
# else
#  ifdef _MSC_VER
#   define INLINE __inline
#  else
#   define INLINE
#  endif
# endif

#define BITMASK_W unsigned long int
#define BITMASK_N(n) ((BITMASK_W)1 << (n))

typedef struct bitmask
  int w,h;
  BITMASK_W bits[1];
} bitmask_t;

/* Creates a bitmask of width w and height h, where
   w and h must both be greater than or equal to 0.
   The mask is automatically cleared when created.
bitmask_t *bitmask_create(int w, int h);

/* Frees all the memory allocated by bitmask_create for m. */
void bitmask_free(bitmask_t *m);

/* Clears all bits in the mask */
void bitmask_clear(bitmask_t *m);

/* Sets all bits in the mask */
void bitmask_fill(bitmask_t *m);

/* Flips all bits in the mask */
void bitmask_invert(bitmask_t *m);

/* Counts the bits in the mask */
unsigned int bitmask_count(bitmask_t *m);

/* Returns nonzero if the bit at (x,y) is set.  Coordinates start at
   (0,0) */
static INLINE int bitmask_getbit(const bitmask_t *m, int x, int y)
  return (m->bits[x/BITMASK_W_LEN*m->h + y] & BITMASK_N(x & BITMASK_W_MASK)) != 0;

/* Sets the bit at (x,y) */
static INLINE void bitmask_setbit(bitmask_t *m, int x, int y)
  m->bits[x/BITMASK_W_LEN*m->h + y] |= BITMASK_N(x & BITMASK_W_MASK);

/* Clears the bit at (x,y) */
static INLINE void bitmask_clearbit(bitmask_t *m, int x, int y)
  m->bits[x/BITMASK_W_LEN*m->h + y] &= ~BITMASK_N(x & BITMASK_W_MASK);

/* Returns nonzero if the masks overlap with the given offset.
   The overlap tests uses the following offsets (which may be negative):

   |A   | yoffset
   |  +-+----------..
   |  |
   :  :
int bitmask_overlap(const bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b, int xoffset, int yoffset);

/* Like bitmask_overlap(), but will also give a point of intersection.
   x and y are given in the coordinates of mask a, and are untouched
   if there is no overlap. */
int bitmask_overlap_pos(const bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b,
                        int xoffset, int yoffset, int *x, int *y);

/* Returns the number of overlapping 'pixels' */
int bitmask_overlap_area(const bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b, int xoffset, int yoffset);

/* Fills a mask with the overlap of two other masks. A bitwise AND. */
void bitmask_overlap_mask (const bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b, bitmask_t *c, int xoffset, int yoffset);

/* Draws mask b onto mask a (bitwise OR). Can be used to compose large
   (game background?) mask from several submasks, which may speed up
   the testing. */

void bitmask_draw(bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b, int xoffset, int yoffset);

void bitmask_erase(bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b, int xoffset, int yoffset);

/* Return a new scaled bitmask, with dimensions w*h. The quality of the
   scaling may not be perfect for all circumstances, but it should
   be reasonable. If either w or h is 0 a clear 1x1 mask is returned. */
bitmask_t *bitmask_scale(const bitmask_t *m, int w, int h);

/* Convolve b into a, drawing the output into o, shifted by offset.  If offset
 * is 0, then the (x,y) bit will be set if and only if
 * bitmask_overlap(a, b, x - b->w - 1, y - b->h - 1) returns true.
 * Modifies bits o[xoffset ... xoffset + a->w + b->w - 1)
 *                [yoffset ... yoffset + a->h + b->h - 1). */
void bitmask_convolve(const bitmask_t *a, const bitmask_t *b, bitmask_t *o, int xoffset, int yoffset);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* End of extern "C" { */
