format 224 classcanvas 128130 class_ref 128514 // Wyplata classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 880.2 836.4 2000 107 112 end classcanvas 128386 class_ref 129794 // PIN classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 843.2 29.8 2000 101 76 end classcanvas 128642 class_ref 129922 // Transakcja classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 386 604.2 2000 180 135 end classcanvas 128770 class_ref 128770 // Klient classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 1016.8 153.4 2000 209 147 end classcanvas 128898 class_ref 128386 // BLIK classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 481.2 821.6 2000 95 127 end classcanvas 129026 class_ref 128002 // Bankomat classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 828.4 391 2000 166 129 end classcanvas 129282 class_ref 129538 // System_Transakcji classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 363.4 395.4 2000 195 112 end classcanvas 129410 class_ref 128258 // Karta classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 405.6 14.2 2005 149 109 end classcanvas 129538 class_ref 128642 // Wplata classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 69 804.8 2000 123 77 end classcanvas 129666 class_ref 129666 // Potwierdzenie classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 425.2 1026 2000 147 100 end classcanvas 129922 class_ref 129282 // Konto classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 393 175.8 2000 145 104 end classcanvas 130050 class_ref 129410 // Przelew classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyzwh 143.8 497.8 2000 129 80 end relationcanvas 130434 relation_ref 129154 // posiada decenter_begin 455 decenter_end 469 from ref 128386 z 2006 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 663 40 2006 to ref 129410 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 563 75 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 822 74 3000 end relationcanvas 130690 relation_ref 131074 // obsluguje geometry VH unfixed decenter_end 537 from ref 129282 z 2001 to point 458 274 line 136322 z 2001 label "obsluguje" italic max_width 255 xyz 436 259.5 2001 to ref 129922 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 450 290 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 443 366 3000 end relationcanvas 130818 relation_ref 131330 // nadzoruje decenter_end 474 from ref 129282 z 2001 label "nadzoruje" italic max_width 255 xyz 428 532 2001 to ref 128642 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 451 576 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 443 516 3000 end relationcanvas 130946 relation_ref 131586 // posiada decenter_end 527 from ref 130050 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 293 637 2001 to ref 128642 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 362 697 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 282 590 3000 end relationcanvas 131074 relation_ref 128898 // daje_dostep decenter_end 537 from ref 129410 z 2006 label "daje_dostep" italic max_width 255 xyz 433 126 2006 to ref 129922 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 454 147 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 453 132 3000 end relationcanvas 131330 relation_ref 129410 // posiada from ref 129666 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 240 1054 2001 to point 116 1074 line 136834 z 2001 to ref 129538 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 107 890 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 404 1085 3000 end relationcanvas 131714 relation_ref 130690 // posiada from ref 128898 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 600 880 2001 to ref 128130 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 859 899 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 585 894 3000 end relationcanvas 131970 relation_ref 131714 // posiada decenter_begin 726 decenter_end 456 from ref 128642 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 714 687 2001 to point 923 712 line 136962 z 2001 to ref 128130 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 908 807 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 577 712 3000 end relationcanvas 132610 relation_ref 138370 // posiada geometry HV unfixed decenter_begin 527 decenter_end 527 from ref 128642 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 226 654 2001 to point 131 673 line 136194 z 2001 to ref 129538 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 113 775 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 362 686 3000 end relationcanvas 133122 relation_ref 129282 // posiada from ref 129666 z 2001 to point 926 1069 line 137090 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 897 987 2001 to ref 128130 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 910 957 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 581 1084 3000 end relationcanvas 133378 relation_ref 131842 // autoryzuje decenter_begin 916 from ref 128642 z 2001 label "autoryzuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 502 757 2001 to ref 128898 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 513 792 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 527 749 3000 end relationcanvas 133506 relation_ref 130818 // posiada decenter_end 527 from ref 128898 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 381 837 2001 to point 343 842 line 135810 z 2001 to point 311 839 line 137218 z 2001 to point 280 838 line 136706 z 2001 to point 216 842 line 136450 z 2001 to ref 129538 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 201 854 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 460 885 3000 end relationcanvas 137986 relation_ref 145410 // obsluguje from ref 128770 z 2001 label "obsluguje" italic max_width 255 xyz 967 322 2001 to ref 129026 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 951 362 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1018 309 3000 end relationcanvas 138370 relation_ref 145794 // from ref 129026 z 2001 to ref 129282 no_role_a no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end end