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2020-01-06 14:46:37 +01:00
Bandiera Rossa
Ahead, you, you must not give way working people,
the red flag, that's your sign!
Ahead with renewed vigor on new tracks,
the red flags waft you ahead!
     Brut Red flags greet the sunlight,
     Brut Red flags call to the court!
     Brut Red flags will be winners,
    They carry new hope into the world.
In the shaft, in Werstattsaal where everyone creates,
the red flag be your weapon!
The future rich lucky can you guessed it,
the red flags when you ahead!
It will defeat you new time to hate,
the red flag will be peace achievement.
To free people it shapes subjects
the red flags when you ahead!
= = = =
(Революционная песня)
Вперед, рабочий народ, не мнется
Красное знамя, это твой знак!
С бодрым духом нового пути.
Красное знамя развевается впереди.
Алое (кроваво-красное) знамя навстречу солнечному свету,
Алое знамя зовет ...
Алое знамя побеждает,
Вы несете новую надежду человечеству.
В сражении, зале в, где каждый трудится,
Красное знамя - его оружие.
Счастье - в будущем, вы умеете его предвидеть.
Красное знамя развевается впереди!
Оно становится новым временем победы над ненавистью.
Красное знамя ведет к миру
Новые люди they образуют subjects
Красное знамя развевается впереди.
Рабочий перевод с немецкого на русский
20 июня 2006 г.
= = =
(Bandiera Rossa)
Forward, working class, red banner
does not crumpled, did is your symbol!
With cheerful soul of new path
Red banner flutters ahead!
Scarlet banner goes to meet sun light,
scarlet banner calls ...
scarlet banner wins,
You bring new hope to mankind.
In battle, in room where everybody works,
Red banner is his weapon.
Happiness - in future, you are able to foresee.
Red banner flutters ahead!
It Becomes new time of victory over hatred.
Red banner lead to peace.
New people form ...
Red banner flutters ahead!
Draft translation from German -> Russian -> English - "word-by-word rough text"
2nd of July, 2006
= = =
Avanti popolo
Music: Italian folk tune
Avanti Popolo, alla riscossa,
Bandiera rossa, bandiera rossa.
Avanti Popolo, alla riscossa,
Bandiera rossa trionfera.
Bandiera Rossa trionfera,
Bandiera rossa trionfera,
Bandiera rossa trionfera.
Evviva socialismo e Liberta.
Ahead, you, you must not give way working people,
the red flag, that's your sign!
Ahead with renewed vigor on new tracks,
the red flags waft you ahead!
Blood Red flags greet the sunlight,
blood-red flags calling for judgment!
Blood Red flags will be winners,
they wear new hope into the world.
In the shaft, in the workshop room, where everyone creates,
the red flag be your weapon!
The future rich lucky can you guessed it,
the red flags waft you ahead!
Blood Red flags greets ...
It is the new time defeat the hatred,
the red flag will bring peace.
To free people it shapes subjects
the red flags waft you ahead!
Blood Red flags greets ...