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2020-01-09 21:13:45 +01:00
-1 | reach touch faith personal jesus hear prayer care personal jesus hear prayer s feel unknown flesh bone telephone lift receiver ill believer second best test thing chest need confess deliver know be forgiver reach touch faith reach touch faith personal jesus hear prayer care personal jesus hear prayer s reach touch faith faith faith faith faith faith feel unknown flesh bone telephone lift receiver ill believer deliver know be forgiver yeah reach touch faith personal jesus reach touch faith reach touch faith yeah reach touch faith reach touch faith reach touch faith _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ personal jesus artist marilyn manson album lest forget good
-1 | lifeless dead unclean bed till hunger feed would wish would promise love say promise keep dirty floor sleep yeah lifeless dead would accept go weep demon come know be go to win yeah lifeless dead say say lead dead say bleed say feed lifeless dead lifeless dead lifeless dead lifeless dead lifeless dead lifeless dead _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lifeless dead artist mad season album
-1 | wake dream today cold static cold foot floor forget yesterday remember be pretend be anymore little taste hypocrisy be leave wake mistake slow react eeven close distant not bring true way feel promise face sound voice paint memory be keep inside close eye hit hit fall floor rest day stand fine line thing wrong pretend past not real be trap memory be leave wake mistake slow react close distant not bring true way feel promise face sound voice paint memory be keep inside close eye keep inside close eye matter far have come not wait tomorrow matter far have come not wait tomorrow keep inside close eye keep inside close eye _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | ballad matrosovo accord volyushkewill open field walk crazy snow snow scatter friend sailor attack go enemy fiery circle lead blizzard scribble machine gun way enemy bunker infantry pitch guy glow sunset native town russia russia villages hut birch quiet river river near bridge sailor remark meet dawn be bog machine gun shut creep sailor german bunker vow forget sailor stand brave heart soldier recess close sing guy let song wing life komsomolet hero russia russia soldier remember forever 1944
-1 | people earth reconcile night world night world people earth reconcile night world stand starless night mountainside s leave talk s leave valley shadow death grieve silently darkened sea end draw near stand stretch far wide barren sky fight silence deep inside valley shadow death grieve silently darkened sea people earth reconcile night world night world end draw near stand valley shadow death grieve silently end draw near oh end draw near oh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ end draw near artist manufacture album terrorvision
+1 | sings song resound sing song resound sing song fun darling aside silushku mighty smash hand harsh defeat nazis battle stalin hometown battle go country lead power innumerable lead troop fight winner people yasnokryly falcon voroshilov marshal combat hit powerful lavoyu hit storm enemy cut motherland glory tymoshenko stalin commissar martial tempered battle mighty wall nazis marshal budyonny wiggle shelf terrible battle 1942 option year way german horde way bandit horde soviet force valiant crush enemy forever enemy powerful lavoyu enemy wall shelf terrible battle unprecedented glory cover russian bayonet 1941
-1 | stop core have forget middle thought take far safety picture memory will not escape care stop core have forget middle thought take far safety picture memory will not escape care s place dark not end sky cock shock not defend rain send drip acidic question forcefully power suggestion eye shut look rust rot n dust small spot light flood floor pour rusted world pretend eye ease open dark stop core have forget middle thought take far safety picture memory will not escape care memory will find eye burn darkness hold tightly sun rise move scream up down pollution manifest perpetual sound wheel round sunset creeps street lamp chain link concrete little piece paper picture draw float street til wind go memory like picture paper crumple not perfect stop core have forget middle thought take far safety picture memory will not escape care stop core have forget middle thought take far safety picture memory will not escape care memory will find eye burn darkness hold tightly sun rise have get catch act bring thought be tell right have get catch act bring thought bring thought be tell right right have get catch act bring thought bring thought be tell right have get catch act oooh bring thought be tell right have get catch act oooh bring thought be tell right have get catch act oooh bring thought be tell right have get catch act oooh bring thought be tell right memory will find eye burn darkness hold tightly sun rise memory find eye burn darkness hold tightly sun rise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forget artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | day look life take away make stomach turn livin got to learn reality prayer hope will not happen mind business got to not look trouble trouble find fight not exist fist fight extinct nowadays people not think not easy set soul free decision theirs prayer hope will not happen mind business got to not look trouble trouble find mean protect family make stomach turn livin got to learn got to fight try life _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ new york city artist madball album set
+1 | song young pioneer father freedom happiness dream fight struggle establish lenin stalin homeland chorus prepare road year example communist work study live people soviet country pioneer komsomolsk removable steel proud nation labor science lenin stalin come relentlessly forward chorus give word pioneer worthy motherland homeland lenin stalin selflessly love chorus
-1 | know mean label life label lifestyle know label wake morning bed night hybrid have diggin crate livin space ratrace monkey human trait master numerology big bang theology perform lobotomy telekinetic psychology invent mic start blessin chincheckin kid point like impressionist man try shake twist mic cord double helix be buckle knee like leg brace cast spell instrumentalness mcs hate try leave shoulder cry infinity let icon bygone firebomb ghostly note haunt try threat move promise stomp shit accomplice run gauntlet want high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide akira kink backbone clone microphone satisfy rhyme jones sprayin bright day blood type krylon technicolor type highway ride road rage page wind cage tin bounce surround sound devour scene subliminal gangrene painting overall thing sing song karaoke copy bullshit break bone verbally stick stone tactic fourth dimension combat convention write rhyme ease track stand attention mean away pencilpistol official 16line rhyme missile risk pick flaw spittin rah blah blah blah see high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide like rock rap know mean people act like know wow s new invention shit brand new constantly evolve constantly change s lot change everybodys label be not label shit go to try label try create water feel like prophet misunderstood gun like new disease feel like prophet misunderstood gun like new disease high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide high voltage unforgettable sound high voltage bring take high voltage come high voltage make rhythm rhyme collide know mean label lifestyle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ high voltage artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | weapon hitler немецкий roar world imperious cry footstep fire death follow horde slavery gallow destruction death deceit fraud meuchelmord blood dishonor germany world rob loot belonging chase million field refrain o people world weapon hand smash fascist brood german soldier free land break fiery anger shed blood beat dog die rush war people happy free turn rifle betray soldier criminal govern german land follow leader high treason senseless death bank volga come worker enemy treason deed people free germany put end hitler state refrain o people world weapon hand smash fascist brood german soldier free land break fiery anger shed blood beat dog die rush war people happy free
+1 | lesson war lot song sing guilt sing war mereschatsya bayonet helmet hill open wind kragujevac city yugoslavian forget past allow guerrilla beat mountain nazis brutalize germans fail shoot teenage high school student parent decide fear kragujevac know resident leave classroom teacher teacher say gestapo bother conduct lesson place student rank teacher leave child rock stone silent gray breeze stir gestapo teacher say bother continue lesson war lot song sing guilt sing war world collect due war bloodshe kill child teacher lesson
-1 | tell tell stupid die die rope tell tell stupid die die wish not love have dead year wish not have tell tell stupid die die rope tell tell stupid die die will not tell tell stupid die die rope tell tell stupid die die want draw blood neck spill lie bed holy white rise cut tongue head tell tell stupid die die rope tell tell stupid die die will not tell tell stupid die die rope tell tell stupid die die belong line red scent teach heart reflect wound wise primal black eye s scarlet letter chest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ die rope artist distiller album coral fang
-1 | bear water bear flame life monster not know house wooden house stone proud break hearted close bone nightmare come pass grey sky morning green grass cover grave slip away slip away mmmhmm slip away water draw flame life leave crippled not know game wake choke hold dry sand desert black cloud cover sun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ slip away artist mad season album
+1 | magic horn light flux dawn flow mountain sunny artek sings magic horn tratatatata tratatatata tratatata tratatata ta spin fast globe artekovtsy artekovtsy artekovtsy stand single operation ring wind glow fire artek sings magic horn tratatatata tratatatata tratatata tratatata ta guy believe evening artekovtsy artekovtsy artekovtsy gather campfire black sea blue crimean mountain invitingly provocatively sing magic horn tratatatata tratatatata tratatata tratatata ta spin fast globe artekovtsy artekovtsy artekovtsy stand single stroy2p 1975
-1 | memory consume like open wound be pick apart assume be safe room try start not want battle choose cause inside realize be confuse not know s worth fight scream not know instigate not mean not know get way know alright be break habit be break habit tonight clutch cure tightly lock door try catch breath hurt anytime option leave not want battle choose cause inside realize be confuse not know s worth fight scream not know instigate not mean not know get way ill alright be break habit be break habit tonight ill paint wall cause be fault ill fight end not know s worth fight scream clarity mean not know get way ill alright be break habit be break habit be break habit tonight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ break habit artist linkin park album meteora
+1 | accord frontline road here poem memory special remind friend difficult year remember storm rage soul frost freeze cold friendship warm bright tear drop remember strong strict blush cheek chap accord frontline powder road go soldier boot go necessary melt formidable battle smoke meet understand happy leave unharmed let poetry friendship leave soul clear trail good memory special 1956
-1 | disconnect far ground close hear thunder sound neglect castle wall highwire walk kingdom fall rainin god rain way come goddamn shame fadin fade blue distance time cold moon room crime scene stay burn black book fear tear page house crime scene stage day walk sun simple day begin vision devil get away dream dead not stay house crime scene stage burn black book fear tear page room crime scene stage rain god rain way come goddamn shame fade fade blue distance time cold moon room crime scene stay burn book fear tear page house crime scene stage neglect castle wall highwire walk kingdom fall rain god rain way come goddamn shame _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ black book fear artist mad season album
-1 | leave day be not go to change world s road know choose yeah perfect forever clever feel super cool fool leave day be not go to change world s road know choose like evening like hide time like nature ostentation stay climb tree look skyward sensation know right time not wanna leave day be not go to change world s road know choose night night awake hate look chemical world smell like grayness like paper love sadness not know want year obsession ostentation leave have see guy leave day be not go to change world s road know choose httpslyricstranslatecom
-1 | sweet dream disagree travel world seven sea everybodys look want use want want abuse want abuse sweet dream disagree travel world seven sea everybodys look want use want want abuse want abuse wanna use abuse wanna know s inside move move move move move move move sweet dream disagree travel world seven sea everybodys look want use want want abuse want abuse be go to use abuse be go to know s inside go to use abuse be go to know s inside _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sweet dream artist marilyn manson album smell like child
-1 | artificial red smoke poison consume house ill repute way spend day recovery fatal disease oooh oooh oooh oooh cloud pink turn grey be yeah hold untouched crave oooh oooh oooh oooh artificial red smoke poison consume house ill repute place search love need gift oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh oooh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artificial red artist mad season album
-1 | sleep countenance fall turn white sheet face rain grow cold wallflower waltzin locomotive crawlin blood wheel rust not stain selfchosen cure selfchosen pain time ride beast suicide johnny come lately black light suit baby sweet kill lyin foot face mirror grow old bell distant ringin scorpion stingin wheel make noise mind not care world scream like slide inside train suicide johnny come lately know black light suit baby slide inside train suicide johnny come lately know black light suit baby time ride beast suicide johnny come lately know black light suit baby _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ locomotive artist mad season album
+1 | standardbearer like standardbearer like hot banner like torch raise right honor child lead pioneer detachment chorus blaze call deed pioneer banner dawn youth flare brightly youth go dawn flare brightly standardbearer want far planet hand desire walk moon know wait chorus standardbearer want purpose necessary dream learn work involve fight red flag entrust chorus 1970
+1 | sings accordion vologda sing accordion vologda cut grass song go meadow footpath meadow tropinochke narrow away music tractor tread easy step fine day good eye landlady inspect rye roar beautiful jinglesinging oats guy smile wheat mustache chorus golf course golden wave mature wheat rye ear song hear distance accord ancient custom raise mustache specie order distinguish simple beauty style rural musician demobilized guard sergeant respect earth give nod good harvest congratulate sing ptah accordion wail girl gasp schurili eye chorus sing accordion vologda cut grass song go meadow footpath meadow fly fun like bird sky city village freestyle 1950
-1 | not ask nomore question face tell know be leave fuck place try freedom not be fucking rat fuck justice justice word not mean fuck fuck fuck system have ruin life s turning not rat ill know s be lock innocent man get pride get pride not do lock free have wrong be innocent man not fuck will understand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lockdown artist madball album set
-1 | yeah hundredth time hand grenade pin line throw -PRON- let shine go fucking mind filthy mouth excuse find new place hang noose stre atop roof knot tight will not loose truth stop stare bleed care dig trench lay shovel reach yeah pour dirt dance floor prayer stomp bring chorus bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away throw away throw away bleed stop choppy word sloppy flow shotgun opera lock load cock watch mama help have curse death roll verse candy paint brand new hearse not contain know work fuck hurt will not lie not matter hard try half word not mean thing know will not satisfied try ignore dirt dance floor prayer stomp bring chorus bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away throw away throw away bleed have open scar ill face pull far ill face bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away throw away throw away bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away bleed dig deeper throw away throw away throw away bleed bleed bleed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bleed artist linkin park album minute midnight
-1 | folk special guest tonight would like introduce mr hahn let hear great mr hahn lesson rhythm management let begin alright not fun let try _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cure itch artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | crazy be bout sunshine s break be hot air balloon space air like not care baby way huh be happy clap feel like room roof be happy clap feel like happiness truth be happy clap know happiness be happy clap feel like s wanna come bad news talk yeah get not hold yeah probably warn ill fine yeah offense not waste time here be happy clap feel like room roof be happy clap
+1 | legendary sevastopol fly wing wind sea ground tell world favorite city world narrate crimean coast fight grandfather glorify fight legendary sevastopol impregnable enemy sevastopol sevastopol pride russian sailor fight holy right go country glory multiply combat throw black jacket black sea fleet war tank grenade go death thy son legendary sevastopol impregnable enemy sevastopol sevastopol pride russian sailor overseas enemy come sword meet guest name fire fighter know country native ship asleep reliably protect shore native land legendary sevastopol impregnable enemy sevastopol sevastopol pride russian sailor 1944
+1 | song peace activist fight unity find last peace happiness wake people earth dispel war storm chorus everybody everybody wake people good bortsy peace closely series way happy share song world boundary hide prison vault pick lock dungeon fight peace nation chorus united strong peace give oath warmonger sign sentence pripev1951
-1 | laugh die run allow time true need convince team lie mention sit hysterical laugh tiny hole buy trade men soul xray mind read plenty worth penny fair think free think be afraid blink not inch slowly drain hire spy bug pimp friend money rich grow sicker sell dead one quicker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ xray mind artist mad season album
+1 | sea ocean sea ocean red pennant wave walk uninvited guest shore native land chorus sun pour heart beat courage breathe chest wave birdsong way submarine battleship zorka watch stand native sea boundary blue chorus leisya song cloud fly sky beat enemy region mighty soviet navy proud chorus 1939
-1 | not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know live hate everyday oh yeah fighting come sane not know yeah not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know live hate everyday oh yeah fighting come sane not know teacher ruler hand laugh cross heart hide reliever trail blood love not know not know not know not know not know not know not know not know live hate everyday oh yeah fighting come sane not know teacher ruler hand laugh cross heart hide reliever trail blood love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not know artist mad season album
+1 | song charge frost terrible heat surprise doctor sick healthy child neighborhood chorus early morning engage gymnastic laziness water tap sweat day difficult homework lesson necessary time take walk brother read funny book evening ice rink option work tirelessly contest score skating rink evening chill chorus choose difficult case solve problem complicated pace be tired know song sound fun chorus
+1 | moscow festival walk single family song hot word ukrainians estonian georgian morning muscovite feel rank continually close friend elbow distant land different country young friend chorus town white dove soar spring blossom sky rank smooth student cheerful friendly komsomol people quickly wake dear quickly look moscow gentle breeze caress play fluffy foliage tree student beloved convoy capital let fun sun lover reflect view thine chorus road difficult friend vnogu celebration weekday forever young friendship save indestructible like song love peace happiness sun family banner chorus 1957
-1 | crawl skin wound heal fear fall confuse real oh s inside pull beneath surface consume confuse lack selfcontrol fear end control not find wall close sense confidence be convince s pressure have feel way insecure crawl skin wound heal fear fall confuse real discomfort endlessly pull distract distract react ill stand reflection reflection haunt haunting not find wall close sense confidence be convince s pressure have feel way insecure crawl skin wound heal fear fall confuse real crawling skin wound heal fear fall confuse confuse real s inside pull beneath surface consume confuse real lack selfcontrol fear end control confuse real _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ crawl artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | stop thought pain attach wonder happen like distract think shoot infinite word pain give display not realize instead set free take hate go away go away have will right have will fear not separate have give have let hear memory come remember start happen would thought thought slowly find word attach know escape away commit day regret say thing take hate go away go away have will right have will fear not separate have give have let go away go away go away go away away space get come memory have keep be let know have let away space get come memory have keep be let know have let have will right have will fear not separate have give have let have let have let lose inside thought give have let _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ figure09 artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | water grey window stair chill rain like ocean not want reach mean little thing away mistake levee break have want truly look foot underwater hope decay generation disappear wash away nation simply stare not want reach mean little thing away mistake levee break have want truly look foot underwater have want truly look foot underground little thing away little thing away little thing away little thing away have want truly look little thing away little thing away have want truly look little thing away little thing away have want truly look little thing away little thing away have want truly look little thing away little thing away have want truly look little thing away little thing away have want truly look little thing away little thing away _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ little thing away artist linkin park album minute midnight
-1 | december time year december clear december snow cover home december wish not feel like miss thing say feel like wish not feel like miss thing say would away away come home december snow cover dream pretend need wish not feel like miss thing say feel like wish not feel like miss thing say would away away come home december time year december clear away away come home away away come home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ december artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | song borough small town volga small comparison moscow tula expensive pass day small town secretly tell town map union far finish work card believe time far chorus proud young town love return force beautiful city youth song sing chorus 1950
-1 | be tired want feel faithless lose surface not know expect pressure walk shoe catch undertow catch undertow step mistake catch undertow catch undertow have numb not feel have tired aware be want like like not smother hold tightly afraid lose control cause think fall apart right catch undertow catch undertow step mistake catch undertow catch undertow second waste have numb not feel have tired aware be want like like know end fail know like disappointed have numb not feel have tired aware be want like like have numb not feel be tired want have numb not feel be tired want _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ numb artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | ignore follow instinct blindly hide pride bad dream sad thought madden sit try stand try catch redhande trust fool phoniness trust live loneliness not hold be stretch thin right move be lose daily facade end get hurt ask mind find not rely ask mind find not rely not hold want be stretch thin not hold watch spin thought failure sink turn be defenseless blind leave senseless hide pride let will til go let ill outdo try catch ill outrun be kill question like cancer ill bury silence answer ask mind find not rely ask mind find not rely not hold want be stretch thin not hold watch spin thought failure sink think have lose be afraid be touch expect know know tell not know not tell matter hard try not convince be stick outside not know not tell matter hard try not convince be stick outside not hold want be stretch thin not hold watch spin thought failure sink not hold want be stretch thin not hold watch spin thought failure sink _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | adzhimushkay cannonade cannonades kerch burn away row soldier soldier rank quarry hold hold slay adzhimushkay underground garrison collapse collapse dark whisper whisper fall political instructor hold hold slay adzhimushkay underground garrison water water bread chest breast life hope light hold hold slay adzhimushkay underground garrison gul cannonade rumble cannonade carry away century sound sound word afar hold hold slay adzhimushkay underground garrison 1980
-1 | feel like night today right today uptight today paranoia get leave not know stress pressure feed know feel like voice head like face hold inside face awake close eye face watch time lie face laugh time fall watch know time sink swim face inside right underneath skin like be paranoid look like whirlwind inside head like not stop be hearing like face inside right beneath skin know have get face point mistake have get face inside paranoias probably worse not know set know not stand everybody act like fact matter not add everybody face hold inside face awake close eye face watch time lie face laugh time fall watch know time sink swim face inside watch right inside skin like be paranoid look like whirlwind inside head like not stop be hearing like face inside right beneath skin like be paranoid look like whirlwind inside head like not stop be hearing like face inside right beneath skin face inside right beneath skin face inside right beneath skin face inside right beneath skin sun go feel light betray sun go feel light betray sun like be paranoid look like whirlwind inside head like not stop be hearing like face inside right beneath skin feel light betray sun like be paranoid look like whirlwind inside head like not stop be hearing like not stop be hearing feel light betray like not stop be hearing like face inside right beneath skin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ papercut artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | not want set world fire want start flame heart heart desire have lose ambition worldly acclaim want love admission feel ill reach goal be dream believe not want set world fire want start flame heart not want set world fire honey love want start great big flame heart way inside darlin desire desire know be not go to have lose ambition worldly acclaim want love admission feel ill reach goal be dream believe not want set world fire want start flame heart _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not want set world fire artist ink spot album hit collection 1941
-1 | feel have get run away have get away pain drive heart love share have lose light toss turn not sleep night run run run taint love have give boy tear s nearly taint love ooh tainted love know have get run away have get away not want anymore thing right need hold tight think love pray be sorry not pray way run run run taint love have give boy tear s nearly taint love ooh tainted love not touch stand way tease love hurt be go to pack thing touch baby taint love touch baby taint love touch baby taint love touch baby taint love run run run taint love have give boy tear s nearly taint love ooh tainted love ooh tainted love ooh tainted love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tainted love artist marilyn manson album golden age grotesque
-1 | tell hand beg stay lip love eye hate s truth lie doubt faith build lay waste s truth lie doubt faith have got not will not leave piece secret regret not lie promise sky toss like stone wrap arm chill bone s truth lie doubt faith have got not will not leave piece secret regret not lie will not leave piece secret regret not lie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ piece artist linkin park album minute midnight
-1 | close lock window close blind turn away solution not simple goodbye way oooh sun set sun set shadow day embrace world grey sun set card flower window friend plead stay beginning not simple goodbye way oooh sun set sun set shadow day embrace world grey sun set shadow day embrace world grey sun set shadow day embrace world grey sun set _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shadow day artist linkin park album minute midnight
+1 | soviet motherland soviet motherland sing song sing song good homeland live life fun love love good song sing strong courageous let school let school country podrastom 1962
+1 | barricade barricade barricade hour battle close people boldly battle tyrant honor glory victory await chorus mlat hard strike damask heart strike birth fire ardor soldier burn heart come people signal battle call 2 time honor robespierre marat glory death bloodsucker tear barricade wound wound death death fighting call socialism banner color blood municipality give color dawn barricade shackle hell destroy hero 1905
-1 | spanish song andalucia shoot site day 39 oh leave vendanna open federico lorca dead go bullet hole cemetery wall black car guardia civil spanish bomb costa rica be fly dc10 tonight spanish bomb yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón spanish bomb yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón spanish week disco casino freedom fighter die hill sing red flag wear black die mockingbird hill home bus go flash irish tomb drench blood spanish bomb shatter hotel señorita rise nip bud spanish bomb yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón spanish bomb yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón hillside re free people hear echo day 39 trench poet ragged army fix bayonet fight line spanish bomb rock province be hear music time spanish bomb costa brava be fly dc10 tonight spanish bomb yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón spanish bomb yo te quiero infinito yo te acuerda oh mi corazón spanish song andalucía mandolina oh mi corazón spanish song granada oh mi corazón _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ spanish bomb artist clash album london call
-1 | start thing not know not matter hard try mind design rhyme explain time know time valuable thing watch fly pendulum swing watch count end day clock tick life away unreal not look watch time right window try hold not know waste watch keep inside try fall apart mean eventually memory time try hard get far end not matter fall lose end not matter thing not know not matter hard try mind design rhyme remind try hard spite way mock act like property remember time fight be surprise get far thing not way not recognize anymore know come end keep inside try fall apart mean eventually memory time try hard get far end not matter fall lose end not matter have trust push far s thing know have trust push far s thing know try hard get far end not matter fall lose end not matter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ end artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | ballad victor jara ill sing song guitarist leader chilean boys idol ill sing song gay marxist play guitar listen world imagine guitar nazis terrible conscience earth september interrogation take victor jara guitar question lead away run tightly tie live shoot night play break hand song guy executioner blue cordillera open distance ocean wind ring string guitar break boot guitar terrible unfinished turn century old song alas good play guitar give man voice soul play friend beat guitar resurrect rank great name hand hand victor jara continue song come time 1973
+1 | alignment lights inkerman sevastopol worth herocity capital birthplace navy sing military marine fight sing song sailorsfighter die solar city extinguish heart sailor lights inkerman alignment chorus maritime famous flag keep black sea sailor work fight honor chorus repeat time sailor return home city beach covet invitingly light beacon friend white stone inkerman light raid bay usual patrol highly shine mountain light inkerman alignment chorus fiery ring cityhero cannon beat relentlessly extinguish white high mountain color light inkerman sing song sailorsfighter die solar city extinguish heart sailor lights inkerman alignment chorus retain line sailor sacred height rocket soar arm rise sailor company go shore sailor ship fight city sea burn land inkerman alignment light chorus sevastopol worth herocity capital birthplace navy sing military marine fight black sea expanse permanently light coastal mountain inkerman alignment light chorus
-1 | watch moon sit sky dark night shine light sun sun not life moon assume moon go owe make think act favor rapidly turn start ask thing want be sick tension sick hunger sick act like owe find place feed greed find place rest want place hate not understand will mean want energy enemy place head maybe someday ill like step people like run away people think know remember calm strong generous shoulda know would wear welcome quiet be sick tension ahh sick hunger sick act like owe ahh find place feed greed find place rest be sick tension ahh sick hunger sick act like owe ahh find place feed greed find place rest want place hate not understand will mean want energy enemy place head try good away try good away try good away try good away try good away try good away try good away try good away want place hate not understand will mean want energy enemy place head stay away sick tension stay sick hunger sick act like owe find place feed greed find place rest be sick tension way sick hunger sick act like owe stay find place away feed greed find place rest _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ place head artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | farewell s blood s alibi cause have draw regret truth thousand lie let mercy come wash away have ill face cross have erase let have rest think clean slate hand uncertainty let mercy come wash away have ill face cross have erase let have have ill start pain come today end be forgiving have ill face cross have erase let have nananana nananana nananana nananana have nananana nananana nananana nananana forgiving have nananana nananana nananana nanana _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have artist linkin park album minute midnight
+1 | arctic sea polar sea sky arctic sea bird hear polar night fancy mist russian birch mainland white birch blue distance stretch rail native country maybe far away hour relative family remember polar night chudyatsya mist young child mainland bring wind south warm breath sunny country polar sea sky arctic sea bird hear russian birch fancy darkness love remember mainland 1939
+1 | song pavlik morozov taiga lie gray mist large tract guy good example village pasha pioneer enemy fight pavel morozov learn deal address village father show outside village bloom thick grass spike grain stubble field father brutally crack pavlik threaten relative day summer quiet evening quiet time sheet falter taiga minor little brother pasha return communist gray cloud gather night expense rain shower straight pioneer good return home night dawn raise banner lightning large tract morozov kill fist stab death forest pioneer hatred murderer morning lose fighter rank case deceased hero forget kid 1934
-1 | pretend want look exactly like want pretend forget criminal steal second second cause know not pretend way will stay be try bend truth not pretend be want be lie way turn want push aside let turn let life would turn naw turn bad remember teach remember condescend talk ought remember listen pretend person fit think person be try bend truth push be pull away cause be lie way turn want push aside let turn let life would turn naw turn bad bad not want think say run like not want think say run like not want think say run like not want think say run like turn want push aside let turn let life would turn naw turn bad bad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lie artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | boy girl age not like strange come town halloween halloween halloween pumpkin scream dead night halloween everybody scene trick treat till neighbor go to die fright town everybody scream town halloween hide bed tooth grind sharp eye glow red hide stair finger like snake spider hair halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween town home hail pumpkin song town not love everybodys wait surprise round corner man hide trash something wait pounce will scream halloween red n black slimy green not scared s fine twice chance roll dice ride moon dead night everybody scream everybody scream town halloween clown tearaway face flash go trace s wind blow hair shadow moon night fill dream brim fright halloween halloween halloween halloween alloween alloween alloween alloween tender lumpling life fun good scare s job mean town halloween town not love everybody wait surprise skeleton jack catch scream like banshee jump skin halloween everybody scream will not ya way special guy man jack king pumpkin patch hail pumpkin king halloween halloween alloween alloween alloween alloween town home hail pumpkin song la la la lala la la la lala la la la lala la la la _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ halloween artist marilyn manson album nightmare revisit
+1 | let raise boldly banner storm hostile element howl sinister force oppress today everybodys tomorrow uncertain oh banner mankind sacred song resurrection triumph labor justice dawn brotherhood people forward warsaw bloody fight sacred righteous march march warsaw today work people starve indulge luxury crime shame young age afraid mount scaffold oh forget death give life cause victorious chant name honour million people forward warsaw bloody fight sacred righteous march march warsaw hurra let tear crown tzar people wear thorn let drown rotten throne blood throne stain purple people blood ha frightful vengeance today tormentor suck life million people ha vengeance tzar plutocrat harvest crop future forward warsaw bloody fight sacred righteous march march warsaw
-1 | pain selfchosen prophet say burn cut pride buy time head lie weight tie waist river deceit pull oh direction flow oh oh oh oh pain selfchosen believe drown pull skin swim shore grow beautiful shell river deceit pull yeah direction flow oh oh oh oh pain selfchosen yeah pain selfchosen oh oh oh oh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ river deceit artist mad season album
-1 | move abstract like shadow dancing edge like storm cloud pass overhead effortless free hour rush sense end time s way forever shine sun rise air try shoot arrow die killer will not survive move abstract like shadow dancing edge like storm cloud pass overhead hypnotize hour rush sense end time stretch eternity divine sun will not rise air try shoot arrow die killer will not survive air try shoot arrow die killer will not survive killer will not survive survive survive air try shoot arrow die killer will not survive air try shoot arrow die killer will not survive killer will not survive _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ killer artist dillinger escape plan album killer
+1 | song will probably like let sing song need new record famous old renew chorus eye eye let force multiply advantage let traveler temporarily postpone lover come support chorus athlete ask retirement strength work century let wake radio loud song let good morning day chorus road lot steep land pass brave remember attack believe dear homeland raise red flag star chorus 1969
+1 | magadan boulevard have hear course yve montand parisian boulevard hymn love be love boulevards magadan hard distant outskirt russia bear territory reign taiga burn frost snow swerve death freeze snowstorm city edge russian rise grow spite stand light beautiful memory builder bow let montand parisian boulevard singe sing yes be love boulevard magadan distant golden edge oh bois de boulogne montmartre notre dame good regard work paris pass boulevard good regard work paris be boulevards magadan peredam1964
-1 | wake morning live hell know bad enemy know happen cell betrayal feel revenge seek hesitation turn get to choice get to get to crew law not forgive call brother not let feeling way turn crew would die rat boy life law promise promise choose break stick matter brother turn prove fake hesitation turn get to choice get to get to crew law law have leave choice strength gesture thought voice turn crew would die rat boy life clock tick time now chance get to fast memory rest law choose live break fuckin rule die law _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ law artist madball album set
-1 | easy run replace pain numb easy face pain take deep inside secret have keep lock away wound deep away like move picture head year year have play change pain retrace wrong stand blame shame grave change pain retrace wrong stand blame shame grave easy run replace pain numb easy face pain remember darkness past bring memory wish not think let look move forward d past change pain retrace wrong stand blame shame grave change pain retrace wrong stand blame shame grave wash aside helplessness inside pretend not feel misplaced simple change easy run replace pain numb easy face pain easy run change pain retrace wrong easy change pain retrace wrong stand blame shame grave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ easy run artist linkin park album meteora
+1 | moscow favorite morning spark blue dawn blestnut field bridge train run moscow morning clear joyful hour moscow near river sing like bird horn capital good beginning spring snow silver earth fly wing fame moscow sun light pour day capital golden stream good golden ray native city bright day face paint life hot build happiness muscovite capital good clear day fit young labor earth fly wing fame moscow late hour blue expanse moscow good soundly sleep cribs kid silence late hour star red edge store like star helmet soldier good capital hour night star shine peacefully earth fly wing fame moscow 1955
-1 | not know trust surprise feel far away heavy thought sift dust lie try break be tired deceit time try foot think tiring time try trust take ill inside throw away cause swear time will not trust tension build inside steadily feel far away heavy thought force way try break be tired deceit time try foot think tiring time try trust take ill inside throw away cause swear time will not trust will not waste waste ill inside throw away cause swear time will not trust inside throw away cause swear time will not trust _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inside artist linkin park album meteora
+1 | song need strong bass loud word val serenade avtni waltz serenade song sound like necessary chorus grenada grenada sing light march life dear father gray heart return motherland life chorus heart trouble light shower tomorrow road lot case chorus get way barrier ready song pleased heart chorus redo 1st couplet pripev1973
+1 | clearing clearing near school tank stand camp funny concertina village gather moment noon sunset pour accordion flush girl good tanker play squeeze aside guy noise postpone kurnosenkoy girl jokingly speak goodbye view wonderful eye ahead part west leave german war draw heart path hear accordion mean be go look window ill long ago drive away tank forget meadow girl walk sad meet pink morning dawn tankman say maybe joke maybe 1944
-1 | anymore say have say word sense find bliss ignorance hear will find like take step closer edge be break need little room breathe cause be step closer edge be break find answer not clear wish find way disappear thought sense find bliss ignorance away like take step closer edge be break need little room breathe cause be step closer edge be break take step closer edge be break need little room breathe cause be step closer edge be break shut be talk shut shut shut shut be talk shut shut shut shut be break take step closer edge be break need little room breathe cause be step closer edge be break take step closer edge be break need little room breathe cause be step closer edge be break _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ step close artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | sing play accordion train tambov hurtle field man young take fight chorus sing play accordion go platoon outermost track comrade call mist land river meadow clearing house chorus long night devonka sleep rowan berry knock window chorus comrade honey sad lodge native come way chorus turn squeeze sing rifle platoon bullet touch death chorus sing play accordion go platoon outermost track comrade call 1942
-1 | london call far away town war declare battle come london call underworld come cupboard boy girl london call not look phony beatlemania bite dust london call be not get swing ring truncheon thing ice age come sun zoom meltdown expect wheat grow thin engine stop run fear cause london drown live river london call imitation zone forget brother london call zombie death quit hold draw breath london call not wanna shout talk see nod london call be not get high yellowy eye ice age come sun zoom engine stop run wheat grow thin nuclear error fear cause london drown live river ice age come sun zoom engine stop run wheat grow thin nuclear error fear cause london drown live river london call yeah know say true london call dial will not smile london call feel alike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ london call artist clash album billy elliot
-1 | verse 1 miss cocoa butter kiss hope smile listen be not competition competin attention like be game baby peepin be not like mind get time vibin not texte check call slime treat like worth dime chorus paint perfect picture forever want wear orange sweater tell bad well stick cause stupid letter get singe love song love song love song get singe love song love song love song get singe love song love song love song get singe love song love song love song verse 2 get singe love song oh type song tip four pour song yeah fall love song hey bighead hit song double cup bae be lean play game be tryna boo not duck action bust bust pill satisfaction red pop blue chorus paint perfect picture forever want wear orange sweater tell bad well stick cause stupid letter get singe love song love song love song get singe love song love song love song get singe love song love song love song get singe love song love song love song
-1 | forfeit game somebody take frame put shame cover face not run race pace fast will not love way look take pleasure awful thing away life pride break like think wrong live have learn act like live have learn want hurt like live have learn want share have live have learn love thing ill way hurt away life pride break like think wrong live have learn act like live have learn want hurt like live have learn want share have live have learn yo yo forfeit game somebody take frame put shame cover face not run race pace fast will not forfeit game somebody take frame put shame cover face not run race pace fast will not like think wrong live have learn act like live have learn want hurt like live have learn want share have live have learn like think wrong forfeit game live have learn act like forfeit game live have learn want hurt like forfeit game live have learn want share have live have learn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ point authority artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | inside turn ash slow blow away collapse cold black wind take away sight hold darkness day night cloud closer look dissatisfied heartless wind keep blow blow protection cause path lose direction black wind take away sight hold darkness day night cloud closer look dissatisfied ground grow cold inside heartless wind keep blow blow go wrong know like valentines day valentines day valentines day valentines day valentines day protection valentines day valentines day cause mind lose direction valentines day valentines day protection valentines day valentines day cause mind lose direction valentines day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ valentines day artist linkin park album minute midnight
+1 | united song немецкий man man need eat make geschwдtz tired create food refrain   drum leave drum leave place comrade row worker unite worker 2 man man need clothe shoe make geschwдtz warm drum   refrain 3 man man like boot face drum want sehn slave inform master   refrain 4 proletarian proletarian drum befrein liberation working work worker   refrain русский перевод и так как все мы люди то должны мы извините чтото есть хотят накормить нас пустой болтовней к чертям спасибо за честь марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди то нужны нам башмаки без заплат и нам не поможет треск речей под барабанный раскат марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как все мы люди не дадим бить нас в лицо сапогом никто на других не поднимет плеть и сам не будет рабом марш левой два три марш левой два три встань в ряды товарищ к нам ты войдёшь в наш единый рабочий фронт потому что рабочий ты сам и так как ты рабочий то не жди что нам поможет другой себе мы свободу добудем в бою своей рабочей рукой
-1 | blood be start drown run cold cold time time sky come help lose way tear lie answer open vein god know be go girl want come lord storm be head fall sin have wrong oh babe come come xxx long go day mmmhmhmmhmmm hmmmmhm say wash away rain time time not strange far away remember summer ohohoohohoh remember everyday time place save music wind carry away long go day mmmhmhmmhmmm hmmmmhm say wash away rain tear be startin drown rain heaven come silver spoon affix crown luckless one break fear lie answer open flame god know be go want come mmmhmmm lord storm be head fall sin have wrong want oh want come fear like lose way mmmhm shout god bring sunny day yeah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ long go day artist mad season album
-1 | come peep style kid check number question ignore drop right cut basement track rap get back like rewind roll rhythm rise ashe stylistic division nonstop lyric life live forget unforgiven meantime want talk suppose get point feeling get hurt dirty people spread dirt go try warning ignore tell loud clear nobodys listen clearly not want hear tell loud clear nobodys listen get heart pain head stress handful anger hold chest left waste time hate rhyme hate else be ride pressure guess well not stress give write pain give set sight forget blood sweat tear uphill struggle year fear trash talking people people start like try warning ignore tell loud clear nobodys listen clearly not want hear tell loud clear nobodys listen get heart pain head stress handful anger hold chest uphill struggle blood sweat tear gain fear get heart pain head stress handful anger hold chest uphill struggle blood sweat tear gain fear heart pain heart pain try warning ignore tell loud clear nobodys listen clearly not want hear tell loud clear nobodys listen get heart pain head stress nobody listen handful anger hold chest nobodys listen uphill struggle blood sweat tear nobodys listen gain fear nobodys listen come _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nobodys listen artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | let apologize begin let apologize be try genuine hard get catch let apologize begin let apologize be try hard get catch pride promise lie truth get way thing want lose come thing s bad let apologize begin let apologize be try regain trust hard get catch pride promise lie truth get way thing want lose come thing s bad thing s bad explain plan fear afraid guilt language understand explain hope action speak word pride promise lie truth get way thing want lose come thing s bad pride promise lie truth get way thing want lose come thing s bad thing s bad thing s bad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artist linkin park album minute midnight
-1 | kingdom ransack jewel take chopper descend hide message halfbake tape spool go round say be place cry s smoke click go take turban say man jew cause work clampdown poster say earn work clampdown teach twist speech young believer train blueeyed man young believer judge say double be work clampdown man bear live soul work clampdown kick wall cause government fall refuse let fury hour anger power know use voice head call stop waste time s come fool think save man factory old cunning not owe boy run good year life want steal grow calm work clampdown start wear blue brown work clampdown get boss make feel big drift brutalize kill day evil presidente work clampdown lately fully pay work clampdown ha work clampdown ha work clampdown yeah be work hard harrisburg work hard petersburg work clampdown work clampdown beg melt work work work away secret work work work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clampdown artist clash album london call
-1 | lose lie tell not realize crusade disguise replace freedom fear trade money life be aware have sorrow have pay mistake time borrow time come replace pain need liar thief abuse power greed hope believe be beginning think have deceive pay have sorrow have pay mistake time borrow time come replace thief hypocrite thief hypocrite thief hypocrite sorrow have pay mistake time borrow time come replace sorrow have pay mistake time borrow time come replace time come replace time come erase _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sorrow artist linkin park album minute midnight
+1 | song submariner far shore disappear light boat go ocean wait storm day campaign crazy wind gray mist let sad sailor girlfriend sweep blue depths earthly affection starry night warm noise birch rowan hundred ton water edge ocean end storm deep mighty screw knock compartment faithful heart far shore disappear light boat go ocean wait storm day campaign crazy wind gray mist 1956
+1 | ah yes guy accord alliance different edge kostya high school friend kostya release happy want city leningrad trip east man immediately fall ill find heart defect dance lift pound leave dalstroy build nurse patient lotion put day unfortunate boy accord prospectus dummy evening spectacular wander gentleman quitter young master colorful stylish tie rubber guyboy fashion knock eyelash paint perm ah yes guyboy clock danish kok understand friend il lady boy road field bench present lot lad housewarming go east build school boy boy tomorrow lose boy komsomol light able build house build family know sure wait success boy fact lung look road real boy
+1 | suvorov old day thunder suvorov brave russian general go battle fee back dislike suvorov dispute soldier father suvorov keep say bayonet guy chorus bayonet miss simpleton colette way prick hit bullet aptly label enemy bullet erase mark country home suvorov spare labor effort go campaign talk accurse horde raziel win broad expanse win mountain live suvorov heart chorus beat enemy teach suvorov dubom known donor beat enemy beat mighty roar engine battle world know lead lead suvorov brave red general chorus bayonet miss simpleton colette way prick hit bullet aptly label enemy bullet erase metka1941
+1 | lyric guerrilla remember cherry glow swayed sun overheat garden say goodbye ill find dream long pass pause song battle mnitsya fuse cannon roar voice dear forever cherry rdyanymi sun heat look want find 1938
-1 | time people try look inside wonder think protect courtesy time have hold need push away afraid mind afraid need thing have say be think have upper hand mean have get to put have standoff stand be wait util upper hand minute watch drop make heart stop hit floor minute miss shot make heart stop think have win go people like trust lie concerned think feel inside people like walk eggshell day long know want feel like be step thing feel cross line go surely fall be count time cause have standoff stand be wait upper hand minute watch drop make heart stop hit floor minute miss shot make heart stop think have win go go go go go know ill trust single thing know lie divide lie lie get float go get fall minute watch drop make heart stop hit floor minute miss shot make heart stop think have win go go go go go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hit floor artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | clear space soundess mind have let play time receive retain lie recite gain rely faith kind continue pretend be blind life live hell let pay fall feel uneasy feel fine life reveal deal season circle come time have bless eye unwhole truth hide bite remind bitten big mouth repay tenfold wide be be stand claim unconditional love try bad blood past think chance chance strength forgive desire peace live have bless eye unwhole truth hide bite remind bitten big mouth repay tenfold wide feel uneasy feel fine life reveal deal season circle come time be be stand claim unconditional love be be stand claim unconditional love be be stand claim unconditional love _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be artist mad season album
-1 | aaah aaah aaah aaah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ artist mad season album
-1 | wake sweat day lay waste disgrace stick head feel like ill leave place s escape be bad enemy have give be sick feeling away be suffocate tell fuck wrong not know thought focus be scare be prepared hyperventilate look help care be bad enemy have give be sick feeling away be suffocate tell fuck wrong god misery misery fucking misery have give be sick feeling away be suffocate tell fuck wrong _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ give artist linkin park album minute midnight
+1 | song brave trail black cloud lightne sky scurry obdake fugitive dust trumpet sing gang fascist fight homeland bold call fortune favor brave bold bayonet 2 time rush plane move tank system song rifle company leave homeland fight song wing bird bold campaign fortune favor brave bold bayonet 2 time immortal glory cover battle name brave heroe joy victory give bold commit win bold road ahead fortune favor brave bold bayonet 2 time bold fight enemy life spare bold carry ensign bright leader stalin proud bold bold love people fortune favor brave bold shtyh 2 time 1 941
+1 | magellan live russia accord vyborg presnya walk night shift comrade future song unnamed world hero chorus magellan live russia time hurry forward name simple simple world know syllable gunner aurora face scorch fire think soon write novel chorus point saturday unknown inhabitant country leave work come moon chorus 2 time 1965
-1 | simple monkey alien baby amphetamine boy crucifix lady sample soulless worldwide real web sell living safe dead belong belong rock deader dead shock head sex dope feed fuck protest bed god tv rock la la la la la la rock la la la la la rock la la la la la la rock la la la la la thousand mother pray hope shit build new god medicate ape sell ersatz dress real fake belong belong rock deader dead shock head sex dope feed fuck protest bed god tv rock la la la la la la rock la la la la la rock la la la la la la rock la la la la la rock deader dead shock head sex dope feed fuck protest bed rock rock deader dead shock shock head sex dope feed fuck protest bed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rock dead artist marilyn manson album lest forget good
+1 | alma morena bring bring glow rumor stone silent soul guayacán arrímale coal fire arrímale arrímale fruit arrímale love racial fever alma morena ancestral cry bite grief drink tremor flesh ancient spring copper arrisco thirst america indioamérica latin america womans voice andean waist animal ladino female thy nakedness flower give well skin swollen bone spill stately salt pupil plethoric light flame willing answer injury forget know root tame fly measure wind mild breeze o blood rebalsa history write fit manual lead ache vein seal ruthless colonial climb foam enlarge tree grow sniff shadow thirsting glare look sap open outside like rose resolve memory feel human hide essence trepidar stupor primordial trace tireless flight animate aroma wind return life start logic staff judge return dream indian che guevara arrímale coal fire arrímale arrímale fruit arrímale love racial fever palmar de stars fruit rain leave footprint walk yesterday early root dripping morning tender new dawn america indioamérica latin america womans voice andean waist animal ladino female thy nakedness flower give well skin
-1 | break rock hot sun fight law law win fight law law win need money cause fight law law win fight law law win leave baby feel bad guess race run s good girl fight law law win fight law rob people sixgun fight law law win fight law law win lose girl lose fun fight law law win fight law law win leave baby feel bad guess race run s good girl fight law law win fight law fight law law win fight law law win _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fight law artist clash album hit
+1 | air sea captain wide open space air vast soviet territory obey merry motors day night flying ship delay mighty wing horizontal chain silence ice win shoal cliff captain ship fly chorus big country home country sea lie sea young people wing birth enemy spare unarmed wingless wing beat build castle air build air fleet country appreciate better country b love strong commander squadron fly captain air sea chorus red flag great soviet people fight enemy raise plane enemy dare brazen abroad threshold sky turn black enemy tucheyu terrible stalinist bird 1937
+1 | comintern plant rank close battle tread walk walk check sight charge gun proletarian fight cause proletarian fight cause fire leninism illuminate path storm capital world raise class face battle slogan world soviet union slogan world soviet union comrade prison dungeon cold column afraid white fascist terror country cover insurrection fire country cover insurrection fire comintern steel series banner soviet red flag red front squad combat deviate path deviate path 1933
+1 | rock granite rock rock granite rock cold edge earth love home steel wing grow be walk open darkness polar night love vastness sea glow winter ray be order people stand cold blizzard soviet water view let enemy rock granite rock cold edge earth love home begin wing grow
+1 | pilot field breeze voice singing song hero dawn give charter flight gray mist dorozhenka vodopianov chkalov remove collective farm fly bird wing steel character fly good luck dear fly america chkalov stalin pilot sleep dream lycidae plane asterisk sky fall wing plane touch hero valery chkalov fly canada blushed rowan berry bird peck chkalov eagle nice finished flight magnificently summer bloom swarm bee buzz time chkalov gromov fly look hero stakhanov plan be farm stalin mandate 1939
+1 | pen theme life castigate problem eternal handle day day notebook pen acquire pay good friend pocket pen lot dirty work slicker store remain sit ground run rank survive ground avoid scold necessary head pen know cooperative portfolio buy portfolio week buy joy warm pretty thing come home portfolio pen paradise wear hand call prodigy lip delight pylinochki blow life wind sweep paradise dropout home dust dirt daughter cit pint order drink bar walk home unstable gait habitually go house rest forehead handle mean reach handle bungler drunk need rid million strong hand order spring walk corner take cause steeper time hit hand owner dirty pen 1951
-1 | dream miss scared listen cause care dreaming wake fear leave be ask want know time come forget wrong have help leave reason miss not resent feel memory leave rest leave rest not afraid have take beating have shed be strong surface way have perfect ask want know time come forget wrong have help leave reason miss not resent feel memory leave rest leave rest forget hurt inside have learn hide pretend come save not time come forget wrong have help leave reason miss not resent feel memory leave rest leave rest forget hurt inside have learn hide pretend come save not not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ leave r artist linkin park album minute midnight
-1 | have wait long time piece mind run not hide inside not want confront know kind have runnin old lie keelin mine will matter time go to hafta confront cause game not believe loyalty come free respect give mistake enemy mistake enemy hard year realize not kill will not die cause have try strong survive be tellin time livin lie have cryin word gettin tired talk closed mind pass judgement cross line confront cause game not believe loyalty come free respect give mistake enemy mistake check think not know cause enemy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ enemy artist madball album nyhc
-1 | need remember breathe need stay away be disbelief not know need not stay forget memory forget possibility change not stay forget memory forget possibility faithlessness not stay feel like trust feel like scream be disbelief not know need not stay forget memory forget possibility change not stay forget memory forget possibility faithlessness not stay not need anymore not want ignore not need day waste away not need anymore not want ignore not need day waste away apology not stay forget memory forget possibility change not stay forget memory forget possibility faithlessness not stay not stay not stay _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not stay artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | wake young man time wake love affair get long year long year leave rake slow suicide way oh blue clouded grey crack dizzy weaken haze move onward infection phase yeah oh crack line give easy man read oh time let bleed little peace god plead beg little peace god plead ah yeah ah yeah ah yeah wake young man wake wake wake wake wake wake oh yeah wake young man time wake love affair get long year long year leave rake slow suicide way oh slow suicide way wake wake wake wake wake wake _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wake artist mad season album
+1 | homeland sing song ground lot country golden sunrise mountain white stand love cute edge song sing rush river fast sea roar palm rustle golden night world go man country like eagle wing ground lot country mile bear grow noise dense taiga expanse field quiet rustling curly birch homeland favorite best world crane cry white apple color love early age invite relative like happiness fold edge road house fate leave soul fatherland sad dream dream edge road heart russian song sound river fleeting rolling ring forever eternal heart dear childhood voluntary edge soviet native land 1957
-1 | turn mic louder get something lightweight step aside comin feel chest syllable pumpin people street panic start runnin word loose leaf sheet complete comin jump mind summon rhyme be dumpin healin blind promise let sun sick dark way march drummin jump tell wanna jumpin fuck wanna fist pumpin risk something s something know attack cause be sick treat like like stupid standin be standin like war different brand war like not cater rich abandon poor like understand jet not gas tank fucker laughin way bank cashin cheque askin compassion respect leader nervous obvious way stutterin mumblin nightly news replay rest world watchin end day living room laughin like amen amen amen amen amen livin room watchin laughin cause get tense know happen world cold bold man action react blow fraction year old something kid age drug jeep take bind find later tree wonder think soldier today brush dust bulletproof vest away ironic time like would pray bomb blow mosque yesterday s bomb bus bike road inside market shop clothe dad s get lot fear know pride inside let brother book hold pride little red cover break spine handwrote quote inside rich wage war poor die leader talk away stutterin mumblin nightly news replay rest world watch end day scared angry like amen amen amen amen amen hand hold high sky blue amen ocean open swallow amen hand hold high sky blue amen ocean open swallow amen hand hold high sky blue amen ocean open swallow amen hand hold high sky blue amen ocean open swallow amen hand hold high sky blue amen ocean open swallow amen hand hold high sky blue amen ocean open swallow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hand hold high artist linkin park album minute midnight
-1 | little bit loneliness little bit disregard handful complaint not help fact scar want want want feel like matter not convince believe real let watch turn like face away pretend be ill cause get not feel way not turn will not ignore time will not heal damage anymore not turn will not ignore little bit insecure little unconfident not understand not sense want have doubt like matter not convince hear let watch turn like face away pretend be ill get not feel way not turn will not ignore time will not heal damage anymore not turn will not ignore hear go to listen like right hear go to listen like right not feel way not turn will not ignore not feel way not turn will not ignore time will not heal damage anymore not turn will not ignore not feel not turn will not ignore time will not heal not turn will not ignore _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ faint artist linkin park album meteora
-1 | have lie way smile ill fake sake fall apart people frown eventually break sacrifice hiding lie end will soon find time leave watch unwind sacrifice know walk away play way test push away walk away play way test push away have try like want time ill blame sake fall apart people frown eventually break sacrifice hiding lie end will soon find time leave watch unwind sacrifice know walk away play way test push away walk away play way test push away time find unwind sacrifice hide lie time find unwind sacrifice know walk away play way test push away walk away play way test push away push away _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ push away artist linkin park album hybrid theory
+1 | song peace friendship sun outshine black cloud bomb world combat mighty people country remember fire war chain tie freedom banner away people combat young peace song sing chorus unbroken rank courage defend defend peace youth lead ordinary people fight happy laughter child let come let come day win spring world war strong sun fade brotherhood strength banner friendship labor son forever clear wide road feel free walk foot combat young peace song sing pripev1950
-1 | say s leave anymore ask babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex not forget violence blah blah blah get loveydovey sadandlonely stick stupid slogan everybody sing babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex not forget violence blah blah blah get loveydovey sadandlonely stick stupid slogan everybody sing motherfucker ready new shit stand admit tomorrow come new shit stand admit want yeah new shit stand admit babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex not forget violence blah blah blah get loveydovey sadandlonely stick stupid slogan everybody sing say s leave ask motherfucker ready new shit stand admit tomorrow come new shit stand admit want yeah new shit stand admit know get know stick know know not care know get know stick know know not care know get know stick know know not care know get know stick know know not care babble babble bitch bitch rebel rebel party party sex sex sex not forget violence blah blah blah get loveydovey sadandlonely stick stupid slogan everybody sing motherfucker ready new shit stand admit tomorrow come new shit stand admit want yeah new shit stand admit let entertain let entertain let entertain let entertain let entertain blah blah blah blah everybody sing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ new shit artist marilyn manson album golden age grotesque
+1 | lyrical song blue green stream zazherchala singe water life flow povesennim law love escape leave love let window nightingale sing love booze sadness nice sadness booze lyubvi1941
-1 | graffiti decoration sky dust constant wave tension break trust lesson teach learn true find question point finger guilty association point finger wanna run away goodbye wanna know truth instead wonder wanna know answer lie wanna shut door open mind paper bag angry voice sky dust wave tension fill talk take action word true find question point finger guilty association point finger wanna run away goodbye wanna know truth instead wonder wanna know answer lie wanna shut door open mind be go to run away goodbye go to run away go to run away go to run away go to run away be go to run away wonder go to run away go to run away go to run away go to run away be go to run away open mind go to run away go to run away mind go to run away go to run away mind go to run away go to run away mind go to run away go to run away wanna run away goodbye wanna know truth instead wonder wanna know answer lie wanna shut door open mind wanna run away open mind wanna run away open mind wanna run away open mind wanna run away open mind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ runaway artist linkin park album hybrid theory
-1 | not fake set bitter eye fact remain read lie get beat game trip soon sin regret pain begin knife get deep will not fight know price will pay price life suffering pain like past walk walk path bitter eye fact remain read lie get beat game trip soon sin regret pain begin knife get deep will not fight know price will pay price life suffering pain like past walk walk path path fucking set _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ set artist madball album set
+1 | friendship waltz light sun azure blue flock white dove fly head play waltz circle young girlfriend reap strong young hand scrapie friendship chorus lively funny sing friend song like dove fly region ready young heart earth friend faithful world end able save away bright sun world live win blue sky chorus happiness friendship day strong loud laughter bright light wide circle friend reign let friendship people different country race friend stand peace world chorus 2p 1951
-1 | not wanna soldier mama not wanna die not wanna sailor mama not wanna fly not wanna failure mama not wanna cry not wanna soldier mama not wanna die oh oh oh oh oh not wanna rich man mama not wanna cry not wanna poor man mama not wanna fly not wanna lawyer mama not wanna lie not wanna soldier mama don wanna die oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh not wanna beggar mama not wanna die not wanna thief mama not wanna fly not wanna church man mama not wanna cry not wanna soldier mama not wanna die oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not wanna soldier artist mad season album
+1 | free space let wave beat furiously vzmetaya sea astern sailing follow path blue sky sun hover bird seagull send hi fun friend know joy victory chorus sky blue strong hand young enthusiasm seagull fast expanse radiant free space let wind napoet sea drunk spray stotsvetnymi hlestnot salty wave true way sharpsighted eye strong sail flight hour fail pripev1960
+1 | moscow song outside window car run tree road half hour leave shelf shelf hear excited voice chorus moscow moscow vintage boulevard moscow moscow young old city new swift live native chief soviet moscow engineer mmk miner kuzbass farmer kuban old steelworker tenor melodious powerful bass repeat heartfelt word chorus bag briefcase carry gift plan report figure dream flinched car emerge arch city stately russian beauty pripev1947
+1 | cuba на кубу испанский sing cuba sing song son son revolutionary toe toe hand hand heart heart heart heart toe toe hand hand speak brother want offer continue example companiero commander live revolution want know marti fidel cuba cuba cuba ire want know way che cuba cuba cuba ire quier drink rum coca cola cuba cuba cuba ire want work sugar cane cuba cuba cuba ire small boat 1972
+1 | song past campaign song past campaign meet good deed banner raise song youth friend steamingway road singe heart trouble today heart burn fire fight halt fight trip lead victory year banner raise song youth friend shone today life banner banner raise song youth friend dream come true reality young today heart fire fighting blaze 1935
-1 | begin would lose nothingness inside confused let find be person thing mind inside vacancy word reveal real thing have get leave feel lose stick hollow fault fault want heal want feel think real want let pain have hold long erase pain till go want heal want feel like be close real want find have want belong have get not believe not fall right face confuse look find way imagine mind negativity cause not justify way look lose gain hollow fault fault want heal want feel think real want let pain have hold long erase pain till go want heal want feel like be close real want find have want belong know feel wound heal till break away break away ill find today want heal want feel think real want let pain have hold long erase pain till go want heal want feel like be close real want find have want belong want heal want feel like be belong want heal want feel like be belong belong _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ belong artist linkin park album meteora
+1 | ballad pugachev far far away steppe volga leave wide steppe raging live past century russia press yoke past century live cossack burlacu touch village accord fire city wild willy pass emelyan pugachev pick cudgel king nobility whistle hoot worldly people ocean remember hundred year wild willy pass emelyan pugachev
+1 | handful russian land bloody dawn early like wound bullet chest drive boy germany give relative look dump misty meadow ravine escort boy bent clearing take handful russian zemli2p haze fire ruin pass honest brave handful earth bloody output shooting color late outbreak native threshold away turn gray curl scout handful russian zemli2p 1960