Испанский - Popular / Объединённый народ Unit The people united will never be defeated, The people united will never be defeated... Standing, singing we will succeed. advance and unit flags. And thou shalt marching beside me and so you will see your song and your flag blossom, In light of a red dawn already announced the life to come. Standing, Fighting the people will triumph. It will be better life to come to conquer our happiness and a clamor thousand fighting voices will rise they say song of freedom decisively the fatherland will win. And now the people which rises in the fight with a giant voice crying out: Forward! The people united will never be defeated, The people united will never be defeated... The country is forging unity From north to south will be mobilized from the salar burning and mineral to the southern forests united in struggle and work Iran Homeland cover, passing and announces the future. Standing, singing the people will triumph million and, imposing the truth, steel are burning battalion his hands are bringing justice and reason woman with fire and courage you are here already next to the worker. Вариант перевода: Звучит наш гимн: народ непобедим! Его ряды бесстрашны и тверды! Сплошной стеной идут знамена в бой. а завтра ты увидишь их зарницы Над всей страной багряною зарей Грядущий гимн восходит над землей Единство народа в сраженьях не разбито Мы снова готовы к своей последней битве The people united will never be defeated, The people united will never be defeated, Наш клич лети: победа впереди! товарищ верь, другого нет пути И ты идешь со мной в одном строю, И ты поешь, и красные полотнища горят, Как утра алая заря, Они зовут и в завтра нас ведут. Единство народа в сраженьях не разбито Мы снова готовы к своей последней битве The people united will never be defeated, The people united will never be defeated 1973