It is the working class Yet everywhere on earth Early morning calm, And we walk slowly Dear factory. We begin this way In the same hour. Go home land, It is the working class! Chorus: Hands of the workers, You give the movement of the planets! Hands of the workers, We have about you sing that song! Hands of the workers, Create all the wealth in the world, native land Inspiring work! We honor the working store And it is always true. Not once checked in affairs Labor dynasty. Heart reliable as steel, We tested more than once. Earth go home, It is the working class! Chorus. We are proud of always, that you live In the circle of a large family, That somewhere nearby kept the way Companions thy That the sun each day Dates back for us! Earth go home, It is the working class! Chorus: Hands of the workers, You give the movement of the planets! Hands of the workers, We have about you sing that song! Hands of the workers, Create all the wealth in the world, native land Inspiring work! 1961