Kundschafterlied - Немецкий KUNDSCHAFTERLIED (Your service is the elucidation)     Composition: unknown (from the Soviet Union)     Text: unknown (German paraphrase Markus Wolf)     Your ministry is to educate,     Names remain secret     Inconspicuous benefits,     Always in view of the enemy     The conversation with comrades     too rarely at home,     For wearing the Order     often does not leave time.     be vigilant - be vigilant all the time!     And the heart without rest '- Be vigilant!     Be vigilant - even in peaceful times! - never spared.     Chekists, protector of the peace of the people,     Soldiers of the invisible front.     Even in laughter and merriment     the longing remains very large     According to the loved ones at home '-     perhaps a boy.     Too often was the farewell     All too soon, almost without speaking.     Now you humming while dreaming     The songs often sung earlier.     Each of these soldiers     Fighting on the front section alone     And yet each one learns     to detect power of many     On the pages in the book of fame     Will be the name,     All of the brave that we do not,     Not today call.     Эти люди военные     Каждый славы достоин     Имена их до времени     Строго в тайне хранят     Доказали не раз они     Что один в поле воин     Доказали не раз они     Нет для смелых преград!     Каждый миг на чеку!     Каждый шаг на чеку!     Даже в мирные дни     Вечный бой.     Чекисты - незримого фронта солдаты,     Готовы на подвиг любой.