Oh you, rye In a field on the outskirts, Where are you going, And noise and slopes A road rye. Black eyes saw - Through the field, wade, There to meet afar The boy goes. Chorus: Oh you, rye, Sing well! You are what you sing, Gold rye? Happiness will meet, Will not pass! Oh you, rye! From the sky pours music - Wind rings. On a narrow path they met. Outdo each other right? Spikelets pomnesh! And eyes like coals, What is it - you do not understand. One can see the happiness equally Could be divided - Both are in the same direction, Arms around each other, let's go. Rye rustles, swings, Can not see a trace ... That's how it happens In life, sometimes! 1961 Russian Soviet songs (1917-1977). Comp. N. Kryukov and I. Shvedov. M., "artist. lit. "1977 1950