Alma Morena Bring it brings the glow As a rumor No stone was to be silent Soul guayacán Arrímale! The coal fire arrímale Arrímale! Fruit to the arrímale love racial fever Alma morena ancestral cry He bit my grief And I go out drinking By the tremors of your flesh By ancient springs Of the copper arrisco your thirst. America! Indioamérica! Latin America! Woman's voice Andean waist serious Animal Ladino female thy nakedness Flower gives me better your skin. Swollen to the bone spills Stately salt your pupils Plethoric light up the flame Willing to answer for injuries They forgot those who know The root tames not flying As you can measure wind Mild breeze O blood rebalsa No more history That is not written Which does not fit in the manuals Which leads to aching veins Seals ruthless colonial Climbing up Foam is enlarged Tree growing Sniffing in his shadow Thirsting for glare Look for the sap Open to the outside like a rose Resolved memory feel human A hidden essences trepidar A stupor of primordial traces A tireless flight that animates Aroma back Wind And everything returns Because life is to start again If logic is the staff that judges us You return your dream Indian Che Guevara. Arrímale! The coal fire arrímale Arrímale! Fruit to the arrímale love racial fever Palmar de stars fruit rain He left his footprints Walk again yesterday For your earliest roots Where dripping morning And tender of a new dawn America! Indioamérica! Latin America! Woman's voice Andean waist serious Animal Ladino female thy nakedness Flower gives me better your skin.