Song of Pavlik Morozov Taiga lay in the gray mist From a large tract in the side. For the guys was a good example At the village Pasha pioneer. It was with the enemy in the fight against Pavel Morozov And other learned to deal with it. Before addressing the whole village, His father showed up! Outside the village bloomed thick grass, Spikes in grain stubble fields. His father brutally cracked Pavlik threatened relatives. And one day in the summer quiet evening, The quiet time when the sheet is not falter, Of the taiga with a minor little brother Pasha did not return a Communist. Gray clouds gathering night, Expenses rain shower straight. Pioneer, one of the best, I did not return home that night ... Dawn raised the banner of lightning. From a large tract of the Morozov was killed with his fists, He was stabbed to death in the forest pioneer. And hatred of the murderers morning Losing fighters in its ranks, About the case of the deceased hero Do not forget the kids ever! 1934