Invincible and Legendary Noise over the land like banners Twenty-seven years of heroic. An echo of the glorious battles remote, All your way into our songs sung. Chorus: Invincible and Legendary, In the battle to know the joy of victories - You favorite native army We send our homeland song - Hi. You born under the banner of scarlet In the eighteenth terrible year. All the enemies you always lamented, You win a horde of Nazis. Chorus. Leningrad we defended in battle, Defended native Stalingrad. We are leading the offensive, Stalin, Our tanks are attacking the fascists! Chorus. our strength will win - you know, The genius of Stalin in the fight leads us. Our army in the battles immortal As the immortal Soviet people. Chorus: Invincible and Legendary, In the battle to know the joy of victories - You favorite native army We send our homeland song - Hi. 1943