Krasnoflotsky march Around the Soviet land oceans formed And salty seas string. And it is worth hour - Red Fleet Battle And it keeps blue border. Chorus: On land, at sea With enemies by fighting in the battle, always sailors ready to fight For the honor and for his glory! He led us on watch Battle Komsomol We study and work calls, To proudly could raise ships Soviet navy red pennant! Chorus. Among the heat and blizzards We and the north and south Protecting the watchful gaze. Through battery fire The doors of our seas No passage of hostile battleships! Chorus. See deeper, we see into the distance, Our will - as steel, Yes, and our hands are not weakened. a drop of blood shed, But the sea his We will not give the enemy a drop. Chorus: On land, at sea With enemies by fighting in the battle, always sailors ready to fight For the honor and for his glory! 1937