La Cucaracha - Tarakan This song has a lot of options, but this seems to be the most identical Spanish text: La cucaracha, la cucaracha Ya no puede caminar, Porque no tiene, porque le falta Marihuana que fumar. Ya se van los Carrancistas, Ya se van para Perote, Y no pueden caminar, Por causa de sus bigotes. Con las barbas de Carranza Voy a hacer una toquilla, Para ponersela al sombrero Del seƱor Francesco Villa. Russian text: Tarakanchik, Tarakanchik Can not go Because he does not have, because not enough Marihuana smoke. Karransisty retreated, Retreated in Perote, And can no longer walk, Entangled in his mustache. A beard Carranza I will bandage, To tie it on a sombrero Senor Francesco Vilya.1912