Next, meet the dawn Next, meet the dawn, Comrades in the struggle! Bayonets and grapeshot Pave the way myself. Boldly forward, and firmer step, And above the junior flag! We - the young guard Workers and peasants. After all, they experienced themselves We bonded labor, We did not know the youth The snares of slave shackles. On the souls of the chain, we were - The heritage of the impenetrable darkness. We - the young guard Workers and peasants. And, sweating, The mountain became his, We were doing the work Wealth for others. But this work in the end Of us also forged the fighters, We - the young guard Workers and peasants. We raise the flag! Comrades, here! Go build us Labor of the Republic! That work was the ruler of the world And all in one family soldered - In the battle, the young guard The workers and peasants!