Parting from the first class Chorus: First grade, For the first time A year ago, you received us. We moved into the second And say goodbye to you. We say goodbye and we dance We do not cry, and sing The fact that the first was this, It is our second. Chalk, blackboard, pictures, maps Together with us will go. Just above will desks. With us grow. Chorus: We loved each other, For girlfriends standing mountain, And with me is my friend Into the second. A teacher what? Unless we give up with you? No, the teacher, too Into the second. Chorus: In school, we are now at home We'll be back in Sweet Home We go through the familiar Together with the first sentyabrom And, by the way of fun, We walk, getting up in the system, Together with the class, and the school. And with all the home country. Chorus: 1948