Pioneer tale (Artek) Will be remembered for a long time, can hardly be forgotten, What a fairy tale of the Pioneer we visited as a child. What happens is in our twentieth century. In fairy tales there is a name - "Artek" Chorus: Ringing in the ears of the surf: "Artek", "Artek"! Do not just dream about you and I "Artek", "Artek"! Bugler blows early in the day, "Artek", "Artek" With you befriended me "Artek"! By sea breeze drives flocks of sheep white Happy ringing laughter filled the Crimean coast. And after a swift cloud, like sails, Sailing over the sea of ​​our voices. Chorus. The troops on the line are under a red flag, And the sun in the blue sky above the burning Ayu-Dag. In fairy tales pioneering such a radiant look - And for her to come to visit every pleased! Chorus. 1985