Poor cooking pot I have a true bowler Without him, I would be alone. You want - tea brewed in it, You want - soup, porridge is cooked - I was at the front of the best friend it! Came to the food delicious, I do not need a skilled cook with him. Kohl does not taste like soup or gulls, That is not to blame for the cook. And the reason is different - Poor cooking pot! (2 times). I do not wonder about the kettle began to sing, I boil a kettle in Europe. From boiling cap dances, Brewed there Hitler porridge, Only rashlebat he failed! Fritz wanted to be a gentleman, European ruler, But Fritz did not come out numbered! The Lord, he is no good, After all, for that Fritz Poor cooking pot! (2 times) Antonescu - that does not drink, do not eat, On winning we must put an end! Here's how things went, Time already bombed Sofia So, tomorrow Bucharest fucked! But where better skedaddle - East or west? Throughout waiting boiling hot! Antonescu not think And besides, there is nothing to think: Poor cooking pot! (2 times) And on the front of panic went: Everywhere the Germans approached death. Fritz smell Setting After Stalingrad cauldron. And now at Leningrad We want these bastards From the boiler started up their heels But as soon as want, We did not have time to look back And caught in the pot! (2 times) Hitler himself is afraid of the pot, The death gnaws his anguish: Fritz can simply be washed off, But to escape Hitler - Will not find in the world a corner! Heart beating, shaking his nose, Soon Hitler have Singing "Last noneshnie denok". Our task here is clear: Their dog - a dog's death And cut off the pot! (2 times) 1 944