Song 1st Armored Division of the Red Banner We are the steel barrier stand - The most faithful of all the obstacles, Not letting the fascist bastards In our city of Lenin in Leningrad! Let proudly and inflexibly Glory pours (?) Is on the Neva, Glory first Krasnoznamennaya Yes, our tank battle! Chorus: And in the fierce hour when we are not easy, We vow firmly relentlessly: We swear! We will be such as Fedor Dudko, Such as was Kolobanov! Battle wonder banner Our homeland has given us. Oh, that's why, my friends, for us, Yes, our valorous deeds! And fled the enemy, recoiling from us, Persecuted "tigers" we are far away, And with us was Kolobanov, And there was Borisov, but our Dudko! Chorus: So that the air was clean again over the homeland, Raise, comrades, together - Together! - High, proud name - tanker - As the banner of courage and honor! Oh, and the Germans will skedaddle, Let there be no turning back! ..................... But they will not escape alive! Let proudly and inflexibly Glory is worn over the Neva, Glory first Krasnoznamennaya Yes, our tank battle! Chorus: And in the fierce hour when we are not easy, We vow firmly relentlessly: We swear! We will be such as Fedor Dudko, Such as was Kolobanov! 1941