Song about Papanin Due to the pole in the fog, In the silence of the polar darkness Swim in the ocean White ice canoes. Hey, you floe centuries You came in the new century, And the top of the world I took the Soviet people. That did not turn black ghosts in the snow, The four brave men lived on the ice. They are not afraid of no compression and no blizzard - Brought their Soviet country. Storm sky mist conceals the whole day, Imposing on our floe evil shadow. Eugene Fedorov clouds sneeze, Every day, the coordinates reported. The edge of the stern became native to Krenkel, He flew to the North Pole, as home. Heard cheerful voices in the air, Ernst makes miracles on an ice floe. Peter Petrovich went to survey the ice, Grass under the ice he found many. Ernst news on the radio brought, What Shirshov ice finished mowing. Weep bitterly all the bears-Bastaki, And fangs hung with tears walruses, Seeing icebreaker steel board, Asking: "Mitrich, take us all home." To Moscow… All anxiety gripped the country: Floe storm shattered into pieces. The entire quartet death of a terrible storm, A Papanin "okay" - says. How large and how easy their case, We gave these heroes homeland. Soon the news will take place on our entire country, What Papanin drift on the moon. As one, the entire Homeland meets Expensive and best of the sons Scarlet flag on an ice floe glorifies Wisdom, strength, power of the Bolsheviks. And you, the leader, the creator and friend Our songs, pride and praise, Stalin's name sounds everywhere, Illuminating the path to peace in the century. Wide is my motherland, Many in her fields, forests and rivers. I have no other country I know, Which employs loosely chelovek.1938