Song about a five-year plan This figure is not a simple, She has a large scale - Homeland map changes Five-year solid step. How excellent Stamp Those who are in school learning are strong, / So the five-five-year plan - The diary native strany.-2p. / Temper of the Komsomol, People, strong as steel, From the Amur to Lake Baikal Drew highway. Where geologists were in exploration - Lights lit buildings. / Five-Year Plan, Five Year Plan - The peaceful labor of their native country! 2p. / We are ready for new starts Interplanetary spacecraft, Conquer atom formidable For the happiness of the world. The five rays shine the stars on the towers, The clock strikes at kremlovsoy wall - And brighter than the day yesterday, A new day home country! Five-Year Plan Five Year Plan - A new day of his native country! 1976