Song of the metro We believed we knew, That digging a trench, We are yours, Comrade Stalin, We carry out the plan. shovels gnawed We are a firm of land formation, Lights us smiling And rainbow bloomed. We argued with the nature, We believe in success, And in the roar of the winches I ran invigorating laughter. Was water up to the neck, He grabbed nine years And I dreamed of a new city, As the Victory Monument. In the tunnels of our will Shouted detachment / pavement in the darkness. We are building under the ground, We are building on the ground. Describe for centuries, And not one feather And then tell the children, As fighting for the subway. He worked as a hammer, He shook the underworld, He sang a song in Kazakh Mason, foreman. We Stalin reveals Happy our destiny. It should be cold marble Our great deeds. There, the sun smiles Concrete, brick, And Lazar Kaganovich We clapped on the shoulder Slashing layers of Kirk, Shouting "fire!" abrek (?) We are building under the ground, To believe on the ground. 1936