Song taxi driver All day long I'm sitting behind the wheel - Look how fly my "victory"! Passengers I drive a city, Sometimes no minutes for lunch. Chorus: But it does not matter, because I have a cheerful disposition - Boring people do not give a driver's right! But still it happens in our business so - Suddenly, passengers will blow away like the wind. All day sitting in the car, as the eccentric, And on the odometer or kilometers. Chorus. And sometimes in the car sit a husband and wife, And begin to quarrel among themselves! What happens to me without companions - It is not know whether or not to marry? Chorus. Kohl with a concert at the Concert Artist in a hurry, The driver will not be happy with the visitor - Here it is definitely a police whistle And an explanation of sad in guns. Chorus. Only in bulk passenger have another - He hurries to the theater, to the country and the service. Even if we sometimes will adjust, With him still maintain a friendship. Chorus: All because I have a cheerful disposition - Boring people do not give a driver's right!