The song is about friendship / + Entry of the chorus: Happily, year after year, In our country fun. Bright sun - shine, Heart hot - love, Songs to sing and bloom - spring /! Friends, let's hand - Cheerful song sounds Call us forward, Call us forward! Friends, to keep pace - wide road It gives us life, It gives us life! We are strong spikes close, We are strong friendship honest! If the heart - longing, If the burden - not easy, Here, comrade, my hand! Chorus: All of us - friends and brothers, Everyone from birth are given - Golden sun, The heart of a young, Song glow of spring! Happily, year after year, In our country fun. Bright sun - shine, Heart hot - love, Songs to sing and bloom - spring! In the steppe rumbling thunderstorms, In the taiga frost cracking, Fear us - does not take, Fear us - not take! Storm in the face laugh And bear in the snow, (All) back forward (All) forward again! We stand behind each other, So that we - (groans) blizzard! We fly - high, We dive - deep, We, the fearless, making friends easily! Chorus. / Orchestral losing streak with inserts: ... Golden sun ... ... Happily, year after year, In our country fun. Bright sun - shine, Heart hot - love, Songs to sing and bloom - spring /! We go through life side by side, Laughing, facing obstacles, ... We all know the way, And yet - for one we And everyone - for everyone, And everyone - for everyone! But someone - all the sweeter, But someone - all the warmer! Someone dreams - again and again, Someone's opinion - stirs the blood, So out of friendship - love grows! Pripev.1940