The song is about our ballistic missile We keep on arms Ballistic Express. This - our achievements, Our technical progress! And well-deserved fame It swept like a wave, And we are rightly proud of All that Homeland is strong! Chorus: Achieving now! And missiles, in fact, suitable! Oh, and the best-selling, oh, and complicated! Well, in general, reliable protector! Oh, raketochka-rocket Ballistic round, Circling the entire planet, You fly at random! There is a great force - How to not understand? After all, anywhere in the world Can we send you! Chorus: Achieving now! And missiles, in fact, suitable! Oh, and the best-selling, oh, and complicated! Well, in general, reliable protector! Our homeland husband Our homeland is growing, And scientists respects The entire Soviet our people. We know - each task Will we have solved, And in the work of luck They wished the whole country! Chorus: Let our technology is famous for! As anyone, but we like our rocket! Oh, and the best-selling, oh, and complicated! Well, in general, reliable protector! 1959