Until it's not too late While the planet is still alive, While dreaming of sun vosny, To life to reclaim their rights, It is too late, it is too late. Earth, like the heart, we have in the chest ... Here, our skies and our nests ... Still not too late to save her, It's too late, it's too late. Chorus: Nearby, next to - Joy and trouble. Need, Need Hard to answer: Sunny world - Yes! Yes! Yes! Nuclear explosion - Not! Not! Not! All atom meaner and scarier still, Nearer horror tears threatening. Some more days and nights - And it's too late, and it's too late ... Planet shout: "Cover me From this cloud from the deadly, Ukroy by formidable waves of fire, It is too late, it is too late! " Chorus. Surely tomorrow will freeze the sea, Silent birds zastynut pine, He will not be able to climb dawn And he asks the sky: "Really late?" So poklyanomsya we Save the And the sky in hopes of star, Save the planet - our good house, It is too late, it is too late! Chorus. 1983