Victory Win, win! Only the brave with you along the way Win, win! Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren you shall sanctify (2 times) Removing guns violent thunder Days and nights of hard work And remember, we can not do anything From myself to not get to anywhere From myself to not get to anywhere Chorus: Win, win! Only strong with you along the way Win, win! Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren you shall sanctify It was a soldier in impenetrable smokes All roads and jetties Silently followed him eyes favorite And love does not invent stronger And love does not invent stronger Chorus: Win, win! Only the faithful with you along the way Win, win! Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren you shall sanctify And let them, in the people of the dawn ugasnit Catching cloudy shadow Today we sing and rejoice And do not be ashamed to cry on this day And do not be ashamed to cry on this day Chorus: Win, win! Our homeland with you along the way! Win, win! Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren you shall sanctify Chorus.