Weltjugendlied - German, English and Russian Children of different nations, We dream about the world we live. In those terrible years We're going to fight for happiness. In different lands and countries, On the seas, oceans Everyone who is young, Give us a hand, In our ranks, friends! Chorus: She sings a song of friendship youth Youth, youth. This song does not stifle, not kill! Do not kill! Do not kill! We, the young, The second song of the The entire ball of the Earth! This song does not stifle, not kill! Do not kill! Do not kill! Remember the roar of metal And friends martial names. Righteous blood scarlet Our friendship is forever cemented. All who are honest soul, We call for him. Happiness of the people, brighter tomorrow In our hands, friends! Chorus. young hearts We repeat the words of the oath. We raise the banner For our sacred rights Once again the dark forces Dig the grave world - Anyone who is honest, Stand with us together Fire against the war! Chorus: She sings a song of friendship youth Youth, youth. This song does not stifle, not kill! Do not kill! Do not kill! We, the young, The second song of the The entire ball of the Earth! This song does not stifle, not kill! Do not kill! Do not kill!