Youth Many girls have in the team, But only one will fall in love. You can be a member of the Komsomol zealous And in the spring of sighing at the moon. Chorus: How come the moon and sigh all spring? Why do you explain to me? Because we have a young right now Our young beautiful country! By spring native firmament Even the old Maples bloom. It can be a very important scientist And playing with pioneer rounders! Chorus: How did so, and rounders, old maple tree - and in color? Why do you explain to me? Because we have a young right now Our young beautiful country! On the lawn of Central Park The modest garden of flowers mignonette. You can tie to wear very bright And to be a hero in the mine labor. Chorus: How come mignonette and hero of labor? Why do you explain to me? Because we have a young right now In our country young beautiful! 1936