remember people On the ground, the long-suffering Belarus Our scout in hand vorogov caught. He was captured when a narrow footpath In the guerrilla zones waded. There was a dark-skinned, dark-eyed, black-browed, He walked away from Georgia in a harsh campaign. "You're a spy, recognized in the last hour!" He answered. "I am from the village adjoining" The village, the snow orphaned Led his noisy crowd. "If you're lying - you can not escape the shooting, If it is true then let go, to hell with you. No way, the lieutenant was you before, And now hiding in peasant clothes! " He replied: "There's a second hut on the edge, My sister lives there own. " Heavy him farewell road The guards already comes from anger. Woman looks perplexed at the door: A stranger to it are dashing away. "Do you, who is this black-eyed to know?" What to say, since not seen even once? He pushed the foreign soldier: "You do not touch my brother!" And suddenly he clung to his cheek barbed From suffering and death overshadowed. Polesie people remember this event, The hard times at 41 m it was. Nothing about them I do not know more But brothers and sisters have combined a song. Maybe in Georgia that song he hears And the letter she writes to Belarus.