Cherished stone Cold wave uplifts avalanche Wide Black Sea. Last Sevastopol sailor left, He goes with the waves of the dispute. And the terrible, salty, raging shaft About the boat wave after wave broke. In the misty distance Do not see the ground, Gone far ships. Friends sailors picked up the hero. Seething wave storm. He clutched a stone bruised hand And he said quietly, dying: "When I left the dear rock, With him a piece of granite has claimed ... And there, to the distance From the Crimean land On it, we could not forget. Who will take the stone, he let them swear What a privilege it will be to wear. He was the first to come back to your favorite bay And his oath will not forget! He coveted the stone and night and day Sailor's heart burns with fire. May the Holy stores My rock, granite, He washed in the blood of Russian. " Through the storm and the storm passed the stone, And he began to place decent. Familiar gull flapped its wings, My heart beat calmly. He ascended the cliff Black Sea sailor Who brought glory to the Motherland new, And give peace going ships Under the sun of my homeland zemli.1947